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Maybe the reason we can't see any aliens is...

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Posted (edited)

My thoughts honestly is considering how the universe in 13.5 billion years old, and realistically life (depending on conditions of planet) only needs a few hundred million years after formation to begin, I think alien life is a pretty common thing, intelligent life however is a different story. Considering that homo sapiens have existed for around 200,000 years, but it wasn't until the last two centuries that we got to the point where we could start sending out radio waves, and roughly 60 years ago that we were finally able to start reaching for the stars, if you look at that 200 year span in comparison to the 13.5 billion years of the universe chances are we either missed our window of opportunity or we're in a period where there just aren't any other intelligent species anywhere around us. That could be a possibility, there being gaps of millions of years or longer between intelligent life, and any overlapping species are separated by too much distance to ever find out about the other, considering the light from stars can take hundreds to millions of years, billions even to reach us, even if there was in fact another species at the same exact level as us scientifically speaking, us existing at the same exact time, but lets say they live on the complete opposite side of the Milky Way, the MW is roughly 52.8 thousand light years across, so even if another species at the same level as us exists even if only 1000 light years away, you're still looking at them 1000 years in the past, and considering for us it wasn't until roughly the last 200 years we could send and receive radio signals (much less in the ways of sending and receiving them from space) the window of time doesn't line up.

Edited by Distinct Lunatic
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That said though, it's not impossible to say an alien race couldn't arrive tomorrow even. Anything with mass can't travel faster than the speed of light, however it is scientifically possible to bend space in which it'd be like riding a wave, space being able to travel faster than the speed of light (they say potentially even 40-100 times the speed of light). This is something scientists and those in the astronomical community do state to be possible, just not with our level of technology.

Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

My thoughts honestly is considering how the universe in 13.5 billion years old, and realistically life (depending on conditions of planet) only needs a few hundred million years after formation to begin, I think alien life is a pretty common thing, intelligent life however is a different story. Considering that homo sapiens have existed for around 200,000 years, but it wasn't until the last two centuries that we got to the point where we could start sending out radio waves, and roughly 60 years ago that we were finally able to start reaching for the stars, if you look at that 200 year span in comparison to the 13.5 billion years of the universe chances are we either missed our window of opportunity or we're in a period where there just aren't any other intelligent species anywhere around us. That could be a possibility, there being gaps of millions of years or longer between intelligent life, and any overlapping species are separated but too much distance to ever find out about the other, considering the light from stars can take hundreds to millions of years, billions even to reach us, even if there was in fact another species at the same exact level as us scientifically speaking, us existing at the same exact time, but lets say they live on the complete opposite side of the Milky Way, the MW is roughly 52.8 thousand light years across, so even if another species at the same level as us exists even if only 1000 light years away, you're still looking at them 1000 years in the past, and considering for us it wasn't until roughly the last 200 years we could send and receive radio signals (much less in the ways of sending and receiving them from space) the window of time doesn't line up.

Why not any aliens older than that? It's not at all unreasonable, and if that were the case, we should be able to see something...  another explanation is that we have seen aliens and it's being kept secret because it would indicate that the great filter is ahead of us and we're screwed and they just don't want people to panic:


Edited by Lasty
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14 minutes ago, Vamped said:

I dunno what you mean. There's atleast 3 aliens among us every Friday night 

They don't count...

Just now, Lasty said:

Why not any aliens older than that? It's not at all unreasonable, and if that were the case, we should be able to see something...  another explanation is that we have seen aliens a

Guess it just depends on their ability to make it that long. It's hard to imagine what life here will really be like in 1000 years, let alone an intelligent species existing for over a million years (that said it's believed that if an intelligent species were to have existed for a million years they'd be the type of civilization that would span across countless star systems). One possibility is of the intelligent life that does arrive if only few are able to colonize another planet. Years back I saw something that was talking about extinction level events, they have confirmed that somewhere between the years 2600 and 2800 there will be a major collision on the level of the dinosaurs one (that said though if we still exist by that point then redirecting an asteroid I'd imagine would be trivial), but that's the thing though, it could be possible we never manage to colonize Mars, or even Venus, and a extinction level event happened. It just takes something like that to be the reason why we haven't discovered other species.

