Admin Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 My guess is, if it were to return, it wouldn't be for a couple years at least. Just because of stuff that's already in the pipeline. The kind of thing that could bring it back I would think would be either a block expansion of some sort, or a pressing need that would compel Funi or whoever to put a deal on the table that Toonami couldn't possibly refuse. But - I guess my observation would be - there are worse scenarios for a potential "some day" return of OP than what we have, which is - the programmers love it, it's got a decent audience on the block, tons of fans, and there appears to be a good working relationship between Toonami and the licensing companies. so - while it's probably not an immediate priority - it's certainly not a pariah either. It's a good show, with a decent audience, and the businesses involved seem to have a good working relationship. So - there's really nothing that suggests it will never ever be back. Quote
moose Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 My Mother And I like one piece i even bought one piece burning blood for ps4 last year It's not enough. In the grand scheme of things, no one likes One Piece here. And that's fucking sad. Quote
CountFrylock Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 My guess is, if it were to return, it wouldn't be for a couple years at least. Just because of stuff that's already in the pipeline. The kind of thing that could bring it back I would think would be either a block expansion of some sort, or a pressing need that would compel Funi or whoever to put a deal on the table that Toonami couldn't possibly refuse. But - I guess my observation would be - there are worse scenarios for a potential "some day" return of OP than what we have, which is - the programmers love it, it's got a decent audience on the block, tons of fans, and there appears to be a good working relationship between Toonami and the licensing companies. so - while it's probably not an immediate priority - it's certainly not a pariah either. It's a good show, with a decent audience, and the businesses involved seem to have a good working relationship. So - there's really nothing that suggests it will never ever be back. the problem is the wording of "A Couple of years at least" things can change and toonami could go down fast within the next couple of months...i think it's gonna be hard to get people to care about one piece with it having died several times already on television if it came out after 2-4 years that would be enough time for people to just not even give a shit....their annoyance would just drive them to buy the blu-rays or watch them online Quote
CountFrylock Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 It's not enough. In the grand scheme of things, no one likes One Piece here. And that's fucking sad. look let's be honest here nothing will ever gonna stand tall with DBZ soaking up all the attention One Piece was just an easy target because they could use low ratings as an excuse and people would buy it they doubled down on DBZ too fast and like earlier stated are paying the price...they had to give up something to afford the double DBZ Quote
AnimationFan14 Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Yeah, for example I could see them start One Piece anew after DBZ Kai FC ends from the Winter 2015 Simuldub's first episode, which isn't available on FUNimation NOW, or I don't know how to get to it. But as for our continued watch, I think it should begin on March 20th and be 4 episodes a week (Monday-Thursday) for 18 weeks. Is that decent? Also if the block ends up expanding a little more once again who's to say One Piece couldn't return in an expanded slot like Luuv mentioned? I'm not saying the block even has to expand for One Piece to return but the different possibilities are out there. I think that's a decent plan for a continued watch, and we still have time to go over it with StarPanda, DBZ, and whoever else also wants to join our group Quote
CountFrylock Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 i think some of you are a little too optimistic to think OP will ever return....and honestly if i have to wait several years for it to come back I'm not gonna bother waiting...might as well just watch it online cause this is bullshit No Way would toonami do a jump back and bring back one piece after like DBZ Kai FC Or Sam Jack Ends Quote
Meilag32 Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 My guess is, if it were to return, it wouldn't be for a couple years at least. Just because of stuff that's already in the pipeline. Would you be so kind as to grace with your knowledge of what's "in the pipeline"? Pretty please? I, for one, wondered if Toonami would try to grab Code Geass Season 3. I heard the TV ratings for this were less than desired (though I heard it had better online ratings). Not sure if I would actually want it to come to Toonami though. If it didn't, I could buy it on Blu-ray sooner and watch it at my leisure. Though discussing it on our Uneven Edge would be good, too. I'm still bitter that Funimation held off on the release of DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters Blu-rays until after the show started airing on Toonami (which took, what, two years later than it would have normally come out?). I see they're finally available for pre-order on various sites. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Seriously, like...stop this shit man. This is fucking serious. This tells me no one in this shit-hole of a nation likes One Piece. That fact fucking kills me inside. Dude I sleep with an Ace body pillow at night. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Quote
CountFrylock Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 what angers me the most is that we only got Ennies Lobby And Thriller Bark those were the only two big story arcs we got....nothing else and we end on a stupid spa island filler Quote
moose Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Dude I sleep with an Ace body pillow at night. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Well, I care ok. I care about OP's standing in the US. So when shit like this happens, it breaks my heart. Quote
