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Everything posted by brianycpht

  1. You can stream Blue Exorcist. They don’t need to waste money on reruns.
  2. It’s not unheard of. I was at a subtitled screening of Castile of Cagliostro years ago and it ended with a promo to watch Lupin part 4 on Toonami. There is the possibility that they may still wait to release the dub to give it a little space between the theater run. It’s unfortunate if Toonami is forced to sit on the news and not have time for promotion. But little things they do with the schedule may telegraph things once we see what November looks like
  3. I have a feeling said event will still be going on the following Saturday. But I sure hope it is
  4. That’s why I think there’s been no mention of the dub streaming anywhere either. Makes total sense. That’s why I’m not too confident it’ll air that Saturday. Maybe the following week. Again, though, I really hope they don’t get worried about airing the he show close to the holidays and let streamers get the jump on them. Waiting until January and being weeks behind everyone else will be far worse for them.
  5. Question is: will TOEI even let Toonami tell people they are airing it until after the theater premiere? They might have a fear people will not go if they know it’ll be airing
  6. It actually benefited Superman because I think they had mentally wrote if off when deciding to give it to Toonami
  7. I’m starting to think projects they don’t expect to renew will get the Toonami premiere but ones that have potential go to Thursday
  8. Which to me is just dumb. They do this on purpose to “keep suspense” so they can announce it on a platform no one uses anymore
  9. What I’m mostly concerned with is them putting off airing any episode of the show because of a holiday and letting streamers (who don’t care about that at all) get ahead of them. Especially this year where Toonami is on 12/21 and 12/28. Just run the show. Even if there’s something in the contract that ties the streamers to Toonami airing it first. Playing by old TV rules is gets Toonami left in the dust. That works well for casual general audience shows, but niche shows or shows with big fanbases- they’ll turn out. In 2011, BBC America finally secured day of airing of Doctor Who and decided to skip Memorial Day weekend right and the fans just pirated the rest of the season
  10. My thinking is that the Daima dub “movie” will ONLY be in theaters for now for paying customers and if successful, the run will be extended through Thanksgiving. They may not let anyone even think of running it until they milk every dollar first. I’m surprised they aren’t trying to sell DVDs first In that case, a January premiere of the rest makes more sense, but if they have the option to start it and delay because of holidays- that’s dumb because streamers don’t have that self imposed old school mentality As for 11/2, if they revealed that now and showed a MHA blowout, that might reveal they got season 7. Oh no what a catastrophe that would be to actually inform people of something more than 2 weeks ahead of time
  11. If they purposely put off airing Daima because it’s too close to the end of the year or a holiday while letting streamers jump ahead of them- it shows everything that’s wrong with them and why they deserve for it to backfire on them
  12. Actually I think that’s when it gets caught up. Either way, it’s time
  13. If Kai is also preempted on 11/2, then it’ll be one episode behind Rewind. Time for it to go
  14. I’d imagine their reasons for doing this with Uzamaki is because of the personal connection to the Japanese cast and crew and the ordeal it took to get this made But who knows what they’ll do now
  15. In my binge watching of the show- I have to say watch at 1.5 speed in order to tolerate the slow pacing. It gets that bad
  16. Typical TOEI tactics will mean that they won’t even be able to acknowledge a dub exists until at least the Japanese premiere. I’m guessing by the time it does premiere, they’ll finally get rid of Kai and leave it on rewind only. Please for the love of Kami don’t move Kai up to 12:30 to make a DB power hour. MHA is now in the same boat as Demon Slayer. No need a little rush it to air now.
  17. What do you want to bet they’ll stretch out things further with more marathons
  18. Daima has a 40 something minute 1st episode
  19. What’s interesting about Daima is that it’s airing at 11:30 PM Friday nights and is NOT being given a child friendly time slot. Rumor is that this show has MORE violence and blood than Super. Ironic considering the aesthetics of the show So TOEI should be just fine with a midnight premiere slot. However, because it doesn’t seem to be geared for child consumption, there’s a better chance that they may not care as much about a TV airing
  20. The Hulu wild card concerns me because it seems TOEI is coming around to that being equivalent or even better than a television airing I don’t see why it can’t be on all 3 to get the widest reach
  21. Yeah. He was just saying for him the block only has 30 minutes worth watching- not that the rest of it doesn’t exist
  22. He doesn’t like One Piece but sat through it to get to Naruto. I thought he made that pretty clear
  23. I don’t know what it was, but I ended the episode totally confused How did the device end up with Rick to begin with? What does it mean he stole his family? What was the deal with the ending?
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