Who knows, maybe we have and the government doesn't want us to know.

Posted (edited)
51 minutes ago, Distinct Lunatic said:



28 minutes ago, Vamped said:



24 minutes ago, Distinct Lunatic said:



13 minutes ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

As long as we can agree that Tali is best girl.




Edited by molarbear
I didn't save it as a Jpeg
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4 minutes ago, Vamped said:

Because .... they're Hanar?


Sure, why not. It definitely had nothing to do with the gun in my face.

24 minutes ago, Lasty said:

Why not any aliens older than that? It's not at all unreasonable, and if that were the case, we should be able to see something...  another explanation is that we have seen aliens and it's being kept secret because it would indicate that the great filter is ahead of us and we're screwed and they just don't want people to panic:


Going off that, I'd say the "filter" is behind us, and getting to this point is the challenge.

There really is so much that goes into a species getting to the point we're at now. For starters, our location in our galaxy, supposedly if our system was located in the spiral arms (the ones that are colored) it'd be bad since we'd receive a lot more cosmic particles and radiation from the galactic core. Next is our sun is considered rare even among others of its type and mass, they say even when compared to others exactly like it a major thing to note is ours in its life time has been so much more mild and calm. They say red dwarfs would be better suited for life since they'll last 3 to even 10 times or longer than the lifespan of a yellow star like ours, but there's a lot of hurdles there, such as the majority of red dwarfs are very active. Also planets would have to orbit them much closer than the Earth to the sun to receive sufficient heating, but a problem from that is all known planets that orbit dwarf stars (or the majority at least) are tidally locked, being arid on one side, frozen on the other. There's also the mass of the planet that plays a huge factor, taking a look at Mars, which has only around 10% of Earths mass, it being around 8 times the mass of the moon I believe, and because it was smaller it cooled down quicker than the Earth and started developing life, even after at least 3 planet wide catastrophes (including the one that made the big dent on the planet) life still managed to come back, but it never had the chance to move beyond bacterial because the core cooled down because it was much quicker, making the planet geologically dead, Mars going on to have a significantly weaker atmosphere that's incapable of retaining heat, as well as unable to protect against solar activity. I read somewhere that the Earth has around 80 times the mass of the moon, Mars having 8 I think, and the minimum mass needed for a planet to support life in the long term being close to 20 times that of the moon, so a planet would need at least 20-25% of the Earths mass to even have a real chance. Then when it comes to the Earth, there's been so many fireball and ice phases that happened, supposedly the atmosphere was originally entirely carbon dioxide (they say this was what allowed life to survive cause the early sun for the first 1-2 billion years wouldn't have been able to give us as much heat as required), then life  evolved in the form of plants and algae that consumed the carbon dioxide and produced Oxygen which is a very, very flammable gas, turning the Earth into a fireball world, us being fortunate that in the end Oxygen (and nitrogen) became the dominant gas. We also have a moon which greatly helps us out, stabilizing our wobble, and insuring consistent seasons year round, our rotation of less than 50 hours (don't remember the exact cut off) being a big factor. Then there's all the extinction level events, the big one with the dinosaurs being what finally paved way for mammals and in turn us. Another big factor going back to our solar system, looking at our gas giant Jupiter, considering the majority of gas giants of that size go on to orbit close to their parent stars, something that would have happened in our system if it weren't for Saturn there to pull it back. Jupiters existence also goes on to do wonders for us, attracting asteroids and so on, so they're less likely go further in to the inner planets.

There's all these factors that's like winning the lottery hundreds to thousands of times in a row that I think is another big reason why you don't see other species like us. And another reason why I truly think that people that deny the existence of a creator to be fucking retarded. That doesn't mean they're actively in control of our lives, just that something set up the order of events that lead to this happening.

2 minutes ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

Going off that, I'd say the "filter" is behind us, and getting to this point is the challenge.

