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Text messages show Justin Roiland used his Rick and Morty fame to pursue young fans

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Well at least this can be held as some evidence he still should have been fired because ever since he was deemed innocent in court people have been believing he didn’t ever do anything heinous and should be reinstated.

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One woman said that on a Tinder date he (Roiland) sexually assaulted her, forcing her to perform oral sex on him after she said no. 

Another woman accepted Roiland’s offer to be flown to Los Angeles to stay with him, where she said she drank heavily before Roiland and another woman had sex with her. 

Both women were 20 at the time and said Roiland, then in his late 30s, bought them alcohol.

While he was talking to girls as young as 16. That we know of. Makes my blood boil.

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1 minute ago, PokeNirvash said:

[flashbacks to John K's "Chinese Tickle Time" texts intensify]

Get John K and Roiland to collaborate on a series starring Vic. It’s the only series they ever get to work on.

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8 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said:

Make it Scott Freeman, and I 100% agree with the latter statement. Believe it or not, Vic's still managing to find work, few and far between and probably canceled as it is.

As far as I know, Scott Freeman tucked his tail between his legs and disappeared. I’m talking about creeps who got outted but tried to get back in the game.


This seems very strategic, one month before the new voice reveal, drop some new “evidence” to help justify not giving him his roles back in R&M. I still stand in the camp that text messages are one of the easiest things to fake, and we have already had one accuser recant their accusations. 

1 hour ago, Sketch said:

As far as I know, Scott Freeman tucked his tail between his legs and disappeared. I’m talking about creeps who got outted but tried to get back in the game.

Strangely, Scott Freeman actually did a couple more roles with Funi after his charges. I suppose it could have been stuff that was already recorded and they just didn’t want to bother redoing it all, I don’t believe any were huge roles. In comparison, he was immediately tossed out of Highschool DxD, which unfortunately was bundled with Teri Rogers departure which made people ask even more questions. 

Anyway, I believe Scott Freeman was forced by law to relocate to another state, and if you aren’t in Texas or New York, good luck getting any voice work, even without charges like that hanging over your head. 

Kind of an apples to oranges comparison though. Freeman actually had the content on his computer. Hard evidence of his crimes. Vic and Roiland is all hearsay with a bunch of shoddy evidence that either of them actually did anything wrong. 

  • D'oh 3
30 minutes ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

This seems very strategic, one month before the new voice reveal, drop some new “evidence” to help justify not giving him his roles back in R&M. I still stand in the camp that text messages are one of the easiest things to fake, and we have already had one accuser recant their accusations. 

Strangely, Scott Freeman actually did a couple more roles with Funi after his charges. I suppose it could have been stuff that was already recorded and they just didn’t want to bother redoing it all, I don’t believe any were huge roles. In comparison, he was immediately tossed out of Highschool DxD, which unfortunately was bundled with Teri Rogers departure which made people ask even more questions. 

Anyway, I believe Scott Freeman was forced by law to relocate to another state, and if you aren’t in Texas or New York, good luck getting any voice work, even without charges like that hanging over your head. 

Kind of an apples to oranges comparison though. Freeman actually had the content on his computer. Hard evidence of his crimes. Vic and Roiland is all hearsay with a bunch of shoddy evidence that either of them actually did anything wrong. 

Vic had a solid 20 years of hitting on women/girls to the point where everyone at every convention knew they needed to keep him away from the younglings. There were literally hundreds of people with Vic stories that they personally experienced, which in court would be referred to as witness testimony, not hearsay.

Hearsay is when a witness refers to something they didn't experience, such as "Sarah told me Vic tried to kiss her" 

Witness testimony would be something like "Vic tried to kiss me" 

The Roiland thing is the least surprising news of the century. He's a massive alcoholic and has to be a sex addict. A good hint that someone is gonna bang children is when they start saying "wellll 100 years ago....."


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1 hour ago, Daos said:

Vic had a solid 20 years of hitting on women/girls to the point where everyone at every convention knew they needed to keep him away from the younglings. There were literally hundreds of people with Vic stories that they personally experienced, which in court would be referred to as witness testimony, not hearsay.

