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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. that's fair. but really, if you're going to make videos you actually want people to watch, dedicate yourself a bit more. there's probably a free editing app he can put right on his phone, and i know there's free software for computers. all it costs is a little time to learn.
  2. my guess is single shot for the duration, maybe with a couple edits to snip out some blunders or whatnot. a quick intro text overlay and maybe some kind of end screen stuff. i'll have to check it out later to see what we're dealing with here. the boy needs some production value.
  3. bro. 20 minutes? i ain't got that kinda time. i'm giving you a sub though. get back to work man.
  4. dat wifi ping speed! anyways, i'm in the process of building a low/mid gaming pc. been putting off a new rig for a very long time, and i haven't personally built a pc since the 90's. oof. it's also gonna replace my video editing pc, which will be a very nice upgrade from the old intel i5 2320 with 8gb ram and onboard graphics (hey, it was free to me and i'm not picky). needless to say, premiere pro does not function very well at all on that pc. so here's my thoughts: ryzen 2700x cpu (yeah, previous gen. i already own a loose one so i'm sticking with it for now) radeon rx570 8gb gpu corsair lpx 32gb ram (probably overkill for this build but meh) evga 700w gold psu (again, probably overkill for this build) msi b450 mobo 1tb ssd (and i have a couple tb of hdd to toss in there if need be) i should be able to build this out for around $800...maybe less if i hit a couple good black friday deals. mobo supports 3rd gen ryzen so i can always upgrade the cpu later, and i can swap out a better gpu later if the need arises. but i'm so used to just getting by that i think this build will be plenty for the time being. does this look solid to you folks, or am i overlooking something obvious?
  5. i'm not watching the video because that guy is a fucking nut. what's his angle, the "general audience" clause or something?
  6. what, no "ok boomer"?? lame.
  7. @Lytbryt on his first visit to pornhub:
  8. i'm not gonna spell it out for you.
  9. bless your pea-pickin' heart.
  10. all these people getting laid on valentine's day. lovely.
  11. it actually presents like a butter / butterscotch off-flavor in beer. it can diminish over time as a beer ages and continues consuming different compounds, but it's not a guarantee. that beer is probably gonna end up getting dumped if it doesn't shape up in the next month. ~~~ we brewed our chocolate cherry porter over the weekend. we missed our intended gravity out of the mash by ~a lot~ for whatever reason (no idea why, perhaps the grains weren't properly malted or something) so we won't get all the way up to 8% ABV, but i boiled it an extra 30 minutes to give it some help. if fermentation completes as intended, it should come out to around 6.5% ABV which is still good enough for a first attempt. we will add the cocoa nibs and cherries on probably wednesday, and let it ferment an additional week before bottling. i'm still hopeful we're gonna end up with a real good beer on this one.
  12. ahh, so i did find the right account then. the way he was talking, it sounded like he was losing ad revenue or something. but he needs juuuust a few more subs before he has to start worrying about that.
  13. @ghostrek what's your channel? i'll toss a sub on there. i'm sure your content isn't going to get slapped with a COPPA flag. and if you're not monetized, does it even really matter?
  14. i can't decide how i should go into this employee review. should i 1) sit there and act like everything's just fine so i can get back to work; or 2) spend 45 minutes griping over all the same shit i've griped over for the last five years, knowing the result will be more promises of change and improvement that end up going unfulfilled. i've been here ten years now. ten fucking years. and it's clear that my future here is never changing. i've topped out my position for at least the next 5 years, and even then the only advancement will be in name because i'm already doing a majority of the work for the person in that position. and i'll never be in an executive office because i'm not a member of the right families. i've taken this job as far as it can go, and i'm not at all satisfied with where that is. and i never will be. fuck. so why even rock the boat at this point, right? why make my life even more miserable between the hours of 8am-4pm? no, i should just keep slowly killing myself until i can just quit. because i have an out, and all i need is one particular piece to fall into place for that out to materialize. it could happen next week, could be 3 years. hard to say. but when it happens, that's it. and i can force it if i really want to. but it would mean putting someone else out of a job, and i'm not ready to be that asshole just yet. ugh. i could use a little bit of that divine intervention right about now.
  15. the brown ale was disappoint at first taste. some diacetyl off-flavor in there, i'm thinking from poor aeration of the wort prior to fermentation (this has been a recurring issue for us). luckily enough, i recently picked up some parts and built an aeration kit from scratch, so we can eliminate that variable from future batches. diacetyl is one of the off-flavors that a lot of homebrewers fight, and is one of the main reasons homebrew gets dismissed as tasting crappy. sometimes it "bakes out" (my term) in the bottle after a few weeks, and i'm hoping that's the case with this brown ale. if not, oh well. the reason we brewed this batch was to test our process before getting back into the habit. we might actually get to brew the porter tomorrow night, so fingers are crossed...
  16. yes. i need hugs and validation. it's men's day, after all.
  17. oy. i even made the winky face super big so you'd all know i was joking, and yet ijustcantwinwithyouguys.gif
  18. this seems like a totally appropriate and not-at-all hypocritical way to celebrate men's day.
  19. looks good so far! wife made a roast last week, and the only difference i can see from yours is that she doesn't use broccoli, and she uses a roasting pot in the oven instead of a crock pot because some idiot forgot to clean it out and it sat in a box on the back porch for a month. oops.
  20. Could also be something as simple as an HDCP error. Temporarily breaking the physical connection can fix the problem, but it comes back because the source device and the display device don't initiate a proper "handshake" upon startup, and therefore will not communicate. I've had this issue pop up with cable boxes hooked up to projectors, and have had *limited* success placing an HDCP bypass box between the devices, which can be had for $25 from Amazon. It's really only a band-aid, but it could be the cheapest "fix" available when your only options are new hardware.
  21. this is why a person should always create a new gmail for each youtube channel.
  22. kinder. german, short "i". like, for kids. google fiber is for kids. get it off my lawn.
  23. you boiled that, didn't you.
  24. @cryptkicker5 i'd stop in if we were in the area. i think the wife has me talked into vacationing in florida with the family sometime this winter/spring. maybe we can add ga to the travel plans. i almost met another board member once in stl. the band was playing a thing down there, and the guy (don't remember the name) had talked about showing up at it. i don't think he ever did though. so my 0 streak is still alive and well.
  25. what court level? i've been called up for us district court before and it was HORRID. thank goodness i didn't get seated. that patent infringement case took every bit of 30 days and it was a 90 minute drive from home.
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