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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. spending all weekend gathering data and packaging it into a grant application seems like a pretty valid use of your time. til the application is declined, anyways.
  2. sours are generally lower ABV, but when combined with / adapted from other recipes (in this case, the victory golden monkey tripel as a base), you get the best of both worlds. that blackberry felix is around 9% iirc, and probably the most sour + flavorful beer i've found yet.
  3. last sour i had that i really liked was either blackberry felix from new belgium, or lindeman's framboise. yum.
  4. never pegged you as a sour guy, but that's a great one and i'm jealous.
  5. i'm finding it very difficult to not tell everyone to fuck right off a cliff today.
  6. i made a handful of prototypes, based solely on my own understanding of what constitutes a well-shaped cover. not using a pattern, just kinda cutting and sewing. got out my old kenworth 1946 zig-zag machine and everything. they're not great, but they cover the nose and mouth and have a little pouch for a pm2.5 filter. i'm gonna turn out as many as my spare t-shirt stock will allow for, or until i run out of patience for the process. i'm also halfway through taking down a hard maple beside the house. had to hire someone with a bucket truck, because the tree is ~80' tall and between my house and the neighbors. i'm staying on the ground, running a saw to cut the dropped pieces, ranking up the stuff that's big enough to burn in a furnace/pit, and hauling off the rest in the back of my truck. we would have finished yesterday, but the bucket truck sprang a hydraulic leak and had to shut down about an hour from being finished. might try to get the rest of it on the ground tomorrow after work.
  7. rlytho, my boys watch a lot of junk-ass youtube videos that use flipaclip. i think it's freemium.
  8. quotes came back today. $1300 to fix the draft cooler, $1500 for the bottle cooler. i can get a new draft cooler with 2x capacity for $3000 (off-brand but whatever). the bottle cooler, same off-brand, for $1800. fuck me. this is not how i envisioned blowing our reserve fund while we're shut down. but if we don't have working coolers, there's not much of a point in re-opening. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me.
  9. two fucking coolers at the bar went down last week...while we're shut down. the draft beer cooler has a fried compressor, which will require replacement and may run upwards of $1000 after labor. a bottle cooler decided it will no longer hold a charge. so they're testing it as i type this to see if they can find the leak. if they can, they might be able to fix it. if they can't, the whole thing is screwed. didn't really want to be spending $3-4k on refrigeration while also not doing any sales for 6 weeks, but here we are. thanks, corona.
  10. kinda wishing i was stuck at home today. trying to get around at the bank with this bum foot is proving pretty difficult...and explaining the limp to every person i pass in the hall, is getting old. and now i have to go to the clinic when i leave work at 4 for a tetanus shot and antibiotic rx. you gotta get a look at that rusty nail though.
  11. the lightning has started. and it just got dark af. street lights are back on now. gonna be a good day, skeeter.
  12. aren't "they" saying that tornado alley is shifting east from ks/neb and into iowa/mo/il? because we needed more severe weather than we already get.
  13. round 1 is about an hour away right now. just supposed to be rain and/or wind this morning. we missed the predicted egg-size hail overnight, so maybe that's a good sign. but we're also in the red zones for today. we'll get it first down here, so i'll let you know what to expect from her sloppy seconds.
  14. beer with a straw.
  15. i'm leaving the day job here in about 15 minutes and "opening" the bar for carry-out. no one's buying right now though, so i'm using the time in there alone to tear out the back bar and eventually rebuild it before we open back up. exposing the brick wall under the old paneling, re-wiring the entire space, and building it back to a more "traditional" version that existed in there 60 years ago. then if there's still time after all that, re-painting the ceiling to get it all the same version of black, with matching duct and conduit. i'm honestly more afraid of the ceiling job than i am of the entire back bar renovation. all this work would only take a couple weeks if i could bring in a crew. but since i'm doing probably all of it on my own, i'm kinda hoping for 4-6 weeks of downtime...well, not really hoping for it, so much as just expecting it. but y'know what i mean.
  16. i'd think the lag would make any live practice entirely impossible. but as long as everyone's working from the same click track and contributing raw tracks with decent gear, it's pretty easy to collab offsite.
  17. i was just bothering pat about making an official thread for this sort of thing. like, "what are you doing to fill your time during the lockdown?" i feel like this is the one. fresh garden veggies are the best thing evar, btw. good call.
  18. there's not a state in the union prepared to handle the mass of unemployment applications coming in this week. try again at 3am.
  19. does it give me joy to watch brady kill the patriots? no, not at all. also, that's a lie.
  20. We got 3 weeks of school closure. But we own a bar, so 🤷‍♂️
  21. wacky1980


    is it pronounced bi-ah-pic, or bi-o-pic (long O)?
  22. you're not the first person i've seen make this statement today. maybe we should make a contest out of it. i'll toss a coin at whoever wins the "most acquaintances killed" contest.
  23. baby #2 arrived this morning. looks like baby #1 is our guest until tomorrow when his parents get home from the hospital. whee.
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