None of which can actually be proven, and when opportunity arose to come forward under oath, no one did. Vic was the 00s weeb girl wet dream, a lot of accusations come off as memories the person WISHED happened, not what actually happened. 

1 hour ago, Daos said:

Hearsay is when a witness refers to something they didn't experience, such as "Sarah told me Vic tried to kiss her" 

That’s what most Vic stories are. “I heard Vic did X at a con from my friend”. You would think if Vic was the blight on cons rumors suggest he was, they would have stopped inviting him to them a decade ago. 

  • D'oh 3
3 minutes ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

None of which can actually be proven, and when opportunity arose to come forward under oath, no one did. Vic was the 00s weeb girl wet dream, a lot of accusations come off as memories the person WISHED happened, not what actually happened. 

That’s what most Vic stories are. “I heard Vic did X at a con from my friend”. You would think if Vic was the blight on cons rumors suggest he was, they would have stopped inviting him to them a decade ago. 

Oh so you trash trash. Anyways, Sony found his ass likely got fired from his school job for inappropriate behavior with a student because he wanted to fuck around and find out with a corporation's legal team, and he said he couldn't recall if that's what happened on the record so he's going to stay a bottom feeder for the rest of his career no matter what your wack ass believes.

I will add that I saw him at DragonCon being doted on by a stream of young girls and allowed them to cling on him. It gave me the ick so bad that I went from wanting to speak to him as a FMA fan into avoidance mode.

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

None of which can actually be proven, and when opportunity arose to come forward under oath, no one did. Vic was the 00s weeb girl wet dream, a lot of accusations come off as memories the person WISHED happened, not what actually happened. 

That’s what most Vic stories are. “I heard Vic did X at a con from my friend”. You would think if Vic was the blight on cons rumors suggest he was, they would have stopped inviting him to them a decade ago. 

I think you're misremembering the trial. Vic was never on trial. He sued for defamation vs his former employer and two of its employees. The people accusing him of bad conduct would have not been asked to testify, just the people he accused of defamation and anyone with any evidence supporting his claim.

Witness testimony is a form of proof and accepted in all courts in the US. So you can't say witnesses saying a certain thing happened isn't proof. One witness can usually be discounted as he said she said unless they have physical proof. When you have dozens of women saying the same thing, you are what is known as boned.

There were a lot of accusers.

"This spurred io9 to conduct interviews with approximately two dozen of Mignogna's accusers, censoring their names to protect their identities. Multiple women recounted their stories of Mignogna inappropriately touching them and aggressively kissing them, with one voice actress recalling a traumatic experience in which Mignogna kissed her and forced her onto his hotel bed, only being saved from further assault by a "door knock." Another industry peer asserts that, after a separate instance of harassment, Mignogna convinced her to briefly visit his hotel room. When she tried to leave, Mignogna forcibly embraced her and began caressing the backs of her thighs without consent, repeating, "'Let me be sweet to you' - over and over, at least five or six times."

Edited by Daos
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I love Toonami Jury!





11 hours ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

None of which can actually be proven, and when opportunity arose to come forward under oath, no one did. Vic was the 00s weeb girl wet dream, a lot of accusations come off as memories the person WISHED happened, not what actually happened. 

wtf? In what world would this be an acceptable point to make? It's just kinda gross.

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3 hours ago, naraku360 said:

wtf? In what world would this be an acceptable point to make? It's just kinda gross.

Because I remember the internet in the mid to late 00s. Finding fanfiction about the authors self insert and Vic McNuggets was not uncommon. We can’t just blindly believe what claims anonymous people make as there is no way to verify their legitimacy, and since they are anonymous, they are at zero risk for repercussions if they made the entire thing up. 

Cancel culture makes situations like this hard to work with without hard evidence. Twitter decided one day it was socially acceptable to shit on Vic, come forward with whatever stories you like, Vic is certified “bad” so make shit up if you feel like it, people will just blindly believe it, and also turn a blind eye if you get caught telling lies. 

