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Guest The Hound

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so basically what you're saying is that all the people blaming Viper for the board crashes were actually correct?


not always.


And honestly, even when he was responsible, I knew it was because he was trying to do good stuff/help out.  So - I was never really like super pissed off about it ever because it seemed like - even though crashing the board is bad, it was kind of coming from a good place.


The side point of course is - if we were testing these changes first, and/or he was okaying them like he's supposed to (like we've discussed a gjillion times), we would have to worry less about said crashings.


Also then - like if I said "okay let's do that" and the board crashed, then it's my fault, and I don't have to worry about people giving Viper a hard time about it.






basically what happened is Viper changed a bunch of stuff without checking first, which we've talked about over and over again.  the last couple times were when he crashed the board, which honestly wasn't a big deal to me, but on the other hand, we probably should be testing stuff out instead of just tossing it up.


So I posted again that he should be checking first before making changes, and in between time disabled his portal privileges just in case he started doing more stuff first in stead of reading the planning board.


Then his just flipped the fuck out.  And while I've been pretty patient with him up til now, I just don't have the time/energy right now to talk him down.


So he was all "I'm done" and I was like "well okay, if you change your mind let me know" and he flipped out some more.


And I told him we're going to set up a test instance for the new software so that he can do whatever he wants and still not have it effect the main board.


And - I don't know what happened to that.  He just flipped out some more and I basically just was like "well - okay then."


So now he's all rallying support and drawing lines and making a new board and posting autoplay stuff and whatever else.


The ironic thing is - most of our recent conversations have been sort of centered upon trust and why I didn't seem to trust him.  And doubly ironically - I did.  Which I tried to explain the difference between being able to trust him with my data, and being able to trust him with the data of people he despised. 


He didn't seem to understand that, but figured maybe in time he would.


I guess it turns out that I was wrong?  At least about trusting him with my data?  I'm still on the fence about that even though he's apparently now trolling the board with autoplays and whatever.


Bottom line atm I guess is: I like Viper.  I think he's being pretty monstrously childish over a fairly minor bump in a series of bumps (this exchange that set him off is literally the exact same exchange we've had several times over these months).  But - this sort of "doubling down" thing he does where - the answer's right in front of him, and even when I'm like "Hey here's what we'll do" He'd rather double down on the crazy fit-throwing than do that.


So - did I trust Viper with the board stuff?  Yeah.  Did I fully trust him with user data?  No.  Did I want to trust him with user data?  Yes.


Do I want to trust him even after all this horseshit/theatrics/BS?  Yes.


But I don't.


It's like - stuff happens and people make choices.  I kind of need him right now and he picked now to pull a freakout.  So, while I'm not as anti-Viper as Viper seems to be anti-admin, I will say that I'm definitely smacked off that step of feeling like I can trust him with the stuff I felt pretty solidly as though I could a few days ago.


And I have no problem with him doing up another board, or people going to hang out there.


Basically this is a fairly small speedbump, similar to others we've had, the only difference is - the other times it was like "well okay let's change it up this way" "okay great we'll do that".  This time he just for whatever reason doubled-down on pitching a fit.  I tried to be patient with that, and he doubled-down again.  I was pretty much spent at that point, and he doubled-down yet again.


So - I'm open to him leaving.  I'm open to him staying.  I'm open to him being a volunteer again if he gets his emotional act together to the point where I think it'd work again.  I'm open to him never touching the board again. 


I'm open.


Also we'll be changing software hopefully soon, so there's really not a lot of reason to be fucking with the SMF board anyway.  So - all this current shitstorm is kind of a headscratcher from numerous angles.




i would only make a forum if i knew people were going to join.

would homophobic trolls get banned on your forums?


cause they sure don't here


Dammit, I have to go adult for the afternoon and will have to check back on this drama later.


Or I will forget and get the deets from Buddy..




you snooze you lose.


all drama is delete and everything will be back to unicorns and rainbows by the time you check back.


not always.


And honestly, even when he was responsible, I knew it was because he was trying to do good stuff/help out.  So - I was never really like super pissed off about it ever because it seemed like - even though crashing the board is bad, it was kind of coming from a good place.


The side point of course is - if we were testing these changes first, and/or he was okaying them like he's supposed to (like we've discussed a gjillion times), we would have to worry less about said crashings.