There really is so much that goes into a species getting to the point we're at now. For starters, our location in our galaxy, supposedly if our system was located in the spiral arms (the ones that are colored) it'd be bad since we'd receive a lot more cosmic particles and radiation from the galactic core. Next is our sun is considered rare even among others of its type and mass, they say even when compared to others exactly like it a major thing to note is ours in its life time has been so much more mild and calm. They say red dwarfs would be better suited for life since they'll last 3 to even 10 times or longer than the lifespan of a yellow star like ours, but there's a lot of hurdles there, such as the majority of red dwarfs are very active. Also planets would have to orbit them much closer than the Earth to the sun to receive sufficient heating, but a problem from that is all known planets that orbit dwarf stars (or the majority at least) are tidally locked, being arid on one side, frozen on the other. There's also the mass of the planet that plays a huge factor, taking a look at Mars, which has only around 10% of Earths mass, it being around 8 times the mass of the moon I believe, and because it was smaller it cooled down quicker than the Earth and started developing life, even after at least 3 planet wide catastrophes (including the one that made the big dent on the planet) life still managed to come back, but it never had the chance to move beyond bacterial because the core cooled down because it was much quicker, making the planet geologically dead, Mars going on to have a significantly weaker atmosphere that's incapable of retaining heat, as well as unable to protect against solar activity. I read somewhere that the Earth has around 80 times the mass of the moon, Mars having 8 I think, and the minimum mass needed for a planet to support life in the long term being close to 20 times that of the moon, so a planet would need at least 20-25% of the Earths mass to even have a real chance. Then when it comes to the Earth, there's been so many fireball and ice phases that happened, supposedly the atmosphere was originally entirely carbon dioxide (they say this was what allowed life to survive cause the early sun for the first 1-2 billion years wouldn't have been able to give us as much heat as required), then life  evolved in the form of plants and algae that consumed the carbon dioxide and produced Oxygen which is a very, very flammable gas, turning the Earth into a fireball world, us being fortunate that in the end Oxygen (and nitrogen) became the dominant gas. We also have a moon which greatly helps us out, stabilizing our wobble, and insuring consistent seasons year round, our rotation of less than 50 hours (don't remember the exact cut off) being a big factor. Then there's all the extinction level events, the big one with the dinosaurs being what finally paved way for mammals and in turn us. Another big factor going back to our solar system, looking at our gas giant Jupiter, considering the majority of gas giants of that size go on to orbit close to their parent stars, something that would have happened in our system if it weren't for Saturn there to pull it back. Jupiters existence also goes on to do wonders for us, attracting asteroids and so on, so they're less likely go further in to the inner planets.

There's all these factors that's like winning the lottery hundreds to thousands of times in a row that I think is another big reason why you don't see other species like us. And another reason why I truly think that people that deny the existence of a creator to be fucking retarded. That doesn't mean they're actively in control of our lives, just that something set up the order of events that lead to this happening.

A creator isn't necessary for that series of unlikely events. Our universe is a big place that has been around a long time. Given enough space and time, all possibilities become inevitable.  Just because it happened to us doesn't imply that we are special or that anyone's imaginary friend is real.

27 minutes ago, Lasty said:

A creator isn't necessary for that series of unlikely events. Our universe is a big place that has been around a long time. Given enough space and time, all possibilities become inevitable.  Just because it happened to us doesn't imply that we are special or that anyone's imaginary friend is real.

I feel like people hinge on certain factors, using them to justify lack of belief (though same goes for the other side). But when you get to the point where you got yourself a Richard Dawkins kind of person that wants it to be universally agreed upon that you mean nothing and there's no point in anything, then you're a problem. Hell, even Adolf Hitler while he himself was a skeptic hated the idea and promotion of atheism (something communism and the Soviet Union were spreading).