  • D'oh 3
1 hour ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

Because I remember the internet in the mid to late 00s. Finding fanfiction about the authors self insert and Vic McNuggets was not uncommon. We can’t just blindly believe what claims anonymous people make as there is no way to verify their legitimacy, and since they are anonymous, they are at zero risk for repercussions if they made the entire thing up. 

Cancel culture makes situations like this hard to work with without hard evidence. Twitter decided one day it was socially acceptable to shit on Vic, come forward with whatever stories you like, Vic is certified “bad” so make shit up if you feel like it, people will just blindly believe it, and also turn a blind eye if you get caught telling lies. 

Except a lot of the stories about Vic online predated the Me too movement/ Cancel culture by many years. So unless the accusers had time machines you can't blame it on a MeToo conspiracy.

It's literally everyone who worked at every convention he's ever been to, all of his coworkers, and hundreds of convention attendee's. How many witnesses are you requiring before you change your mind here?

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4 hours ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

Because I remember the internet in the mid to late 00s. Finding fanfiction about the authors self insert and Vic McNuggets was not uncommon. We can’t just blindly believe what claims anonymous people make as there is no way to verify their legitimacy, and since they are anonymous, they are at zero risk for repercussions if they made the entire thing up. 

Guy's a creep. I remember the time at a con when he smooched a teenage girl without consent at his panel and the crowd cheered and applauded for some reason. She said it was her birthday, but there was no statement of desiring a kiss. I found that incident gross. I can't really support Vic because the #IstandwithVic movement seems to be a spinoff from the anti-Daisy Ridley, Brie Larson, Jodie Whitaker whatever woman that misogynists hate movement. Can't find a pro-Vic Youtube channel that doesn't hate on whatever actress "raped Star Wars/marvel/Doctor Who" whatever. I doubt the honesty and intent of the #IstandwithVic movement for that reason.

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19 minutes ago, MCPissPants said:

Guy's a creep. I remember the time at a con when he smooched a teenage girl without consent at his panel and the crowd cheered and applauded for some reason. She said it was her birthday, but there was no statement of desiring a kiss. I found that incident gross. I can't really support Vic because the #IstandwithVic movement seems to be a spinoff from the anti-Daisy Ridley, Brie Larson, Jodie Whitaker whatever woman that misogynists hate movement. Can't find a pro-Vic Youtube channel that doesn't hate on whatever actress "raped Star Wars/marvel/Doctor Who" whatever. I doubt the honesty and intent of the #IstandwithVic movement for that reason.

People got swept up in the culture war aspect of it. If the guys on the other side want to get Vic, then obviously he's innocent and they have to do whatever they can to help him. People still argue that Roiland should get his job back now that the charges were dropped, and ignore the other behavior that Roiland was engaging in at work which was borderline psychotic.

“He would skip important meetings, cancel last minute or arrive drunk, and leave writers waiting until the last second to file phoned-in voice performances.” “openly discussed threesomes and was involved in at least one instance of alleged sexual harassment”

They're never going to see that part, they're just going to see "Roiland charges dropped" and wonder how this cruel fate could have befallen him.

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

Because I remember the internet in the mid to late 00s. Finding fanfiction about the authors self insert and Vic McNuggets was not uncommon. We can’t just blindly believe what claims anonymous people make as there is no way to verify their legitimacy, and since they are anonymous, they are at zero risk for repercussions if they made the entire thing up. 

Cancel culture makes situations like this hard to work with without hard evidence. Twitter decided one day it was socially acceptable to shit on Vic, come forward with whatever stories you like, Vic is certified “bad” so make shit up if you feel like it, people will just blindly believe it, and also turn a blind eye if you get caught telling lies. 

I remember the 2000s, too.

"He didn't do it, but if he had they would've wanted it," was weird then and it's weird now.

If we're talking evidence, can you back up the claim they just wish he had with more than MySpace/LiveJournal anecdotes? Like proof linking whatever you're talking about the the specific people who made the allegations?

