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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Hmm, what game to play next?
  2. It totally used to, but then I got the covid.
  3. Dafuq?
  4. Demon Souls remake and Ratchet and Clank I think are the only exclusives.
  5. Happy New Year. I'm sure 2022 won't be another dumpster fire, totally.
  6. Even without 4k alot of your games will probably run better.
  7. Over November/December I watched Schitt's Creek and Hawkeye.
  8. I meant to watch the first season, like 8 years ago and never got around to it.
  9. I'm glad I finally remembered to order a new pair of headphones so music doesn't sound like shit anymore.
  10. I haven't lost mine.
  11. I finally beat Final Fantasy IX last week. Got back to fucking around on Slay the Spire. Also started up Ganbare Goemon: Kirakira Dōchū: Boku ga Dancer ni Natta Wake with my bro last night, will probably finish it up over the next couple weeks since he'll be over a few times.
  12. I searched chicken katsu sandwich to see what it is and google gave me Jimmy Johns as a suggestion. lol Sounds like it would be easy to make to I'd to want to try out somewhere before I try making it myself.
  13. I actually kinda forgot about him, did he finally die?
  14. Does Shia Leboof need to get up in here?
  15. I'm late but happy beard day
  16. Happy birthday fwend, I mean buddy
  17. Ric

    Sup mfs?

  18. I'm suddenly reminded of when Facebook went down for a few hours a little while back.
  19. And here I was just thinking of how thankful I am to be able to call ghostrek whenever. Happy Thanksgiving though 🍲🍴🍻
  20. Happy Viper Day 🎉
  21. I saw the wooden leg and thought it said enhanced scurvy.
  22. It is permanent.
  23. meh
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