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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. malort and old style the end result is pretty much the same...
  2. i can't imagine a worse way to spend $5 exists in the entire state.
  3. Some gets pushed off to Missouri though, which isn't really an improvement tbh.
  4. And when (if) madigan goes to prison, he'll just be the next in a long line of IL heads to roll directly from their executive office into an 8x8. And someone else will pick up the torch. Rinse. Repeat.
  5. didn't get a pic last night, so i'm lifting this one from elsewhere. drank a sex and candy from 18th st brewery last night. not bad. i feel like discole needs one of these.
  6. really, clay county is more kentucky than illinois.
  7. i'm going with 3. shit's gonna run down the outside of the straw and into #3 rather than taking a lemming run off the edge and falling into #2. surface tension > inertia on that scale. ...unless there's something going on with the oil being dumped out of the lipton-branded infuser. not really sure wtf is going on there...
  8. the number 5...but not all the time. only when i'm ill and unconscious. that's when it haunts me.
  9. it's nice and cool out, so i have the windows open. only now, i have to listen to the bro rider neighbors getting drunk on fucking mich ultra and pinnacle raspberry vodka, like the pile of cringe they are.
  10. ...it doesn't? i mean, are you picking up new certs or just changing jobs a lot?
  11. is that @1938 Packard trying to get in on a lady again?
  12. i accidentally tap shit all the time. no worries. *quietly judges from a safe distance*
  13. y'know what they say about people with big thumbs.
  14. Got our first monarch today. 4 more in chrysalis, and 5 caterpillars we just hatched last week that should enter chrysalis in maybe 10 days. I have a video also, of a cat entering chrysalis, that I'll have to add to YouTube sometime and bring a link here. It's freaking weird.
  15. i dunno, it might take a few years before people are even remotely interested in hearing the words pandemic, coronavirus, social distancing, or bend the curve. it's like, hey i just lived through the most disruptive, financially/mentally/physically trying, largest loss-of-life event i'll hopefully ever see in my lifetime. let's relive it on video asap!
  16. the original version of the bill allowed 5 plants per adult. i already have a basic grow room in the basement for other plants, and we were ready to make some upgrades. then that part of the bill was stripped out in the final revision. if you have a medical card you can still grow, but rec users can't. fucking sucks.
  17. covid party at odin's
  18. wife's nephew tested positive two weeks ago. he had a sore throat for a couple days and that was it. he's been back to work since monday. doctors made him wait 10 days after his positive test before full release, and that's it. i mean ... if i could get a guarantee that my symptoms and downtime were going to be that light, i'd take that 10-day rona vaca right now.
  19. i have the distinct privilege of running the bank's entire edp department, solo, all day, on a month-end. should be a real fun afternoon.
  20. i'll only say it to a person who looks like they need to hear it. which, around here...is more often than i like to admit.
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