Also then - like if I said "okay let's do that" and the board crashed, then it's my fault, and I don't have to worry about people giving Viper a hard time about it.

I actually removed that post because I'm still slightly bitter that you won't ban TICCore and I'm not very happy with your vision for this site either (Namely that you seem to want it to be a safe haven for trolls)


I mean the crashes are annoying yes but what's more annoying is having to deal with an army of trolls who can say whatever awful stuff they want and never get banned




you snooze you lose.


all drama is delete and everything will be back to unicorns and rainbows by the time you check back.

Ugh you ruin everything dad!




you snooze you lose.


all drama is delete and everything will be back to unicorns and rainbows by the time you check back.


Well in a why this should be in dumpster fire


Nah your input is warranted man. bottom line of what happened is conflict of interest and me overstepping the "webmaster/admin"'s boundaries, however unpopular his opinions may be on here. tbh we all just kinda fell in line on here, anyone could host this place and we'd all still post.


"I didn't get fired; management just decided that it was time to try out a new direction." :D



Oh this thread is an all-time classic.  :it:


Ok, so, just one question....


My fanfics are still safe right?


Because I don't want to have to move them again.

At least I'm prepared for shit to hit the fan this time..When ASMB went down a lot of verses, or great ideas

for rhyme shcemes went with it.. I actually end up refining and recording alot of that shit.. >_>

So now if I think I might actually use something it gets copy pasted into sublime text before I leave the site.

I suggest saving your work elsewhere as well. Also if you can remember the name of your threads you can

pull up google cached versions of your threads and recover a lot of your work that went down on ASMB.

It works for me more often than not.


there's also an archived version of the lithium board and another version of the node board on archive.org.

wait what archive of lithium where? i know the one on archive.org but is there another one?


basically what happened is Viper changed a bunch of stuff without checking first, which we've talked about over and over again.  the last couple times were when he crashed the board, which honestly wasn't a big deal to me, but on the other hand, we probably should be testing stuff out instead of just tossing it up.


So I posted again that he should be checking first before making changes, and in between time disabled his portal privileges just in case he started doing more stuff first in stead of reading the planning board.


Then his just flipped the fuck out.  And while I've been pretty patient with him up til now, I just don't have the time/energy right now to talk him down.


So he was all "I'm done" and I was like "well okay, if you change your mind let me know" and he flipped out some more.


And I told him we're going to set up a test instance for the new software so that he can do whatever he wants and still not have it effect the main board.


And - I don't know what happened to that.  He just flipped out some more and I basically just was like "well - okay then."


So now he's all rallying support and drawing lines and making a new board and posting autoplay stuff and whatever else.


The ironic thing is - most of our recent conversations have been sort of centered upon trust and why I didn't seem to trust him.  And doubly ironically - I did.  Which I tried to explain the difference between being able to trust him with my data, and being able to trust him with the data of people he despised. 


He didn't seem to understand that, but figured maybe in time he would.


I guess it turns out that I was wrong?  At least about trusting him with my data?  I'm still on the fence about that even though he's apparently now trolling the board with autoplays and whatever.


Bottom line atm I guess is: I like Viper.  I think he's being pretty monstrously childish over a fairly minor bump in a series of bumps (this exchange that set him off is literally the exact same exchange we've had several times over these months).  But - this sort of "doubling down" thing he does where - the answer's right in front of him, and even when I'm like "Hey here's what we'll do" He'd rather double down on the crazy fit-throwing than do that.


So - did I trust Viper with the board stuff?  Yeah.  Did I fully trust him with user data?  No.  Did I want to trust him with user data?  Yes.


Do I want to trust him even after all this horseshit/theatrics/BS?  Yes.


But I don't.


It's like - stuff happens and people make choices.  I kind of need him right now and he picked now to pull a freakout.  So, while I'm not as anti-Viper as Viper seems to be anti-admin, I will say that I'm definitely smacked off that step of feeling like I can trust him with the stuff I felt pretty solidly as though I could a few days ago.


And I have no problem with him doing up another board, or people going to hang out there.


Basically this is a fairly small speedbump, similar to others we've had, the only difference is - the other times it was like "well okay let's change it up this way" "okay great we'll do that".  This time he just for whatever reason doubled-down on pitching a fit.  I tried to be patient with that, and he doubled-down again.  I was pretty much spent at that point, and he doubled-down yet again.


