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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Just watch the live action movies, they are the best form of Kenshin anyway.
  2. I suppose I'm inb4 I forget to come back and get banished first round
  3. 21,756 as of 2015 probably 28-30k or so counting node and alts
  4. Hey, I took a few mins to find a post 4/21/2005
  5. ghostrek fucks godzilla to death with his giant dong got damn that hot
  6. Ric

    Xenoblade 3

    Reading it now it didn't seem douchey but it probably didn't before either, I don't remember tbh I forgot about this thread. lol I also just realized we're getting the final DLC yesterday. I saw a post and thought it was wave three not four at first. I feel like Nintendo made a much bigger deal about Torna, probably because it was announced during a Direct and this just got a trailer drop(which I didn't actually watch, hence why it being the story expansion slipped by me). I'm in the middle of other stuff right now so I'll probably revisit the game in the summer for newgame+ and the DLC.
  7. I played video games.
  8. more than a few days late but hey
  9. 🧁
  10. I got that a while back, it's a nice set. I just need a reprint on this one since I missed it
  11. Bloober kinda sucks and this remake probably will as well.
  12. I haven't played it yet but I do have the game from buying it on sale a few months back.
  13. I wondered how long you can make these prompts, done fucking with it now.
  14. I gave it another go and got similar results.
  15. I thought you were dead.
  16. barely
  17. There could be long covid to look forward to, too bad it takes so damn long though.
  18. Have you considered dying while winking?
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