I work with a couple guys that at any mention of God have knee jerk reactions and want to remind everyone in the room they don't believe in that. I had a talk with one of them once, him telling me he used to believe in God but then had an uncle that was very devoted that died in a completely random accident out in California or somewhere, them leaving behind a pregnant wife, that being what made him stop believing, and get militant whenever others talk of that stuff. In the way I see the world, I think it's because the nature of free will and chaos theory in general that people linger on things that happen, choices and actions made by other people that end up having an effect on other people, or random actions that goes beyond anyones control happening and a negative outcome resulting, against someone that didn't deserve the negative action, but because it happened people will use that to justify disbelief, the same can be said though when random acts result in positive effects and outcomes. I see things in a spiritual way but at the same time using realism, I think there's an underlying reason for existence that goes beyond me and you, referring to why do stars exist? why does hydrogen and helium exist? why do atoms exist? Since if there is no point to anything then why would it exist then? I see things in way of if there isn't an underlying reason why it exists then it shouldn't exist, or that it won't exist. But at the same time I think people that spew creationist vomit such as Earth being 6000 years old because the bible says so (something I say a lot here whenever I'm shitposting) or that humans came into existence in thin air because "God made us in his image" are living in a fantasy world that isn't our world. My interpretation of that though is we weren't "created" but instead every event that lead to where we are now, and all the branches of evolution life took was influenced by something that goes above me and you. I read something before that suggested any intelligent alien life we may discover might resemble ourselves in appearance, considering the human figure (bipedal, two arms, two legs, opposable thumbs and so on) is the best form biologically speaking. People that say a god made us in his image I think think too high of themselves, but this figure in general is something that's a path evolution will always take when it comes to intelligent life. Another thing to note, I'm not a bible thumper, I never read it and I don't ever plan on it. While I think some events that are mentioned in it could have happened, I think the vast majority is either exaggerated for the sake of story telling, misinterpreted, or shaping things to suit an agenda.

38 minutes ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

I feel like people hinge on certain factors, using them to justify lack of belief (though same goes for the other side). But when you get to the point where you got yourself a Richard Dawkins kind of person that wants it to be universally agreed upon that you mean nothing and there's no point in anything, then you're a problem. Hell, even Adolf Hitler while he himself was a skeptic hated the idea and promotion of atheism (something communism and the Soviet Union were spreading).

I work with a couple guys that at any mention of God have knee jerk reactions and want to remind everyone in the room they don't believe in that. I had a talk with one of them once, him telling me he used to believe in God but then had an uncle that was very devoted that died in a completely random accident out in California or somewhere, them leaving behind a pregnant wife, that being what made him stop believing, and get militant whenever others talk of that stuff. In the way I see the world, I think it's because the nature of free will and chaos theory in general that people linger on things that happen, choices and actions made by other people that end up having an effect on other people, or random actions that goes beyond anyones control happening and a negative outcome resulting, against someone that didn't deserve the negative action, but because it happened people will use that to justify disbelief, the same can be said though when random acts result in positive effects and outcomes. I see things in a spiritual way but at the same time using realism, I think there's an underlying reason for existence that goes beyond me and you, referring to why do stars exist? why does hydrogen and helium exist? why do atoms exist? Since if there is no point to anything then why would it exist then? I see things in way of if there isn't an underlying reason why it exists then it shouldn't exist, or that it won't exist. But at the same time I think people that spew creationist vomit such as Earth being 6000 years old because the bible says so (something I say a lot here whenever I'm shitposting) or that humans came into existence in thin air because "God made us in his image" are living in a fantasy world that isn't our world. My interpretation of that though is we weren't "created" but instead every event that lead to where we are now, and all the branches of evolution life took was influenced by something that goes above me and you. I read something before that suggested any intelligent alien life we may discover might resemble ourselves in appearance, considering the human figure (bipedal, two arms, two legs, opposable thumbs and so on) is the best form biologically speaking. People that say a god made us in his image I think think too high of themselves, but this figure in general is something that's a path evolution will always take when it comes to intelligent life. Another thing to note, I'm not a bible thumper, I never read it and I don't ever plan on it. While I think some events that are mentioned in it could have happened, I think the vast majority is either exaggerated for the sake of story telling, misinterpreted, or shaping things to suit an agenda.

I don't see as how reality requires a purpose in order to exist. That seems like a projection of human behavior, why would a person make something without a reason for it? Just because people have reasons for making things doesn't mean reality at large has the same variety of purpose we attribute to sum of our efforts within the scope of our senses and our world. I believe that reality is exponentially, infinitely larger (and smaller) than we can begin to fathom, but that doesn't give any of that stuff we can't see any intrinsic purpose. Back in the dark ages, people had no choice but to believe no matter how much evidence indicated they were all going to die horribly. That belief was a placebo that prevented people from panicking which would have brought about the demise of society at that time on top of all the other issues they faced. A lot of this believer stuff is just left over evolutionary behavioral adaptions from that time, an evolutionary trap. The main issue I have with the notion of intrinsic purpose is that it is not falsifiable.


