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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I remember kicking it's ass in Persona 5.
  2. If I get my Queen Brahne cosplay together, I'll let you have a sneak peek at the onlyfans pics @ghostrek
  3. Ric

    Spy x Family

    Oh yeah, been meaning to watch this.
  4. Ric


    pink, blue, and grey
  5. got damn they grow up to fast
  6. I'll watch it when it goes to, umm Hulu probably?
  7. It's not important, but I know I've seen you avatar and don't remember where. edit: I remembered right after I made the post. Omori, I'll probably play that sometime soonish.
  8. Well if I did a lot of people might be happy that I finally done what they asked and fucked myself.
  9. Ric

    Video game intros.

  10. You're welcome, you.
  11. Hey now, he wouldn't like it someone else downloaded a janitor meat packer.
  12. It wasn't as good as Ghostbusters 2016.
  13. finally
  14. Ric

    Bunny tracks

  15. The porn you're into breaks a number of laws doesn't it?
  16. I just tried it yesterday. I've never tasted space, so it could be spot on for all I know.
  17. Ric

    Okay so

    I usually hear a few tornado sirens a year where I'm at, it only bugs me anymore when the power goes out.
  18. They were adding Funimation stuff every week but it's two weeks now in April that there has been silence. If that's it, it was no where near all of Funi's content moving over.
  19. If it's still on Netfli, The Guest was good.
  20. Ric

    i am horny

    So, the solution is to go fuck yourself.
  21. Is this about that new The Elder Rings game?
  22. Also late af but happy birthday 🎂🎁🎊
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