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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. you goonie.
  2. The crown peach has its own secondary market.
  3. i just looked at my phone and about shit myself. now i understand it's only supposed to be 2:30. still, too fucking late for old guy.
  4. i don't think this is the one i had from before, but it's the one i have right now. so here you go assholes. it's a potato, but weren't all cameraphone pics back in the day?
  5. probably there, yeah. fuck me, i might have it in a folder somewhere.
  6. i don't even have the pic anymore. well, not anywhere i can get to it easily. shit, lemme go look...
  7. all i know is, my wife watched that fucking youtube series and just fell in love with his shit. so now i get regular updates about him. oh, he bought a house. oh, he broke up with his longtime bf. oh, reviewed cheetos lip gloss. fuuuuuuuuuu
  8. ladies share.
  9. i don't have a makeup bag, but wife does. and i would recognize those jeffree star pieces anywhere, after the last 6 months of his hot shit.
  10. so wife's brother and his old lady are heading to the hospital to deliver baby #2. baby #1 is now officially in our custody until whenever. and baby #1 is not.happy.he doesn't get to tag along at the hospital, so he's now a bawling mess on my couch at 1am. should be a fun night. good thing i have like 3 more of these big beers in the fridge.
  11. radiant defense is an old favorite, but i don't think it's browser-based. i've played thru it on android a few times over the years.
  12. i just played thru that ffvii remake demo. controls are a little unorthodox, but the game in general is fun so far.
  13. How TF did I not know about the Aldi "everything bagel" seasoning before now?
  14. watched the first episode the other day. i missed this show.
  15. we had 68 outside yesterday, so i imagine sponges had maybe 60. we're supposed to hit 60 again this thursday, so i'ma semi-open the outside bar for a couple hours to knock down the cobwebs and give people another place to congregate...20 cases of beer should be enough...
  16. i have no idea where to find the rest of you. is it in the vr lab?
  17. just watched midsommar for the first and last time. i mean, i get a lot of it right up front. but i can tell it's just begging for a re-watch. it's not getting one from me. 6/10
  18. this credit card website isn't working. payment is due today.
  19. work & church
  20. That's super for personal use. I'm trying to get TVs in a business tuned into games the customers are asking for.
  21. well i'll just not wear a mask then.
  22. i'm not seeing anything like that on my end. i do see a valid cloudflare cert that's good until 10/9/2020. what browser are you using?
  23. i just want to go on the record as saying, i feel like teams having their own tv networks is bullshit, and i'm mad as hell. *makes weekly check-in call to cable provider* "oh, you just started offering marquee yesterday?" ok, so it's still bullshit. but this will conclude the complain-about-shit portion of this post.
  24. i would fling poo at you if i could. i moved several hours south from where i grew up and am still technically in "the north". you're not helping.
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