Or perhaps Earth is the Deep South of the universe, where other species don't want to fuck with it because no good can come of that.

20 minutes ago, Lasty said:

I don't see as how reality requires a purpose in order to exist. That seems like a projection of human behavior, why would a person make something without a reason for it? Just because people have reasons for making things doesn't mean reality at large has the same variety of purpose we attribute to sum of our efforts within the scope of our senses and our world. I believe that reality is exponentially, infinitely larger (and smaller) than we can begin to fathom, but that doesn't give any of that stuff we can't see any intrinsic purpose. Back in the dark ages, people had no choice but to believe no matter how much evidence indicated they were all going to die horribly. That belief was a placebo that prevented people from panicking which would have brought about the demise of society at that time on top of all the other issues they faced. A lot of this believer stuff is just left over evolutionary behavioral adaptions from that time, an evolutionary trap. The main issue I have with the notion of intrinsic purpose is that it is not falsifiable.

Gotta love the unavoidable of being on the internet, I don't entertain atheist thoughts and opinions at all, it sure as shit isn't good for my mental health, and even less for a friend of mine.

5 minutes ago, Seight said:

Or perhaps Earth is the Deep South of the universe, where other species don't want to fuck with it because no good can come of that.

who knows, maybe. The bible says Adam and Eve were the first humans, which means everyone that exists by definition would be inbred.

26 minutes ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

Gotta love the unavoidable of being on the internet, I don't entertain atheist thoughts and opinions at all, it sure as shit isn't good for my mental health, and even less for a friend of mine.

Sure, that's not totally in holding with my evolutionary trap hypothesis. You're definitely not afflicted by a culturally ingrained association of lack of faith = death. I grew up being psychologically tormented by Christians for not going to church. I can see very clearly how your perspective is more based on social stigma than it is on evidence. Your anecdotal report of enhanced mental health is a placebo that hurts more people than it helps at this stage in history. Superstition is a plague on mankind that dramatically decreases everyone's quality of life. If you need something to believe in, you should start with yourself, because that's all you'll ever have.


15 minutes ago, Lasty said:

Sure, that's not totally in holding with my evolutionary trap hypothesis. You're definitely not afflicted by a culturally ingrained association of lack of faith = death. I grew up being psychologically tormented by Christians for not going to church. I can see very clearly how your perspective is more based on social stigma than it is on evidence. Your anecdotal report of enhanced mental health is a placebo that hurts more people than it helps at this stage in history. Superstition is a plague on mankind that dramatically decreases everyone's quality of life. If you need something to believe in, you should start with yourself, because that's all you'll ever have.


That's another type of atheist I also see, there's those that are that way because they're angry about something happening to them or someone they know, there's types that are more serious minded and view it as fairy tale nonsense, and then there's the type that's that way because of overbearing figures. That last one I've seen with many folks, hell I was pushed to that one back in high school as a result of a friend of mines mom as well as this one friend of mine in school. My friends mom has her Christian faith define absolutely everything about who she is as a person, and very much so pushes that onto everyone around her. As for the one friend of mine at school, he was a friend of mine since 6th grade, but come high school the dude became so absorbed in God and the bible, pushing that onto us at any and all opportunity. The dude was a straight up redneck, him now living as a preacher down in Arkansas or some other redneck state. He'd also legit try claiming the US to be the only place in the world with freedom. Between him and the one others mom that pushed me toward Atheism, then I graduated high school and snapped out of the edgy shit. Being around those kinds of folks I feel pushes people moreso toward irreligion than to religion, being away from those types I think has a better effect on peoples growth.

1 hour ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

That's another type of atheist I also see, there's those that are that way because they're angry about something happening to them or someone they know, there's types that are more serious minded and view it as fairy tale nonsense, and then there's the type that's that way because of overbearing figures. That last one I've seen with many folks, hell I was pushed to that one back in high school as a result of a friend of mines mom as well as this one friend of mine in school. My friends mom has her Christian faith define absolutely everything about who she is as a person, and very much so pushes that onto everyone around her. As for the one friend of mine at school, he was a friend of mine since 6th grade, but come high school the dude became so absorbed in God and the bible, pushing that onto us at any and all opportunity. The dude was a straight up redneck, him now living as a preacher down in Arkansas or some other redneck state. He'd also legit try claiming the US to be the only place in the world with freedom. Between him and the one others mom that pushed me toward Atheism, then I graduated high school and snapped out of the edgy shit. Being around those kinds of folks I feel pushes people moreso toward irreligion than to religion, being away from those types I think has a better effect on peoples growth.

