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My great grandmother just had a heart attack


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I literally just got word. She's in her late 80s. She had the heart attack in walmart, fell and busted her head open. I'm 900 miles away, and I just want to see her. I can't believe it. I know she's older, and we come to expect these things to happen, but honestly I feel devastated. She's the strongest person I've ever known and one of my role models in life. I'm not ready to lose her, but you're never really ready to lose anyone. Not sure why I'm posting this here. Just had to get it out somewhere. I'm afraid, and that doesn't happen often. Please save any trolling. I mean feel free to troll this thread just know I will ignore you.

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my mother had a heart attack 5 years ago... the fact taht she had one at 80 is kind of a good thing.. it doesnt mean the end of her life anytime soon.. i promise you. my mom recovered in a matter of days and was back home. they checked her arteries a couple of weeks and found no blockages and she smokes half a pack a day.... im sure your gamma will be ok :)

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13 minutes ago, That_One_Guy said:

So if she passed they would have to tell me right? I called at 8am and she didn't pick up. I just called again and they say she's being tested and wont be out for another hour.

Likely who ever contacted you and told you she had the attack would be the best person to get you the new the fastest.  I would ask that person to please keep you updated. 

They'e running tests, they have her under observation, she's at the best place to be if there winds up being any other complications.❣

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22 minutes ago, That_One_Guy said:

So if she passed they would have to tell me right? I called at 8am and she didn't pick up. I just called again and they say she's being tested and wont be out for another hour.

They might not HAVE to tell you. Generally they notify next of kin, and unless all her children and grandchildren are dead, you are not next of kin.

Or of course they would notify whoever brought her to the hospital / called 911, provided it was someone close to her.

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8 minutes ago, Vela said:

Likely who ever contacted you and told you she had the attack would be the best person to get you the new the fastest.  I would ask that person to please keep you updated. 

They'e running tests, they have her under observation, she's at the best place to be if there winds up being any other complications.❣

I just need to hear her voice. I think it's very strange that I've called three times and all three times I wasn't able to speak to her.

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7 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

They might not HAVE to tell you. Generally they notify next of kin, and unless all her children and grandchildren are dead, you are not next of kin.

Or of course they would notify whoever brought her to the hospital / called 911, provided it was someone close to her.

Well that person hasn't told me she's dead so I guess she's ok. Idk I hate hospitals


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4 minutes ago, That_One_Guy said:

Now my cousin sends me a pic of her on the stretcher passed out with her head gushing blood like I want to fucking see that shit. Why was that picture taken in the first place? Seriously what the fuck

W .  T .   F O.o  

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5 minutes ago, That_One_Guy said:

Idk he's a fucking idiot for that. I didn't want to see that.


And circle around again to why he would take it in the first place.  It's not like anybody needs convincing of the seriousness of the situation..."grandma" "heart attack" is all that needs saying for that.  Your cousin has a strike one in my mental notepad 😕and I remember random useless things like that 😠 

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18 minutes ago, That_One_Guy said:

Now my cousin sends me a pic of her on the stretcher passed out with her head gushing blood like I want to fucking see that shit. Why was that picture taken in the first place? Seriously what the fuck

is he Gen z?? seems like something a gen z would do

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5 minutes ago, Vela said:

And circle around again to why he would take it in the first place.  It's not like anybody needs convincing of the seriousness of the situation..."grandma" "heart attack" is all that needs saying for that.  Your cousin has a strike one in my mental notepad 😕and I remember random useless things like that 😠 

Right. When you tell me that an 80 year old woman fell in walmart while having a heart attack it doesn't take much fucking imagination to understand that it's not a pretty picture. I can't unsee that shit now. I hate him for sending me that shit. Seriously it ruined my fucking day. Fucker.

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Thanks to everyone for the kind words She's doing well as of right now. But now there's actually bullshit fighting going on because certain people weren't told first and felt they should have been the first ones to know. And they're saying they weren't told because they aren't as liked and fucking blah blah blah. It's stupid and it shows we aren't as tight as I thought we were

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29 minutes ago, That_One_Guy said:

Thanks to everyone for the kind words She's doing well as of right now. But now there's actually bullshit fighting going on because certain people weren't told first and felt they should have been the first ones to know. And they're saying they weren't told because they aren't as liked and fucking blah blah blah. It's stupid and it shows we aren't as tight as I thought we were

I hate when someone is in the hospital and ppl get petty like that

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Just now, Poof said:

I hate when someone is in the hospital and ppl get petty like that

Yeah its fucking bullshit. They're talking about fighting each other and shit. It's exhausting and they're losing sight of what's actually important in this situation. So fucking petty man.

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