So - I'm open to him leaving.  I'm open to him staying.  I'm open to him being a volunteer again if he gets his emotional act together to the point where I think it'd work again.  I'm open to him never touching the board again. 


I'm open.


Also we'll be changing software hopefully soon, so there's really not a lot of reason to be fucking with the SMF board anyway.  So - all this current shitstorm is kind of a headscratcher from numerous angles.




basically what happened is Viper changed a bunch of stuff without checking first, which we've talked about over and over again.  the last couple times were when he crashed the board, which honestly wasn't a big deal to me, but on the other hand, we probably should be testing stuff out instead of just tossing it up.


So I posted again that he should be checking first before making changes, and in between time disabled his portal privileges just in case he started doing more stuff first in stead of reading the planning board.


Then his just flipped the fuck out.  And while I've been pretty patient with him up til now, I just don't have the time/energy right now to talk him down.


So he was all "I'm done" and I was like "well okay, if you change your mind let me know" and he flipped out some more.


And I told him we're going to set up a test instance for the new software so that he can do whatever he wants and still not have it effect the main board.


And - I don't know what happened to that.  He just flipped out some more and I basically just was like "well - okay then."


So now he's all rallying support and drawing lines and making a new board and posting autoplay stuff and whatever else.


The ironic thing is - most of our recent conversations have been sort of centered upon trust and why I didn't seem to trust him.  And doubly ironically - I did.  Which I tried to explain the difference between being able to trust him with my data, and being able to trust him with the data of people he despised. 


He didn't seem to understand that, but figured maybe in time he would.


I guess it turns out that I was wrong?  At least about trusting him with my data?  I'm still on the fence about that even though he's apparently now trolling the board with autoplays and whatever.


Bottom line atm I guess is: I like Viper.  I think he's being pretty monstrously childish over a fairly minor bump in a series of bumps (this exchange that set him off is literally the exact same exchange we've had several times over these months).  But - this sort of "doubling down" thing he does where - the answer's right in front of him, and even when I'm like "Hey here's what we'll do" He'd rather double down on the crazy fit-throwing than do that.


So - did I trust Viper with the board stuff?  Yeah.  Did I fully trust him with user data?  No.  Did I want to trust him with user data?  Yes.


Do I want to trust him even after all this horseshit/theatrics/BS?  Yes.


But I don't.


It's like - stuff happens and people make choices.  I kind of need him right now and he picked now to pull a freakout.  So, while I'm not as anti-Viper as Viper seems to be anti-admin, I will say that I'm definitely smacked off that step of feeling like I can trust him with the stuff I felt pretty solidly as though I could a few days ago.


And I have no problem with him doing up another board, or people going to hang out there.


Basically this is a fairly small speedbump, similar to others we've had, the only difference is - the other times it was like "well okay let's change it up this way" "okay great we'll do that".  This time he just for whatever reason doubled-down on pitching a fit.  I tried to be patient with that, and he doubled-down again.  I was pretty much spent at that point, and he doubled-down yet again.


So - I'm open to him leaving.  I'm open to him staying.  I'm open to him being a volunteer again if he gets his emotional act together to the point where I think it'd work again.  I'm open to him never touching the board again. 


I'm open.


Also we'll be changing software hopefully soon, so there's really not a lot of reason to be fucking with the SMF board anyway.  So - all this current shitstorm is kind of a headscratcher from numerous angles.








This place has been as slow or slower, for me at least. So yes, really.


I would say it was either my computer or internet but it is only this site I am having a problem with as well.


This place has been as slow or slower, for me at least. So yes, really.


I would say it was either my computer or internet but it is only this site I am having a problem with as well.


free for all is the only page super slow for me at times


This place has been as slow or slower, for me at least. So yes, really.


I would say it was either my computer or internet but it is only this site I am having a problem with as well.


My connection and devices are stellar and FFA shits the bed constantly........The other 2 folders don't (yes, there are only 2 other folders.....Technically 1 since DF is part of rants).....Anyway, if it's only taking 8 seconds to load instead of 15, then I guess that by definition IS faster.

Guest The Hound

would homophobic trolls get banned on your forums?


cause they sure don't here






Guest The Hound

When did this place run faster again?







