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Everything posted by brianycpht

  1. They said something about less lawyers ti work on this stuff, but that’s not something they can blame on Japan- that’s a WBD problem But if they used to have lawyers going at Japan 24/7 and now they have 1 who only tries to talk to them every couple of days that can significantly slow things down
  2. I can’t tell you how many times CR announced a shows dubbed starting “tomorrow” in the last little while i think Unicorn is going to be one of those shows they are marketing to every potential audience. AS casuals, families, Toonami viewers, and streamers. I feel like the same thing will happen with Superman
  3. “LOL we asked the same company that’s told us no 100 times a 101st time and they said no again! Sorry! Maybe next time they’ll say yes!”
  4. And that’s easy to fix. Someone’s got wrong data. Other than the grid we got no formal announcement of this
  5. Yet they insisted the NOW NEXT LATER bumps were of little value anymore
  6. I think they missed an opportunity in 2016 to get in on a partnership with Funimation to air simuldubs. Demarco wanted to see if MHA “would stay popular” and that backfired on them. They instead went down the “heavily requested” route of HXH Gundam and Jojo and Funimation kind of got something going without them But I’d say 2017-2018 was when things started to change. Simuldubs were taking off and these companies began to stop even considering Toonami has a place to premiere dubs. Now it was all good because they were still letting them air the shows a little later I think the whole thing really shifted with COVID. They were already on a cut budget due to the over spending in 2019 and not being able to pick things up gave the companies a chance to see they could do it without them. The complete blocking of shows we see now would be unheard of a few years ago I do hope their process isn’t just persuing these shows over and over again every time a slot opens up
  7. It’s been pretty good so far. including the visual quality Why is that the deal breaker? Especially when you’re having trouble finding what you’re looking for
  8. I kind of prefer how AS was during the early weeknight era where comedy and anime were mixed every night- including Sunday. They all had black and white cards and it felt like a cohesive block I don’t know why but there was this huge push to seperate them again to have a Saturday block
  9. Right- anime RERUNS may not move the needle, but when’s the last time they tried a premeire outside of Saturday nights- like 2005? I just think the idea that all anime MUST air on Saturday night was a concept based on the ASA days of very obscure titles and little promotion. Now that there is a clearly defined block (Toonami), that limits their options. But by dismissing the notion of a wider appealing anime potentially preforming because “AS viewers only like comedy”- they are self limiting what anime can do. The perception regarding it has vastly changed since the early 2000s and even since the days of Toonami’s return
  10. The same argument can be made for any anime that has potential for a higher audience. So I’m looking at what Genndy’s logic is here and applying it across the board. I think they should take each anime they pick up and consider if it has the ability to react a wider audience and air it where it can do that. If that means they have to dissolve Toonami as a block, so be it. I think its best that they have no more self restrictions on where things need to air
  11. This again makes me question if Toonami is seen as something that holds a show back because of its timeslot. Landing the premiere would’ve been a huge win for the block right now had we are kind of in a “break glass in case of emergency” situation. This is a good compromise but this along with them not wanting to even air the Rick anime as part of Toonami tells you how the block is viewed in context of reaching a large casual crowd. It reminds me of when TOEI had that weird 8pm mandate to stealth air Super. The late night weekend block is not ideal for reaching a large amount of regular viewers. The idea of all their anime having to be late night on a Saturday could be a deterrent It’s very hard to say this, but I question whether the block is doing anyone any good in a state where they can’t pick up shows and large mainstream shows are seen as being “too good” to waste their potential there. Would the upcoming original anime projects be better served elsewhere on the network or on HBOMAX? Not saying that’s where the thinking is at the network, but it seems like it’s going to be very tough maintaining a 3 hour block with 6 constant premieres moving forward
  12. They understand money. That’s what these execs are known for. I knew this was going to happen. Lazzo and them were fine with most ideas as long as they were cheap and would usually give things some time before canceling. Zaslov is known for his ruthless cost cutting and being coy about what he’s going to do He’s known for coming in acting like your best buddy who loves what you’re doing so you talk more- then pulling the plug
