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Everything posted by brianycpht

  1. Hopefully it’s not more CR games where Toonami has set money aside for these shows, but has no idea when they can air them. Leading to more schedule stalling
  2. They will not stop stalling and saving for these type of shows until they are either over or completely off the table. Meanwhile we get months of no new shows because they are saving money and room for whenever Sony decides it’s ok to air MHA or Demon Slayer. It’s easier for them to stall and just say they are waiting for these shows than to go look at new ones Meanwhile, they won’t look at anything else
  3. They were so dumb to let that go. There are people who seem to put their heads in the sand and assume the only way you’ll “catch up” is via those marathons. They are merely a stall tactic
  4. People don’t want to watch a marathon of a show they just watched
  5. My fear is that the block is “doing fine” because it’s not costing them much for what they are getting in return. Whenever they start stacking the lineup, there is always a cutback because I think it’s too much money spent and not enough return on investment. 2019 was the extreme example of this
  6. One of my biggest gripes is that they hold out space and budget for the “big” shows that don’t necessarily do much better for them than anything else and by the time they air they are months or years old These shows are also on Netflix/Hulu after a CR exclusive window and I also think that inflates the prices for them. So now Toonami gets a third window after having to wait even longer. The problem with this approach also is that the shows are on numerous platforms and the people who wanted to see them have many better options to see then. Not everyone has CR, but many have Netflix or Hulu and for a “general audience” those avenues are how they are being reached. They are also well known to casual anime watchers and once a week on a late night cache block isn’t the best option Many of the Sentai shows do not have this problem and aren’t as well known. To the programming executives this seems like a riskier proposition, but Toonami has an opportunity to show these lesser known shows and it gives the audience something that isn’t already all over the place. When they first started, they and ASA had to go this route. Eventuality once they could afford the higher tier shows, it seems nothing else was ever considered- even now that they aren’t accessible. It seems it’s “super popular show” or nothing at all for them. This was great in 2015-2019 when Funimation would give them the newest things- but it’s not feasible anymore If they partnered with SENTAI, they’d at least show something different and have more options to fill the block and avoid the long stretches of nothing
  7. Please record it!! I’ll try to listen live though
  8. Spot on. It really doesn’t help to gaslight the fanbase of being fear mongers when we were just going by what Demarco said. The real issue is that he said what he said. Basically any opinion from a person who doesn’t “work in TV” is deemed invalid and he openly states he doesn’t want to hear it. Doesn’t want to hear about ratings, schedule speculation, relationships with distributors. It kind of takes all the fun out of the discussion when you don’t do those things. I never found it offensive. It can’t always be rainbows and sunshine
  9. Sounds like you’ve had some issues with him in the past. I’ve had my share of run ins with people in the fandom. Not sure what happened with you, but you deserve to be treated fairly as we all are Makes more sense now as to why you said what you said. Hope you’re able to work it out
  10. That’s a little uncalled for. No need for personal attacks even if you disagree with the article
  11. I agree that Crunchyroll being assholes doesn’t equal “we can’t get any anime” it would just require working with other distributors to find shows they think will work with the block. Just because you can’t get the most popular shows doesn’t mean you default to airing nothing
  12. They weren’t helpful even when owned by Warner
  13. CR is a terrible company and they can all go fuck themselves
  14. And they did not reveal 8-10 when they easily could’ve
  15. I agree. THEY leaked it. It’s out in the wild. No one to blame but them
  16. That’s rude to call someone scum
  17. I wonder if they’ll have some TOM dialogue explaining the shift
  18. There’s this thing where anything mainstream doesn’t go to Toonami because of its time slot. I was hoping with Superman, they learned the lesson about Thursdays but I guess not If we don’t get MHA or DS, then maybe that Fighting Girl show airs at 12:30
  19. Don’t forget the number of times that Toonami having first rights to the dub DELAYED its release on streaming because they needed to do a 4th of July marathon on July 1st or something like that
  20. I don’t get the play here. If they are withholding the dub to premiere on TV, July is a perfect opportunity. This kind of stuff also annoys streaming audiences also But I also don’t see why they would withhold the dub from English speaking NA Really Bizarre
  21. No dub right away could possibly mean we can see it air later on Either way between this and MeTV Toons, I’m reaching the apex of my existence that week
  22. I think there will be changes to the schedule at appropriate times to not allow people to tire of certain shows. The people running the network seem to really get what made early CN great Thete will be shows that are constants, but those will be the top tier, lots of episodes type. They seem to get it for the most part with limiting low episode count shows to weekends. One of my biggest issues with classic Toonami was them picking up short shows and running them on weekdays. They’d finish in a month and then repeat endlessly. I do think they should break up the puppet fest on overnights a little and get some other things in there. Since they have a huge library, they could regularly rotate several shows in certain time slots,
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