Daos Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 I'm glad One Piece is leaving. Good riddance. I hate these never-ending shows. If they could just get rid of Naruto and Hunter X Hunter, that'd be awesome too. With the exception of Dragon Ball, Toonami should restrict itself to shows that are concise enough to have a beginning, middle, and end. 12-13 episode series minimum, no more than 50ish maximum. With a scant few exceptions, I hate shows that go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on etc,. just because it's popular, not because the story still makes cohesive sense. The IPs I love the most (whether anime, TV show, movie, book, comic, video game, etc.) are the ones that have a specific story to tell and follow through with that and don't fall to the temptation of endless filler arcs simply due to ratings. Ha careful, HxH has some rabid fans on here! But yes, I've always believed that your show shouldn't go on for hundreds of episodes unless there's some incredibly compelling reason it NEEDS to be that long in order to tell a good story. Which is basically never in my experience. Can anyone seriously tell me that OP needed 700 episodes to tell the story it's told up until now? I get that the short runners cost too much to have all the time, but haviing an entire block of these long runners is just death. Quote
moose Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Ha careful, HxH has some rabid fans on here! But yes, I've always believed that your show shouldn't go on for hundreds of episodes unless there's some incredibly compelling reason it NEEDS to be that long in order to tell a good story. Which is basically never in my experience. Can anyone seriously tell me that OP needed 700 episodes to tell the story it's told up until now? I get that the short runners cost too much to have all the time, but haviing an entire block of these long runners is just death. There isn't a good reason, but OP is one of the few long-runners that is STILL COMPELLING and ENJOYABLE after all this time. More so with the manga, because the anime's production values aren't too good. But still.... it's a huge blow for the franchise in America... which is the part that sucks. OP always had a up-hill struggle due to starting with the 4Kids dub... And it's just never could hit that plateu of greatness... meanwhile garbage like Naruto still keeps going. Fucking bullshit. Quote
CountFrylock Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 seeming like Toei And Funimation pulled the plug on Toonami Having One Piece since Demarco said it was out of their control.... Quote
moose Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 seeming like Toei And Funimation pulled the plug on Toonami Having One Piece since Demarco said it was out of their control.... No, all this "It was Toei and FUNi" business is bullshit. The higher ups were Demarco's bosses telling them to axe the show because it gets shit ratings EVEN at 2:30am. They tried to keep it on as long as they can for love of the show but... they no longer could. And that is why it'll never be back. let's face it - One Piece is a fucking failure in the US and this cancellation proves it. Next will be the DVD releases and complete halting of the dub. Mark my words. One Piece is fucked in the US. Because no one lies it. Because they rather watch edge-lord shit like Tokyo Ghoul. FUCK ME! Quote
OwlChemist81 Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 No, all this "It was Toei and FUNi" business is bullshit. The higher ups were Demarco's bosses telling them to axe the show because it gets shit ratings EVEN at 2:30am. They tried to keep it on as long as they can for love of the show but... they no longer could. And that is why it'll never be back. let's face it - One Piece is a fucking failure in the US and this cancellation proves it. Next will be the DVD releases and complete halting of the dub. Mark my words. One Piece is fucked in the US. Because no one lies it. Because they rather watch edge-lord shit like Tokyo Ghoul. FUCK ME! :fap: :420: ::spin:: :420: :fap: Quote
moose Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 AlChemist, this is not fucking funny dude, so shut the hell up already and show some goddamn smypathy in my moment of greif. I don't give a flying FUCK if you don't understand why I'm upset. I just fucking am and that's all you need to know to be a considerate and compassionate person, instead of being an overwhelming sick like fucking Jman and kicking me while I'm down when you fucking know how fucking angry and hurt I am right now, And I DON'T IF IT'S ITS JUST A SHOW, It's important to me and that fact alone should stop you from being a dick. I'm fucking sick and tired of this bullshit every goddamn fucking day, I hate it. OP gets canclled and everyone acts like a dick about it. they know I'm hurt. They know im dying inside and yet they keep on with the mocking with the teasing with everything this is fukcing bullshit. Quote
CountFrylock Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 could you imagine how much it must suck to be apart of the toonami crew and suddenly have to remove a show you and the rest of your crew were really passionate about keeping on the block just because "The Ratings Weren't There!"....for a 1:30 AM Show how long before Mike Lazzo breaks down the door and screams at them to have more family guy on toonami Quote
Bookend47 Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 The manga still sells well and it's consistently the third most popular show on Crunchyroll so while it's considerably niche there's still a sizable audience for it. Maybe it will get a resurgence in popularity in America in the future, maybe not but it's not the end of the world. Quote
moose Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 could you imagine how much it must suck to be apart of the toonami crew and suddenly have to remove a show you and the rest of your crew were really passionate about keeping on the block just because "The Ratings Weren't There!"....for a 1:30 AM Show how long before Mike Lazzo breaks down the door and screams at them to have more family guy on toonami That shows how much of an overwhelming failure OP is here. It couldn;t even hold on to a slot that has no expectations. Sigh.... it sucks being a OP fan in America, the land that doesn't respect it. Quote