  13. I think one thing that limits Toonami’s reach is it’ll being on Saturday only. It’s not competitive, but I’d the least watched night of the week. I feel like expensive projects like Primal and the new Rick and Morty anime are seen as wasted if premiered late on a night like that. So it may be worth looking into expanding outward on other nights if their are projects that have ratings potential. I think they severely limit the Toonami brand and it’s audience potential by confining it to only Saturday. Premeire those bigger shows on weeknights like they plan to, but give them Toonami packaging
  14. I’m thinking the slot cut may happen. I think the blame is increasingly on external factors they can’t control. One could argue they should’ve seen it coming, but when one company controls so much anime what can you do However, it’s time to move on from trying to get CR shows and start looking within at what’s actually obtainable. Even if it’s a DC show, something fun from the library, a Sentai title. I hope they still aren’t trying to get unobtainable things and not having backup plans It is what it is. People will be let down if we have another show go unreplaced. It’s a dissapointing thing. I’m hoping there’s some understanding at that rather than “You don’t like it..don’t watch! If you don’t work in TV you have no idea what’s going on”. It’s an understandable bummer But at this point, this stuff shouldn’t suprise us anymore
  15. For starters they need an official Twitter account Also a presence on other social platforms besides Facebook. It’s considered the network mostly older people use and engaging on platforms with different audiences would help. Of course being what’s considered an older guy myself I’d have no idea what those would be 😛
  16. Famous example of this was after the 7 hour block didn’t work out in 2018, he put Lazzo on blast claiming that he told him it wouldn’t work but Lazzo really wanted to try it. But when it happened was all about it. Now granted, he’s a company man who has been with the company through several mergers and has kept his job through it all- even moving up the company. Any programming decision they make, no matter how ill advised is usually supported by him until they are done away with
  17. GT can take his check for the show and just be happy someone helped him make it. Season 2 didn’t exactly light the world on fire with ratings on Sunday night
  18. Probably because TBS is “Very Funny” and insists on being comedy focused. That’s what screwed over Final Space. All those forces awkward jokes ruined the story
  19. I don’t get it either. There has to be a median between being stuck behind streaming or holding rights to a dub for 2 years while not airing it and also only streaming select parts of it on the website. Besides Titan, the best deal Toonami got was the Dimension W deal. They premiered it and then Funimation streamed it 2 weeks later. Japanese companies like their shows on TV and the next day deal (even at the same time) would be 0 downside. I’m guessing the answer is that Toonami sees no upside to paying extra for what would probably be a similar return. Funimation doesn’t seem interested in it either. In fact, since FN launched there have been 0 dub premieres from them. I caught a lot of hate for saying in 2018 that they don’t seem to want their dubs to premiere on TV anymore. People took that to mean we’d get no shows from them, but Funimation in particular is very big at going direct to consumer. Them releasing the new episodes of DBZ on tape the summer before a new season would start was the beginning of that!
  20. I’ve given up on them being THE place where big shows premiere. Many just don’t see it as the best way to do that. I’ve pretty much come to terms of what Toonami can be so in the time it has left, I’d like it to just play some intresting shows rather then chase things after they are already popular Even the idea of originals seems to just bring a bunch of people wondering when they’ll hit streaming
  21. I’m at the point where I’d like Toonami to offer the opposite of what’s “hot” this season. They are always going to be slightly behind even for the dub and those same shows are already being spammed on other services. It doesn’t really benefit them or the viewers They should go for things that didn’t get that kind of attention already. Go for the title that came out a few seasons ago that didn’t hit that big in the fandom, not play Demon Slayer 6 months after everyone has already seen it. They seem to think the latter is always the better option and I don’t think it’s going to have the same effect as it would a few years ago. It’s basically a rerun at that point. However a show like MIA is sort of known but not at a level of popularity that literally everyone has scene it
  22. I’m hoping for the next episode soon. I can’t wait to find out what happens when Goku fights the Ginyu Force 😁
  23. Little tip: do a reset of your box closer to Saturday and sometimes the guide will update
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