I'm an agnostic, like everyone who looks at things scientifically. Atheists are the same as theists at least insofar as they claim to have definitive answers about things we cannot test for presently. What I've got is a set of hypotheses... hypotheses based on my experience. It tends to lean toward atheism, but some of my grand scheme of things ideas aren't exactly in holding with the notion that this physical reality and this universe are all there is, or death means an infinite nothingness for eternity. I just find that just because there's more to the picture doesn't mean that the parts of reality we can't see (most of it) are more or less special than we are in any way.

19 hours ago, Lasty said:

some kind of periodic galaxy wide event that wipes out all intelligent life?

under this logic that would include this planet too, right?

im areligious. deists and agnostics care too much imo

4 hours ago, NNN said:

under this logic that would include this planet too, right?

im areligious. deists and agnostics care too much imo

Galaxy wide means the entire galaxy, the thing our solar system orbits around in...

You can never care too much. Also, caring and not caring is not mutually inclusive or mutually exclusive with being atheist, theist, or agnostic.


just making sure we're on the same page. i dont see intelligent life here either. 

and im being purposely obtuse. my stance is just an apathetic one since i do not believe it matters if there is a god or not. humanity will stay the same, either way. they are ideas, and ideas never die unless there's a mass extinction event. carry on with yo bad self 

9 hours ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

Time is nothing but a construct created by man.

Bull. Man did not create Time; Time created man. Man labeled time, just has man has labeled space, in a subjective way. Man sees a rock fall towards the earth, calls it "down." The fact that he named it does not negate the fact that the dimension exists, even though the name he has given it is based on his limited understanding of reality ("Down" as a direction only exists in relation to the observer, only a portion of the whole of space). Man sees his world in this moment, calls it "now." The fact that he named it does not negate the fact that the dimension exists, even though the name he has given it is based on his limited understanding of reality ("Now" as an instant only exists in relation to the observer, only a portion of the whole of Time).

  Reveal hidden contents

Am I now your religion's version of Satan?



My religion  doesn't have one of those. Yaweh be all like "All this is pre-determined but you still have free will, and here's a dude that's here to tempt you, just for the fun of it." whereas Akatosh says "Hey, this current moment is just one part of a psysical 4D construct, so yeah it's all pre-determined full stop."



If any alien life developed like humanity has developed over the course of millions of years, that means they haven't figured out intergalactic travel either.  Takes too long to travel through space and get anywhere significant.

Also no advanced lifeforms that knew how to travel faster than light or how to manipulate spacetime to jump through wormholes would consider anything on earth worth stopping for, unless they were specifically looking for resources which would mean they'd just ignore us like we ignore ants and take what they want, or otherwise they'd exterminate us to get to what they wanted.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, GuyBeardmane said:

If any alien life developed like humanity has developed over the course of millions of years, that means they haven't figured out intergalactic travel either.  Takes too long to travel through space and get anywhere significant.

Also no advanced lifeforms that knew how to travel faster than light or how to manipulate spacetime to jump through wormholes would consider anything on earth worth stopping for, unless they were specifically looking for resources which would mean they'd just ignore us like we ignore ants and take what they want, or otherwise they'd exterminate us to get to what they wanted.

"Hey! Here's a planet full of mineral deposits and other resources. It's even got these violent monkeys we can get addicted to shiny things and teach how to use basic tools. Now all we have to do is wait a couple hundred thousand years, they'll have killed themselves off and mined everything up out of the ground into nice, neat, easy to recycle piles for us."

Of course, if there were older civilizations, there's no reason to suspect we wouldn't see some kind of evidence of that. What is stopping a civilization from becoming advanced that far in the past? I honestly think we should be seeing ancient dyson swarms around distant stars.