moose Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 The manga still sells well and it's consistently the third most popular show on Crunchyroll so while it's considerably niche there's still a sizable audience for it. Maybe it will get a resurgence in popularity in America in the future, maybe not but it's not the end of the world. It's the end of my world. I can't look at the bright side for this, don't even mention it. Quote
CountFrylock Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 That shows how much of an overwhelming failure OP is here. It couldn;t even hold on to a slot that has no expectations. Sigh.... it sucks being a OP fan in America, the land that doesn't respect it. this just goes back to all those old adult swim bumps where they constantly mocked anime and anime fans.... even during toonami they have the balls to advertise their shitty original comedies Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Clearly the lesson to learn from this thread post-Moose breakdown is... there is more to life than One Piece, and no amount of denial is gonna change that. [sorry moose] Quote
Jman Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Clearly the lesson to learn from this thread post-Moose breakdown is... there is more to life than One Piece, and no amount of denial is gonna change that. [sorry moose] Here here. Quote
Misaka Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Any wagers on when the death threats begin? Don't start with that Please don't Quote
Misaka Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Girl power... so Madoka? Railgun? Ya know... popular stuff? If you play popular stuff you'll get viewers. If they air railgun I'll be extremely happy Quote
Misaka Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 I love One Piece. I like Tokyo Ghoul though. but - you know, OP goes on and on and there's nothing to keep it from popping back up. my guess is contractually speaking, it was just time to switch it out. The same thing will happen to Naruto and DBZ eventually. It had a good long run and it's essentially omnipresent on the anime landscape such that it cold always come back at some point. I mean, I don't think Toonami and OP are parting on bad terms or anything like that. So - I'm sad that OP is going away, but I actually prefer a Toonami block that's not quite so static as it has become (inundated with long-runners and shrunk at the same time). I like a block that cycles. I like "new" stuff coming around. Clearly, OP is much beloved by staff and fans alike. So you never know. I would suggest that, were the block to expand again or pick up another night or something, OP is a perfect choice to jump into such a void. With new eps still being produced, it could come back at any time you never know. Would be funny if Disney bought the rights to it after toonami drops it Quote
moose Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Clearly the lesson to learn from this thread post-Moose breakdown is... there is more to life than One Piece, and no amount of denial is gonna change that. [sorry moose] No! No there fucking isn't! Not to me. Fuck your sorry! Quote
CountFrylock Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Would be funny if Disney bought the rights to it after toonami drops it sure would be....honestly though i think One Piece is just way too popular of a franchise not to be on television no matter what the toonami ratings suggest if DBZ was at 1:30 AM I'm pretty damn sure even it would be flopping hard Quote
Misaka Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Although for me op took away to long to keep me wanting to watch it Shippuden arcs have a decent amount of action plus blending into the rest of the series For those who have seen this Arc knows where I'm going with this comment Now for me I've been told to watch Tokyo ghoul alot so this is a good way to watch it since I never even heard of it until a week ago Quote
Misaka Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 sure would be....honestly though i think One Piece is just way too popular of a franchise not to be on television no matter what the toonami ratings suggest if DBZ was at 1:30 AM I'm pretty damn sure even it would be flopping hard Disney does own 2 popular kids shows now Pokemon and yokia watch Them getting one piece makes alot of sense even after the fact all TV guides keep listing it as a kids show Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 No! No there fucking isn't! Not to me. Fuck your sorry! And you wonder why people make fun of you. Quote
Misaka Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 And you wonder why people make fun of you. I would out asmb still exist but now it's pathetic and I don't have any care Quote
CountFrylock Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 i do wish i knew why some one piece fans think toonami will bring back One Piece later this year when Tokyo Ghoul Finishes there are actually people who are convinced that one piece is temporarily shelved to keep things fresh and that once Ghoul Ends We'll be seeing the straw hats again(Perhaps with Toonami Striking a cheaper deal for One Piece since Funimation And Toei would probably want the mainstream exposure) although if that was the case why would they make a sad farewell video if they were just planning on bringing back One Piece in a couple months? it's a strange theory because these fans just see one piece as too major of an anime property to just dump forever Quote
Misaka Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 i do wish i knew why some one piece fans think toonami will bring back One Piece later this year when Tokyo Ghoul Finishes there are actually people who are convinced that one piece is temporarily shelved to keep things fresh and that once Ghoul Ends We'll be seeing the straw hats again(Perhaps with Toonami Striking a cheaper deal for One Piece since Funimation And Toei would probably want the mainstream exposure) although if that was the case why would they make a sad farewell video if they were just planning on bringing back One Piece in a couple months? it's a strange theory because these fans just see one piece as too major of an anime property to just dump forever I'm kinda glad I stopped being an anime fan and went into manga instead No drama just peace Quote
