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50 bucks don't seem like very much money to me. I tired of looking up what my state says about monkeys. and it doesn't say anything. it mostly talks about Falconry hawks. I do have a licence that allows me to ship and own venomous spiders


monkeys are kinda cute, certainly interesting and fun to watch on tv but irl super annoying. i was briefly friends with a girl in middle school whos dad was a zoo keeper of some kind.... it was a long time ago, anyways, for whatever reason, they had a monkey in their house for a little while. at first i thought, COOL! ITS A MONKEY! but it got old real quick. i think it was a young one and it was very playful, but that also included shit like running up on you and yanking your ponytail really fucking hard. it also smelled kinda gross and was a very adept kleptomaniac.


We have permits that let you keep any monkey you want as a pet except for baboons and great apes as long as you adhere to state regulations. I have, however, seen the Oprah special on the woman attacked by her pet chimpanzee so owning that kind of exotic pet sounds like a terrible idea.


I've heard too many horror stories about owning monkeys to ever look up owning one for myself. Also, down here, exotic animal owners aren't looked upon in a friendly manner because of too many assholes who realize too late that they ain't equipped to handle them and then dump them outside.


I am of the opinion that like many birds, monkeys are not meant to be pets


Ok.... I'm just saying.... I would probably risk the dangers if I could have a pet Moa....


Just so I could sick him on my enemies and watch him disembowel them with his giant kick ass talents.


Can't you have a ferret? what the fuck? I'm never gonna live there I love ferrets

Nope, at one time we could have ferrets but they had to be spayed or neutered but then they flat out said, "nope, health risk"

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