Guest The Hound

Smh, we're still bumping this thread?

shut the fuck up you cumstain

Guest The Hound

oh yea and i'd be banning zeni all the time



he'd be allowed to post, but like my man would be forced to create a new account each time he's a creepy faggot


basically what happened is Viper changed a bunch of stuff without checking first, which we've talked about over and over again.  the last couple times were when he crashed the board, which honestly wasn't a big deal to me, but on the other hand, we probably should be testing stuff out instead of just tossing it up.


So I posted again that he should be checking first before making changes, and in between time disabled his portal privileges just in case he started doing more stuff first in stead of reading the planning board.


Then his just flipped the fuck out.  And while I've been pretty patient with him up til now, I just don't have the time/energy right now to talk him down.


So he was all "I'm done" and I was like "well okay, if you change your mind let me know" and he flipped out some more.


And I told him we're going to set up a test instance for the new software so that he can do whatever he wants and still not have it effect the main board.


And - I don't know what happened to that.  He just flipped out some more and I basically just was like "well - okay then."


So now he's all rallying support and drawing lines and making a new board and posting autoplay stuff and whatever else.


The ironic thing is - most of our recent conversations have been sort of centered upon trust and why I didn't seem to trust him.  And doubly ironically - I did.  Which I tried to explain the difference between being able to trust him with my data, and being able to trust him with the data of people he despised. 


He didn't seem to understand that, but figured maybe in time he would.


I guess it turns out that I was wrong?  At least about trusting him with my data?  I'm still on the fence about that even though he's apparently now trolling the board with autoplays and whatever.


Bottom line atm I guess is: I like Viper.  I think he's being pretty monstrously childish over a fairly minor bump in a series of bumps (this exchange that set him off is literally the exact same exchange we've had several times over these months).  But - this sort of "doubling down" thing he does where - the answer's right in front of him, and even when I'm like "Hey here's what we'll do" He'd rather double down on the crazy fit-throwing than do that.


So - did I trust Viper with the board stuff?  Yeah.  Did I fully trust him with user data?  No.  Did I want to trust him with user data?  Yes.


Do I want to trust him even after all this horseshit/theatrics/BS?  Yes.


But I don't.


It's like - stuff happens and people make choices.  I kind of need him right now and he picked now to pull a freakout.  So, while I'm not as anti-Viper as Viper seems to be anti-admin, I will say that I'm definitely smacked off that step of feeling like I can trust him with the stuff I felt pretty solidly as though I could a few days ago.


And I have no problem with him doing up another board, or people going to hang out there.


Basically this is a fairly small speedbump, similar to others we've had, the only difference is - the other times it was like "well okay let's change it up this way" "okay great we'll do that".  This time he just for whatever reason doubled-down on pitching a fit.  I tried to be patient with that, and he doubled-down again.  I was pretty much spent at that point, and he doubled-down yet again.


So - I'm open to him leaving.  I'm open to him staying.  I'm open to him being a volunteer again if he gets his emotional act together to the point where I think it'd work again.  I'm open to him never touching the board again. 


I'm open.


Also we'll be changing software hopefully soon, so there's really not a lot of reason to be fucking with the SMF board anyway.  So - all this current shitstorm is kind of a headscratcher from numerous angles.



ha...reap what you sow...


So.....basically, you're saying that Viper lost his shit because of a perceived problem that he has, you called him on it, or offered a different viewpoint, and he went apeshit for no real reason? Pfffffffffft......you know what I call that? Fucking Tuesday. This is a normal occurrence with him. Yet, his bullshit is tolerated consistently.

Have I trusted him with code? Yep. He's actually a good coder and programmer when he wants to be. Do I trust him with information? HELL. FUCKING. NOPE.

Do I want to? Yes. Can I? Nope. History has told me not to.

He is like Fuggs in that he gets triggered to do and say crazy and stupid shit for no reason other than perceived bullshit.

It's frustrating, because it seems this stuff is tolerated a lot. Sigh.




Too be fair, luuv probably used 500 hundred words to say a single sentence that didn't answer anything at all or even came off the opposite way. You know, because luuv is fucking terrible like that.


Too be fair, luuv probably used 500 hundred words to say a single sentence that didn't answer anything at all or even came off the opposite way. You know, because luuv is fucking terrible like that.

Yeah. Luvv is a bit of a windbag, but he makes a point.
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