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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Congrats, good thing you'll be alive for your birthday thread. Go ask in the Toonami folder, they really miss you.
  2. Happy birthday 🎁🎂
  3. Has he been around on his stupid alt lately, maybe he's dead already.
  4. I got my first dose yesterday(Moderna), next one in a month.
  5. You jerked @ghostrek off?
  6. Oh my bad, for some reason I was thinking the live action movie. I'll be expecting my package in the mail then, thanks.
  7. Thanks but that movie kinda sucked so if someone else wants it, give it to them.
  8. well was it a better day at least?
  9. wow that fucked up
  10. omg happy birthday did you let party @ghostrek 🎂🎁🎊🎉👽👻
  11. I noticed a few reboot threads, maybe the boards need another reboot. Some call JJ Abrams.
  12. I have never been to Mcdonalds and been told their ice cream machine is broken. Although I've had maybe two or three shamrock shakes over the last ten years.
  13. well got damn
  14. 10 Cloverfield Lane 7.5/10 Godzilla vs Kong 7/10 Mortal Kombat 6/10 Robot Jox 3/10
  15. I finished up Final Fantasy V a few nights ago. Also played through a beat em up called Fight'n Rage, it was pretty good. Also more Slay the Spire runs.
  16. I thought it was just ok in high school, haven't read it since.
  17. I got nothing
  18. Slay the Spire, Super Mario Kart and still working on Final Fantasy V.
  19. It didn't look that odd in the Netflix trailer. I was thinking of checking this out and the one with the masks, High Rise something?
  20. I had a sandwich a couple hours ago.
  21. what the fuck rude
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