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  • Kantai Collection #8



This episode really gave extra ammo to my theory that the slice-of-life episodes in this show are the best. Yamato's mild sob story was pretty elegant and well done. And really, the set design for this episode was great! I really want to go to that island retreat slash base of secret operations of secrecy.


And speaking of said supersized fleet girl, the fact that her story was rooted in aspects of the mobile game was a little cheesy. Like, she's such a valuable tool, but you can't use her that often because she uses up so many resources. What if the army were to get some random shipment of oil and missiles from an anonymous benefactor? I mean, if you're going to show off the game mechanics, why not add a guy demonstration microtransactions? It might come off as cheesy, but so does a lot of this show. And also, when Fubuki was punished after bringing out Yamato for just a couple of seconds (are resources really that important?), I was expecting something more embarrassing.


Well, I guess no matter how you look at it, this show can still be thought-provoking. And it makes me thankful that Love Live! is not based on a mobile game, because that would throw a storm of metaphorical fake wrenches into the mechanism to create a good show. Maybe Honoka had that incident where she collapsed on stage because she didn't have enough LP left? A man can dream, and occasionally make up stupid headcannons, I assume and/or suppose...


Here's your stinkin' coffee:









I'm finally finishing Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I watched most of it when it was on Netflix (they were missing the last few episodes), and never got around to finishing it.


Chaos;Child 1 [dropped]

Akiba's Trip 2

Schoolgirl Strikers 2 [dropped]

Saga of Tanya the Evil 2

Minami Kamakura High School Girls Bicycle Club 2

Blue Exorcist: Kyoto 2 [dropped]

Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju: Sukeroku Anew 2

Heybot 12


Gintama (2017) ep 1

It's really nice to have this show back again.


That short recap explanation was nice.  I had already forgotten that info.

The scene right before the song was not necessary.  It was a little funny though.


New songs are fine.  Loved the bleeps in the girl's name. 



Gabriel Dropout 2. That scene at the cafeteria was hilarious!


YowaPeda S3. They're acting like Makishima died. I'm happy for Teshima!


Little Witch Academia 2


I love the ED!!!! And I still love Diana as much as before.


Latest, IBO, then Season 2 of Kuromukuro.


Kurmukuro is so much better than Voltron it's not even funny, which is strange considering the pitch is "Inu-Yasha with giant robots and less filler or people yelling names."  Actually, wait, that's freaking awesome.


Detective Conan 524 - 525


That woman has to be one of the dumbest criminals yet to actually fall for that setup. Really? You just happen to see the plan you've been planning for weeks recreated perfectly and can't put 2 and 2 together? I know there's heat of the moment, but come on! :D Once again the victim had it comin' though. Guy was absolutely reprehensible. At least the Ran scene in the first half of the case was cute. And yeah, static shocks do suck. :D




Detective Conan 526


It was nice that it centered around a relatively minor recurring character like Azusa, even if we knew the culprit from the start. That tends to bug me less in one-offs than 2 parters anyway. Takagi was quite the incompetent boob here though, good thing his love interest has him covered:




Twin Star Exorcists 40

Piacevole! My Italian Cooking 2

Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon 2



<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! Season 2, 2


One Room 2 - this show is so weird lol.


Little Witch Academia 1 - i like how sucy is basically the hermione of the group. best girl.

Kobayashi 2 - where do i know this artwork from..


Detective Conan 527


I did find it humorous that all 3 of them were trying to secretly kill each other and all failed. Conan's superhero-esque theatrics were fun and different from the norm, if a bit over the top. His aim for that bottle cap kick musta been insane! xD Next time just let Kogoro do the play:




Detective Conan 528 - 529


Well the case itself was fairly basic with little mystery, but Eri's involvement spiced things up. I'll admit, even as a Kogoro defender I was fooled into thinking he got lucky too. Damnit Gosho, why couldn't you let Eri know Kogoro was being sincere!? Ah well, still a fun case for her reaction shots if nothing else:



Someday they'll get back together Ran. Someday.




  • BAKUON!! #11
  • Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Momentary" and "Baffler Meal"
  • Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: (yesterday's episode)
  • Yuri!!! on ICE #1

[stake through the heart]


Lupin III vs. Detective Conan(1hr 45min TV Special)



Well, that was certainly fun. Definitely felt like a Detective Conan story that just happened to guest star the Lupin cast, which I guess it was. Lupin even seemed to kinda acknowledge it in a humorous fourth wall break regarding his lack of "adult" scenes. Though at least they still managed to fit this in:


I looked it up and Fujiko and Zenigata were still being voiced by their primary/original voices in this. Probably explains why they sounded so tired, Zenigata especially. I couldn't believe it was the original actor, he sounded nothing like his Part II Zenigata, but then this did come out around 30 years later. He would have been around 79 years old when he recorded this and has since passed so I guess it makes sense. This was probably the last time he voiced him. Ditto Fujiko's actress. On the Conan side of voice acting we're running out of time with Kogoro's original actor, but more on that when we reach his actual final performance as the character.


Odd place to start a review I know, but it jumped out at me. Anyway yeah, fun as I said. Bit of a Prince and the Pauper story with the two Rans. Felt a bit jarring seeing an incredibly obnoxious/bratty version of Ran in Mira. I swear, Conan becomes some kinda unstoppable gremlin when it comes to protecting Ran, which is sweet...mostly. Grabbing the wheel of the plane all I could think of was that Twilight Zone episode. :D


The mystery itself wasn't much to speak of, but the ways certain characters played off each other were enjoyable. Lupin disguised as Kogoro and mixing his imput with Conan's deduction was fun for instance. Ditto the scene comparing Lupin and Jigen's relationship with Conan and Kogoro's...even if the comparison's truthfulness is up for debate. :D And who knew Inspector Megure knew Zenigata? :P Not sure how Lupin happened to know Conan's true identity by the end. Felt like they just inserted that to have him get one over on Conan, but maybe I missed something.


I enjoyed seeing badass Kogoro in the beginning and doting father Kogoro when reuniting with Ran. Ran's daydream of marrying Shinichi was adorable too. It occurs to me that this was a vs. special but never really felt like Lupin and Conan were fighting each other. Closest it came was his chase with Fujiko but even that wasn't much. Goemon was also very much an afterthought in this, not that I mind, him being my least favorite Lupin regular anyway. And he actually appeared, unlike Haibara or the Detective Boys, whose absence I didn't really mind either. :D I wonder if the theatrical film will be more of an actual vs. story than this was when I get to it, but we'll see eventually. So uh, yeah...8/10. Here's all the other random caps I took:














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