If not, it's a really weird and creepy sentiment. We are talking about 16 year olds and a guy old enough to be their grandfather, so even if we humor the notion it would still be gross. If a 16 year old flirted with me I'd nope the fuck out and he's got 30 years on me, dude.

Edited by naraku360
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4 hours ago, Daos said:

Except a lot of the stories about Vic online predated the Me too movement/ Cancel culture by many years. So unless the accusers had time machines you can't blame it on a MeToo conspiracy.

It's literally everyone who worked at every convention he's ever been to, all of his coworkers, and hundreds of convention attendee's. How many witnesses are you requiring before you change your mind here?

So what you are saying is, for multiple years the people who put on cons knew Vic was allegedly a creep, but still phoned him up to be a headliner at the con? Something doesn’t add up there. Either various con staff are complicit in aiding Vic, or the accusations are heavily overblown and the con staff disregarded them. 

  • D'oh 2
9 minutes ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

So what you are saying is, for multiple years the people who put on cons knew Vic was allegedly a creep, but still phoned him up to be a headliner at the con? Something doesn’t add up there. Either various con staff are complicit in aiding Vic, or the accusations are heavily overblown and the con staff disregarded them. 

Cons disregarding safety in the name of the almighty dollar? How absurd that a con could do that. 

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

So what you are saying is, for multiple years the people who put on cons knew Vic was allegedly a creep, but still phoned him up to be a headliner at the con? Something doesn’t add up there. Either various con staff are complicit in aiding Vic, or the accusations are heavily overblown and the con staff disregarded them. 

Yes, people will do anything for money. Why didn't Roiland get fired for not showing up to work for 2 years? Because it would have hurt a show that made a lot of money.

Oh and Vic was a huge draw with his own fan club of teen girls.

This is a reddit post from 10 years ago, well before MeToo or the scandal. The incident she talks about happened 15 years ago, when she was 14.

"Vic has habit of getting drunk and trying to pick up fan girls to go back to his hotel room. It's happened quite a few times and you could probably google it at this point.
I was talking with him over email once and he got kinda creepy, it turned into a "I look forward to meeting you on Friday ;) Lets talk more at the con, let me know at the autographs." After a series of strange messages. My creep radar exploded especially when I actually got to the con, the way he held fangirl's hands when doing autographs and the way he looked at the young girls was just too much. I got the autograph, he tenderly caressed my hand when he gave my book back, and I got the hell out of there without ever telling him who I was.
Luckily my story isn't like my friend's. She went to a con with a girl who ended up in an elevator with shitfaced Mignogna. The girl refused to go back to his room with him, but damn, he tried pretty hard.

I don't disagree that he's a chill guy. But he's got some weird stuff back there. Our emails were great until it started to sound like an internet hookup. Just sorta ruined the guy for me forever. This was also 6 years ago, so I don't doubt that he's changed since then.

Edit: it wasn't my friend's friend in the elevator, talked to her about it yesterday. It was herself. She went on about how she was ready to punch the dude in the face if he puked on her and that it was disgusting just being by him while that intoxicated.

YEARS LATER EDIT since this post is still getting circulated somehow: to the people saying he's only guilty of talking to someone of the opposite sex, I was 14 at the time and he was trying to hook up with me when he found out I had a hotel room for the con. I'm lucky my room fell through. No I was not an adult. Again, I repeat, since I didn't mention this in the first place, I WAS FOURTEEN. My age was the FIRST thing he asked me in our email exchanges and it encouraged him instead of dissuading. I knew I was doing something wrong talking to an older man this way and didn't tell my parents, I kept it an uncomfortable secret, and dodged a bullet by just getting my shit signed and going the fuck home. And for the record, it was Nan Desu Kan 2008"

The number of girls this guy hit on in over a 30 year span is staggering, there are more stories like this than episodes of One Piece, just reading them all would take forever.

Edited by Daos
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2 hours ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

What? When have I ever believed something Demarco has said? I’d be even more skeptical if it was Demarco. 

