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Why all the belligerence and confrontation? We don't have to like one another, but lets just agree not to go into each others threads and spam them the fuck up full of drama.


Lets just calm down, sit back, have a few adult beverages, and work out our differences, with any luck, a massive spontaneous orgy will ensue and we'll have some amusing stories for future dinner parties.

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this is just not possible


i've come to terms with it


Its like I told rogue, the world needs more screwing, and less screwing over.


Life is too short for this nonsense. I learned a long time ago that arguing with people over the internet is only ever a good idea while drunk and even then it gets old quickly.


Why all the belligerence and confrontation? We don't have to like one another, but lets just agree not to go into each others threads and spam them the fuck up full of drama.


Lets just calm down, sit back, have a few adult beverages, and work out our differences, with any luck, a massive spontaneous orgy will ensue and we'll have some amusing stories for future dinner parties.


Impossible. Too much attention whoring and thirst that it leads to jealousy and flaunting that is intended to not look as such.


Impossible. Too much attention whoring and thirst that it leads to jealousy and flaunting that is intended to not look as such.


see we need the regular kind of whoring. its much harder to care about shit post coitus.


I want this site to be mature and not Troll Central just as much as you do.


Unfortunatly, the asshole ratio of the internet as a whole has become big enough where damage control is no longer an option.


Impossible. Too much attention whoring and thirst that it leads to jealousy and flaunting that is intended to not look as such.




this seems too pointed and dismissive of any number of the other reoccurring issues that users have always had, still have to this day, within this community


those which have absolutely nothing to do with anything you've pointed out here


Tell mods to delete the red queens posts out of my threads and ban her from them.


you should just report anything you feel violates the rules. I've spoken to the mods... er a mod about this and my impression is they are willing to moderate when they have cause.


I should mention that I am not taking a side on this, I don't have a problem with either one of you I just wish you'd both stop going at each others throats. Also the thread you are talking about, was a parody you made of an earlier thread. so its not just her doing this. But I agree people are laying into you in a way I consider unsporting.




this seems too pointed and dismissive of any number of the other reoccurring issues that users have always had, still have to this day, within this community


those which have absolutely nothing to do with anything you've pointed out here


I'm just blabbing about recent events... but hey I'm not here to point fingers at people or take sides. I just sit back and watch and do what I need. :P


Tell mods to delete the red queens posts out of my threads and ban her from them.


there is a report button, that what we check for, reports (and porn)


use it... if you truly feel offended or if you feel a thread has gone off the hinges, off topic, and is complete garbage dump worthy


but don't abuse it... because it will get nothing done for you


we won't be banning people though


part of making the world a better place is in imagining that things could be different.



those are only false hopefully ideologies

though with "power" here dont enforce really to make people

want to treat people better



there is a report button, that what we check for, reports (and porn)


use it... if you truly feel offended or if you feel a thread has gone off the hinges, off topic, and is complete garbage dump worthy


but don't abuse it... because it will get nothing done for you


we won't be banning people though




It's also why I have deleted a bunch of posts in certain threads or in your case deleted a thread of yours... don't call people out. You don't like it when they waltz into your thread insulting you, so don't make threads calling others out.


Yes, I will defend you if someone comes into your ...shall I say, innocent.. thread and they start bashing you... yes report it and we can do stuff to make it all "better". But it doesn't help your case when you do basically the same thing in a different manner.


We get it. Not everyone on here likes one enother. But have fun rather than wasting your time on someone you feel is worthless to you. this goes for everyone. If you don't like them, there is A) a block feature and B) just don't respond to them... that's what we call "feeding the trolls" back in the olden days.


I'm just blabbing about recent events... but hey I'm not here to point fingers at people or take sides. I just sit back and watch and do what I need. :P


i understand this, i just think its important not to get hung up on hot topics


and thirst, well... it sure has been a hot topic here lately


lol, you can literally count them  :P






That's not even a coherent response to my statement. Seriously, you need to calm the fuck down, or the only people who will defend you are people that want to bone you, and while that may be a pretty large number of people they aren't exactly the kind of people you want.


That's not even a coherent response to my statement. Seriously, you need to calm the fuck down, or the only people who will defend you are people that want to bone you, and while that may be a pretty large number of people they aren't exactly the kind of people you want.

i'm actually rather nice.


Fuggs dug her grave with me. Now she hast to fit in it.


i'm actually rather nice.


Fuggs dug her grave with me. Now she hast to fit in it.


You seem nice but you also seem pissed off, and pissed off people can be kind of bitchy. Case in point, you did kind of go into her thread and started shit. Maybe she did that to you first, hell she probably did, but that's what the mods are for. report it to them and they'll sort it out. Respond in kind and people like me will get the wrong idea and think you are the one causing trouble.


You seem nice but you also seem pissed off, and pissed off people can be kind of bitchy. Case in point, you did kind of go into her thread and started shit. Maybe she did that to you first, hell she probably did, but that's what the mods are for. report it to them and they'll sort it out. Respond in kind and people like me will get the wrong idea and think you are the one causing trouble.

no, i'm having fun.

aww what I miss...I always miss the good stuff


there were vaginas.... there was verbal throat cutting....


a typical day really, dear, so fret not. the day is not done and tomorrow will still come. you'll catch the next one  ;)


there were vaginas.... there was verbal throat cutting....


a typical day really, dear, so fret not. the day is not done and tomorrow will still come. you'll catch the next one  ;)


ew are you kidding me? That's just fucking nasty....I dunno...you can't have much respect for yourself if you go around posting your twat for the internet to see...that shit NEVER just goes away


I wanna know which dumb faggot deleted my thread


Weren't you making yourself out to be totally innocent in the matter a minute ago? It just goes full circle with you until you get dizzy huh...


I wanna know which dumb faggot deleted my thread


I reported it because everyone was laying into you and I figured you would be better off that way. I was trying to help you out fuggs... really. I'm sorry people are dicks to you but you have to learn to relax.


I reported it because everyone was laying into you and I figured you would be better off that way. I was trying to help you out fuggs... really. I'm sorry people are dicks to you but you have to learn to relax.


LMAO......You're so green


Cereal sounds awesome.


So, my armor is polished.  Who who are we defending today?

I think we're defending the notion that we don't hafta all get along, we won't all get along and who the fuck do you think you are you just came back position.

So we're not defending anybody.  TODAY WE DEFEND PRINCIPLES!!!! :fap: >:D >:D >:D


Oh yeah, but I almost forgot, this thread made me hate cereal....No Fruity Pebbles for me :(


I think we're defending the notion that we don't hafta all get along, we won't all get along and who the fuck do you think you are you just came back position.

So we're not defending anybody.  TODAY WE DEFEND PRINCIPLES!!!! :fap: >:D >:D >:D


Oh yeah, but I almost forgot, this thread made me hate cereal....No Fruity Pebbles for me :(


Fruity Pebbles? By the seven bleeding wounds of Christ, I will defend your principles, but I will eternally deplore your taste in cereal. Give me Raisin Bran or give me death (That's what happens - you hit middle age, and high fiber becomes appealing.  :()

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