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Everything posted by brianycpht

  1. They have a huge library and said things will be rotating in and out and moving around. I think everything will get a chance for some airtime
  2. I’ll clarify: CLAIMS to be busy. Before he got really into the political stuff, he’d still be regularly posting about watching movies and playing video games during working hours. Also spending a lot of time playing therapist to people on AskFM It wouldn’t even really be that hard. Sentai would probably be more than happy to give him a list of shows from the last couple of years that might do well with the TV audience. I just think too much time is spent on chasing “hit” shows that aren’t obtainable. Often I even hear from the fan base that Sentai doesn’t have much worth airing, but should that mean they don’t try something just because it’s not a well known Shonen show?
  3. I know he’s busy, but it’s frustrating that he doesn’t have awareness of what’s out unless it’s presented to him by someone or it’s a mega popular series that he likely can’t get because of Sony
  4. They sometimes don’t announce these dubs until the last minute unless Epcar is involved and he doesn’t GAF about NDAs I suggested UY to him on X and he said he’ll see how it turns out before considering it so I told him it’s already out and he said he wasn’t aware
  5. I need credit for that if it does lol!
  6. Pretty spot on. Only thing that might not play out is Dr. Stone premiering on 12-14 as that’s typically too close to the end of the year marathons- BUT they could through some other mechanisms get it on a little earlier so it gets a few episodes in before that Otherwise, I think it’ll play out exactly like that
  7. I really want this to do well, but I can see the plethora of complaints already about why it’s a bad time and people can’t watch. For the average working adult, it is kind of at a bad time. But I’ve also seen every other type of reason why other times are bad too. There is just a certain segment of the population that just won’t do appointment viewing anymore and don’t like to be told they have to watch at a certain time. People say they want this stuff, but when it’s time to tune in- will they? Hopefully DVR will heavily factor in here. They will never put things in prime time and take FOX time away, but perhaps 7pm is a possibility after the encores of Superman end. But this has to do well
  8. That’s pretty good actually. So much potential to fix lines of dialogue where you can’t edit around what other characters say
  9. I do think someone at at least Toonami Faithful keeps up with the hashtagging live. I’m sure Sketch can shed light on who but I do think it’s an actual person doing it and not a bot. It is kind of funny how everything is on break or off for the summer and Toonami is returning on the holiday weekend and debuting a new show as well.
  10. Holy shit. People are still THAT into The Big Bang Theory? Maybe AS should run that as Toonami’s lead in
  11. So if you are the type that follows Toonami fandom social media, your feed is probably filled with people who watch marathons and tweet all night about them. Fansites are especially dedicated to blowing up hashtags to make them trend. Nothing wrong with that- it’s their job! So in appearance you’d think these marathons would do great, but the fandom is a very small percentage of the general audience I’m at a point in my life where these weeks are a relief to me because I have so much going on and things to keep up with that any repeat will not be watched. I simply don’t have the time and need to use that to catch up on other things. I think much of the audience is in a similar position and just doesn’t have time to watch a repeat of something we just watched.
  12. It’s gonna be an issue for me. 5pm Friday is usually the time I’m taking the kids out somewhere fun. Lame I know, but it’s just the reality of many people.
  13. In a better world, they’d do an encore at midnight for both this and checkered but can’t cut into their Rick and Morty reruns
  14. Let’s just hope it’s not for real. Then tomorrow they’ll announce it
  15. Toonami bound for sure. In the lead slot. Cue TOM doing Hamtaro level antics in the intro that week
  16. Seems like the stream will be different than the channel. I can’t get OTA so I’m hoping one of the cable outlets gets it
  17. Naruto will be at 1:30 now. Are we’d going to write THAT off now as too late?
  18. I think they’ll do a Saturday premiere/ Sunday encore. They probably figured doing the reverse would give worse results since people would have a whole week to watch it and it is an established Sunday show, so they’ll want to get that audience in there- especially with no season 8 this year Real risky to lead off with a subbed show- but it’s such a big IP that I think it’ll get away with it.
  19. Unless they somehow show that his family survived and are out there somewhere and he’s got to go deal with that
  20. I got to say: they should do something to cap it off. A 500 episode show running straight through without taking a break or changing networks is a monumental achievement
  21. I do think we should be way beyond the “Lol Sony won’t let us have the big shows so here’s reruns or double One Piece” approach. It’s been a thing since 2021 that they haven’t made anything available to them that wasn’t already an established franchise on the block. I have to assume they are smart enough to realize by now that CR shows are a dead end. Can they not look at the Sentai catalog and find something? Hell, they are even a company that would love to help them pick something. Hopefully the dialogue between them is more than “hey let us know when you have a new season of Lupin we can air!”
  22. I agree. Those CR shows are going to be farmed out to other streamers (who will pay what Toonami can’t) and have plenty of exposure. Go after what’s available. Hopefully by now they’ve learned to stop chasing CR stuff. Aniplex seems to be another story
  23. The sad reality now is that Toonami can’t really get these shows until they are widely available. Between cost and CR wanting exclusive rights, it’s just an uphill battle
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