I’m sure you know they meant if girls accused DeMarco of sexual harassment you’d believe them but aren’t you a funny one? :headspinning:

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1 minute ago, Sketch said:

I’m sure you know they meant if girls accused DeMarco of sexual harassment you’d believe them but aren’t you a funny one? :headspinning:

Believe it or not, I was just about to edit my comment as it just clicked with me that he was suggesting if people were accusing Demarco, not if Demarco was the one making accusations. 

And you know what, I still wouldn’t believe them. For all Demarco’s flaws, never once have I felt he had an issue keeping his dick in his pants. If something came out, I’d be genuinely shocked because there hasn’t been a single sign. 

1 minute ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

Believe it or not, I was just about to edit my comment as it just clicked with me that he was suggesting if people were accusing Demarco, not if Demarco was the one making accusations. 

And you know what, I still wouldn’t believe them. For all Demarco’s flaws, never once have I felt he had an issue keeping his dick in his pants. If something came out, I’d be genuinely shocked because there hasn’t been a single sign. 

I didn’t personally think you would but on the topic of signs, there were plenty with Roiland and Vic.

It’s not at all hard to believe conventions and higher ups at FUNimation prior to Sony valued Vic’s pull enough to let him remain a broken step on the staircase that many young women had to learn to avoid. A good many people were complicit to his behavior either willingly or begrudgingly because he drew a big crowd. The bottom line is more important than protecting unknowing fans. They would also think “surely he couldn’t do anything so heinous that we’ll get sued so whatever happens we’ll be fine”.

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15 hours ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

Believe it or not, I was just about to edit my comment as it just clicked with me that he was suggesting if people were accusing Demarco, not if Demarco was the one making accusations. 

And you know what, I still wouldn’t believe them. For all Demarco’s flaws, never once have I felt he had an issue keeping his dick in his pants. 

I was expecting you to be fully committed to the bit and be like “ah yes, Demarco’s historically a bitch who’s always giving us the no-no touch and is a threat to society.”

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2 hours ago, Drunkenwarrior said:

Can't they just force him to write for the show and stuff in jail?


I just wanna watch Rick and morty

He was barely writing for the show as is. If he was JUST a “writer” his removal from the show would be almost unnoticeable. Him being the voice of both main characters is why his removal will have such a huge impact. Lots of hacks can imitate his voice, but his true talent was the delivery and improv. I’d love to see these Tiktok imitators do some original lines, not just copy iconic ones. 


12 minutes ago, [classic swim] said:

I was expecting you to be fully committed to the bit and be like “ah yes, Demarco’s historically a bitch who’s always giving us the no-no touch and is a threat to society.”

Nah, Demarco gives me plenty of ammo to bitch about, I don’t need to fabricate things to be angry about in regards to him. 

1 hour ago, Toonamiguy321 said:

Lots of hacks can imitate his voice, but his true talent was the delivery and improv. I’d love to see these Tiktok imitators do some original lines, not just copy iconic ones. 

How will they ever match the brilliant improv classics like "Wubba lubba dub dub" or "Mr. Poopybutthole"?

Gibberish? More like geniusbberish!

 And, like, his name... it souts like.... poopy butthole! That's hilarious! Who would come up with a name like that? Poop! ON A BUTTHOLE!!! BARHARHARHARHARHAR!!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad my IQ is high enough to almost understand the depths of Rick and Morty.

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I remember Billy West shit talking Rick and Morty at a con saying that the voice acting in the show was amateurish and that he'd never accept an offer to play in that show as it would be beneath him. Apparently not everybody thinks Roiland's an irreplaceable talent. Well, considering the fact that he voices the main character in the sci-fi cartoon that has a rivalry with Rick and Morty, he probably is very biased. 

As for Demarco, doesn't he hate boobs in cartoons and vetoes fanservice scenes in originals? That makes it hard to imagine he's a rapist as much as 4chan's belief he's a sex hating prude.

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1 hour ago, naraku360 said:

How will they ever match the brilliant improv classics like "Wubba lubba dub dub" or "Mr. Poopybutthole"?