Edited by Lasty

Realistically speaking, the whole going after ours resources plot point things like movies and what not use is very flawed and unlikely,

Anything found here on Earth can be found in much greater abundance and much closer to home out in space. Mining things like asteroids for metals and radioactive elements, or doing so for other planets in their solar system.

10 hours ago, NNN said:

under this logic that would include this planet too, right?

im areligious. deists and agnostics care too much imo


5 hours ago, NNN said:

just making sure we're on the same page. i dont see intelligent life here either. 

and im being purposely obtuse. my stance is just an apathetic one since i do not believe it matters if there is a god or not. humanity will stay the same, either way. they are ideas, and ideas never die unless there's a mass extinction event. carry on with yo bad self 

In my humble opinion that nihilistic attitude is complete shit, and says wonders about you as a person. At least other atheists argue in favor of living their lives fully, or doing things to better our lives and so on, but that pessimistic and nihilistic way I see as the worst, making one not far off from being a mass murderer.

2 hours ago, SwimModSponges said:
  Reveal hidden contents

My religion  doesn't have one of those. Yaweh be all like "All this is pre-determined but you still have free will, and here's a dude that's here to tempt you, just for the fun of it." whereas Akatosh says "Hey, this current moment is just one part of a psysical 4D construct, so yeah it's all pre-determined full stop."


How Can Time Be Real If The Bible Said Nothing About Dinosaurs Or Aliens?

7 minutes ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

Realistically speaking, the whole going after ours resources plot point things like movies and what not use is very flawed and unlikely,

Anything found here on Earth can be found in much greater abundance and much closer to home out in space. Mining things like asteroids for metals and radioactive elements, or doing so for other planets in their solar system.

It's just an idea, one hypothesis. Just like intrinsic purpose....  ^__^

Anywho, who knows what resource distribution is like throughout the cosmos? We could have something rare for all we know. Hard to tell without visiting exoplanets. ;3

2 minutes ago, Lasty said:

It's just an idea, one hypothesis. Just like intrinsic purpose....  ^__^

Anywho, who knows what resource distribution is like throughout the cosmos? We could have something rare for all we know. Hard to tell without visiting exoplanets. ;3

Supposedly there's one planet out there they say is made of diamonds, that's where I'd go if I was an spacefairing alien.

They believe it's a diamond planet since it orbits too closely to the black hole remains of a star, something believed to not be possible since planets that close would be vaporized by an exploding star, since it survived that they believe it must be made of strong carbon based material i.e. diamond.


On the subject of diamonds, eventually (In like hundreds of billions of years) our sun will become a black dwarf, essentially a ball of diamond.

In its last billion years it'll become a red giant before shrinking down into a white dwarf, white dwarfs being the cooling remains of stars like the sun, however it'll take longer than the universe has been around for it to cool down, but once it does it quite literally will be nothing more than a ball of carbon smaller than the Earth in size. You could quite literally stand on top of what used to be the sun.


... they don't want you to see them.

Just remember, just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there. Who's to say, they could be watching you right now... this very moment, as you're snacking on your Cheetos. Hah! Yeah right. I think any beings advanced enough to easily traverse the cosmos and be able to reach other worlds wouldn't have physical bodies or desires anymore, so interacting with creatures like us would be of no interest to them. Actually, we'd be nothing more than another piece of the scenery to them I bet.


24 minutes ago, Dark_Cloud_Overhead said:

... they don't want you to see them.

Just remember, just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there. Who's to say, they could be watching you right now... this very moment, as you're snacking on your Cheetos. Hah! Yeah right. I think any beings advanced enough to easily traverse the cosmos and be able to reach other worlds wouldn't have physical bodies or desires anymore, so interacting with creatures like us would be of no interest to them. Actually, we'd be nothing more than another piece of the scenery to them I bet.


I wouldn't go about underestimating human beings...

58 minutes ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

Supposedly there's one planet out there they say is made of diamonds, that's where I'd go if I was an spacefairing alien.

They believe it's a diamond planet since it orbits too closely to the black hole remains of a star, something believed to not be possible since planets that close would be vaporized by an exploding star, since it survived that they believe it must be made of strong carbon based material i.e. diamond.

There are too many variables; for all we know, diamonds are useless to them. You're missing my point big time, there, bud...

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