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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I saw the name and thought viper was back for a second. lol
  2. https://www.amazon.com/Behind-Lights-Prequel-C-C-Sheppard/dp/B093RLBTCF/ref=pd_ybh_a_10?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=MZCWY163RZEC7GFDKJRB
  3. I was going to say why not get it like you did the PS4 but remembered you are on the path of redemption, and they still don't sell that shit(XSX or PS5) in stores anyway.
  4. Agreed, more than enough. You can stop posting now.
  5. I just got the second dose. I had no side effects with the first, lets see if I'll be as lucky with this one.
  6. Happy birthday 🎂🎉
  7. The only deck builder I've played is Dominion. Also Slay the Spire if you count vidya games.
  8. @bnmjy and that was in Feb, no one has given a fuck about me lately. I haven't posted a whole lot either though.
  9. One of the IHOPs by me closed a couple months ago, I haven't passed by the other one recently.
  10. Ric

    RIP Paul Mooney

    I didn't think he was that old either.
  11. How is the meat wrapping so far?
  12. Mostly no. That Dunkin Donuts cereal I had a while back wasn't bad and had marshmallows if I recall though.
  13. I've never had it.
  14. Oh, I forgot this was a thing.
  15. Ric

    y am i here

    I dunno
  16. This, and phillies doesn't remind me to post there if I ignore the thread for a month or two now. I think it's been about two years since I posted in it.
  17. Don't go, please tell us more about how you ignore buddy.
  18. I had Taco Bell for the first time in a long while a few days, the $1 spicy potato thing wasn't bad.
  19. Got a new video in my feed
  20. Ric

    mlb the show 21

    I've played Baseball Stars 2. Close enough?
  21. I have other stuff to do three out of four Saturdays so I don't. And if I can't watch it as it airs might as well stick to streaming.
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