Gibberish? More like geniusbberish!

 And, like, his name... it souts like.... poopy butthole! That's hilarious! Who would come up with a name like that? Poop! ON A BUTTHOLE!!! BARHARHARHARHARHAR!!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad my IQ is high enough to almost understand the depths of Rick and Morty.

Hey, no one said I’m defending the writing of this show. It’s garbage. But one of its unique aspects was its improv style. They criticize him coming in drunk to recordings, but why? It just makes drunk science man sound more real. 

These dudes on Tiktok shout “IM MR MEESEEKS LOOK AT ME!” in a way that wouldn’t exist without Roiland, and then think they have the chops to voice the entire show. There is so much more to voice work than the sound that comes out of your mouth. And I guarantee you 100% that Rick and Morty will never sound right again. 

22 minutes ago, MCPissPants said:

I remember Billy West shit talking Rick and Morty at a con saying that the voice acting in the show was amateurish and that he'd never accept an offer to play in that show as it would be beneath him. Apparently not everybody thinks Roiland's an irreplaceable talent. Well, considering the fact that he voices the main character in the sci-fi cartoon that has a rivalry with Rick and Morty, he probably is very biased. 

As for Demarco, doesn't he hate boobs in cartoons and vetoes fanservice scenes in originals? That makes it hard to imagine he's a rapist as much as 4chan's belief he's a sex hating prude.

It’s SUPPOSED to be “amateurish”, where Roiland sounds like he is just making the shit up in the booth rather than reading off a script. Every other character in the show is doing “proper” voice work where they read off a clearly defined script and don’t stall for time to think of something to say with an aww jeez or uh uh uh. It ain’t for everyone, but credit to them for doing something unique. 

Yes, Demarco hates fanservice, and is one of many examples why he isn’t fit to be in charge of making FLCL projects. Thats a valid criticism I stand by. 

Posted (edited)

Wow, so Roiland is even worse than we thought.

Someone still defending Vic.  Wow.  The dude's a pariah and his career is dead and buried, but you still wanna die on that hill.

I will say that I recall many years ago, a guy on the ASMB mentioned how he hates Vic Mignogna.  I was surprised, I mentioned how Vic is known as being fan friendly and asked why he hates him, and he said because Vic is an asshole and how he acts at conventions. 

I didn't really take this guy seriously, because he acted like an asshole himself on the boards, but what he was clearly referring to was how Vic would be abusive towards convention staff, which we learned about later, along with the sexual allegations.

I also remember there being at least one previous attempt to expose Vic's behavior.  Basically what was said was Vic invades people's personal spaces, he gets too touchy and grabby and sometimes hugs people too tight. 

What was said didn't sound too bad, but it wasn't made clear that Vic did this stuff without permission, or how old the fans were, and we didn't hear the worst stuff.  I guess it didn't gain much traction because of that, and social media not being anywhere near what it is now compared to back then.

But yeah, I've never been to any anime conventions, since I read a blog post on ThatGuyWithTheGlasses eons ago about convention horrors, and the infamous yaoi paddles, con flu, con funk, and other bad stuff was mentioned, but I still remember people talking about this Vic stuff online, and so when he got fully exposed it wasn't completely out of nowhere.

Sounds like ToonamiGuy ate a whole fucking bottle of red pills.  Wouldn't be surprised if he thinks Bill Cosby and Epstein were framed. 🤣

Edited by ben0119
8 hours ago, Jman said:

Just a reminder for everyone Vic literally did have his day in court...and was found liable.  

That's not what happened =P

He wasn't found liable for anything, he was the one suing. He decided he was going to win a defamation suit with absolutely no evidence, a strategy that most legal experts referred to as "dumb."

His lawyer wasn't a big help.




This thread got me fucked up for multiple days, y'all. "The allegations probably came from delusional fangirls describing their ultimate fantasy: being made uncomfortable by the middle aged man who voiced their favorite character and has clear issues respecting personal space" dealt 400 points of psychic damage and knocked me the fuck out. Jesus christ.