Misaka Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 ...Sad farewell video? It was on the toonami faithful page Quote
CountFrylock Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 I'm kinda glad I stopped being an anime fan and went into manga instead No drama just peace that's like saying There's no drama just peace in comic books Hiatus Time Makes Manga fans raging pissed though i do wonder how accurate this theory is....that toonami does have a plan to bring back one piece they just aren't telling us because adult swim was on their ass about the ratings and they wanted to keep things fresh this could also mean Funimation could see an increase in sales from toonami viewers and maybe just maybe toonami's milking this for a big comeback when the time is right whose to say Funimation and toonami aren't secretly working behind the scenes on a new deal to bring back one the meantime they might give a little nod and send people funimation's way for the blu-rays and what not they gain nothing from shelving it forever and I don't imagine funimation being too happy about One Piece's weekly advertisement being gone for good Quote
Jman Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 It was on the toonami faithful page Which is currently down. Anyway, OP is cancelled. Quote
moose Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 You guys are fucking assholes . I'm fucking considering suicide here and the mocking continues. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Hey, I'm trying to help you here, though it might not look it. If you just go to a therapist, your suicidal thoughts would be gone like that. Of course you're not gonna listen to me, because I'm just as bad as the rest of them as far as your rage-vision is concerned. : Quote
moose Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Hey, I'm trying to help you here, though it might not look it. If you just go to a therapist, your suicidal thoughts would be gone like that. Of course you're not gonna listen to me, because I'm just as bad as the rest of them as far as your rage-vision is concerned. : Nothing short of bringing OP back will help me. Quote
The1gairon Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 JoJo's gone soon unfortunately so stick Naruto in that spot I guess, also unfortunately. Do we know the point Toonami will stop showing Jojo? Quote
The1gairon Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 LOOKS LIKE TEAM FOXY IS BLASTING OFF FOR THE VERY LAST TIME! FEH FEH FEH FEH FEH FEH! F*** you, Foxy. Quote
CountFrylock Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Nothing short of bringing OP back will help me. just be patient then....either toonami will bring back one piece or they'll start to regret canning it when they are tempted to can naruto too Quote
The1gairon Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 and TG will be in the same time slot so it's ratings will be on par with One Piece or worse than it.... it's fucking 1:30 AM!!!! who are they to say "Oh The ratings were too low!" dude! most people are asleep by 1:30 AM maybe don't pin the blame on fans and act like we killed this show i watched it constantly on toonami so i shouldn't get blamed for this yet toonami fans get blamed for this and OP Fans are expected to just shut up and accept it....One Piece love or hate it you cannot deny it's status as A Iconic Long Running Popular Anime and to just replace with something like Tokyo Ghoul is like replacing The Simpsons with a show that doesn't even belong in it's shadow Has DeMarco actually confirmed that Toyko Ghoul will air at 2:30? All he said was that it's "the replacement". Quote
CountFrylock Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Do we know the point Toonami will stop showing Jojo? why the hell are we even watching toonami at this point? if you remove Jojo And One Piee that just leaves DBZ Naruto HXH As The Big 3.....Naruto Sucks right now And HXH is taking it's sweet ass time getting good DBZ is...just DBZ if they take out naruto then that just means 2 DBZ Shows And HXH will be the only major players are they trying to kill toonami right now? cause it doesn't seem like they got some major shows coming down the pipeline to make up for what we're gonna be losing Quote
The1gairon Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 "One Piece fans: I share your pain. Hate to lose one of the greatest shonen ever made. But the decision had to be made." So Basically i guess Naruto's just a better ratings machine than one piece since once again i quote this he stated ""We aired it for literal years, twice over. I'm sorry it's leaving but I feel like we gave it a real shot. Sorry man."" of course Naruto gets better ratings, because for the longest time Naruto aired before One Piece so more people were awake! Quote
Jman Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Nothing short of bringing OP back will help me. Quit being a baby. Quote
The1gairon Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Weekends would work with me but also if it really came down to it there are certain days during the week that could work on my end as well If what I remember about the rabbit website is correct then using that would mean we'd all be watching it at the same but without having to worry about everyone hitting the play button for the episode at the exact same time if you guys pin down a URL for these screenings please note me. Quote
The1gairon Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 why the hell are we even watching toonami at this point? if you remove Jojo And One Piee that just leaves DBZ Naruto HXH As The Big 3.....Naruto Sucks right now And HXH is taking it's sweet ass time getting good DBZ is...just DBZ if they take out naruto then that just means 2 DBZ Shows And HXH will be the only major players are they trying to kill toonami right now? cause it doesn't seem like they got some major shows coming down the pipeline to make up for what we're gonna be losing ... I LOVE HxH. And I am warming up to both DBZ shows. Quote
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