I know I ask this every goddamn time but I'm still so genuinely curious. If Mcnuggets didn't do anything, why have there been dozens of people sharing similar stories for years about him being noticeably but non-illegally creepy? Were all of these unrelated strangers just seeding lies about him in advance, waiting for the day that Monica Rial finally blew the Horn of Feminist Terror that alerted them all to rise up and destroy an innocent man's career? Is that actually more believable than a middle aged white guy who doesn't understand boundaries and thinks he's hilarious was allowed to get away with it for a long time because he was popular?

What, do you also think the women who spoke out about Harvey Weinstein were just describing their fantasies of being molested by a cursed puppet made of expired ham and dryer lint?

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

This thread got me fucked up for multiple days, y'all. "The allegations probably came from delusional fangirls describing their ultimate fantasy: being made uncomfortable by the middle aged man who voiced their favorite character and has clear issues respecting personal space" dealt 400 points of psychic damage and knocked me the fuck out. Jesus christ.

I know I ask this every goddamn time but I'm still so genuinely curious. If Mcnuggets didn't do anything, why have there been dozens of people sharing similar stories for years about him being noticeably but non-illegally creepy? Were all of these unrelated strangers just seeding lies about him in advance, waiting for the day that Monica Rial finally blew the Horn of Feminist Terror that alerted them all to rise up and destroy an innocent man's career? Is that actually more believable than a middle aged white guy who doesn't understand boundaries and thinks he's hilarious was allowed to get away with it for a long time because he was popular?

What, do you also think the women who spoke out about Harvey Weinstein were just describing their fantasies of being molested by a cursed puppet made of expired ham and dryer lint?

There's an entire cult built around this guy, tons of people that think he did absolutely nothing wrong. In fact, he's a Saint! The comments on this video pretty much sums up how they think. 

"You know what really pisses me off all of this controversy because Vic was very kind to everybody he hugged everybody, he was not discriminatory against anybody and they called him a pedophile just because he was a very kind person? He's been a legend for a long time only to bullied online for something he didn't do, because some voice actors such as Monica real Jamie Marchi and Christopher had a shit beef with him because of his faith how sad they are."


"We need to keep showing things like this, I mean basically this proves that Vic Mignona is a saint unlike Monica Rial, Jamie Marchi, D.C Douglas, Chris Sabat, or any other member of KickVic"
Edited by Daos

Caitlin Glass, Zeno Robinson and several other VAs are Christians and seemingly nobody in their field shuns them for it. There are some people who don’t like how Vic tries to convert fans to Christianity but I don’t believe for a second that any reputable actor would have beef with Vic for being religious.

Jamie Marchi has less prominent roles under her belt but Chris Sabat and Monica Rial being jealous of Vic seems pretty absurd. They’re constantly working and have more beloved roles in their repertoire than Vic does, especially Sabat. Schemmel I can see trashing Vic (he has) but Schemmel is also the kind of douche who picks fights with other voices of Goku.

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Posted (edited)

The thing that gets me about the Cult of Vic is that they think Monica's the big bad when it makes more sense for them to think that of Jamie. She's the one who angrily called for his figurative castration, after all. All Monica did was passive-aggressively chew out some rude Twitter asshole who rightfully deserved it.

Huh, I remember there being more profanity in there.

Edited by PokeNirvash
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Why does it seem so hard for some people to not be complete shitheels?

Something to remember about Roiland - when the accusations that got him hauled away came to light, no one in the show came to his defense despite the very real possibility that his going away would kill their jobs with the show. What we did learn was that he rarely showed up, would phone in his part, hadn't written anything in ages, and was just a general creep when he would come in who was more interested in playing with his RC car than actually working through any scripts. You basically had people who were willing to face the potential of unemployment rather than defend him. 

As for Vic. When you have fandoms crossing the aisles left, right and sideways to warn all the other fandoms at a Con that he's in the building/hanging out near certain elevators, you know something is very wrong. 

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