Sketch Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 On 1/11/2017 at 4:59 PM, Jman said: You know what was never popular in the US? One Piece. To be honest, it's the same situation as Comedy. You could dump everything but Family Guy and they'd be fine. Same here, just replace FG with Dragonball. What's your definition of popular anyway? To the second point, that's mostly true but over-saturation is starting do drag Family Guy down as well. It used to be able to regularly break 2 million viewers and that's no longer the case. The days when it would break 3 million are long gone with how many people have pulled the plug on cable/satellite. Hell Family Guy isn't even syndicated as much as it used to be probably because the only places it does exceptionally well are the FOX premieres (which are also way down) and Adult Swim. TBS does alright but the syndicated airing in at least my area are no longer in prime time. You can be Netflix and Hulu have given people a lot less reason to rely on syndication, TBS and Adult Swim for their Family Guy fix. But you can get a good idea of how well DBZ would do by itself (or multiple DB series) by looking at marathon weeks. It's doesn't hold itself extremely well. Look at the drop between Super and Kai FC and those are both never before heard dubs with a lot of promotion. Yet not even a DB series avoids the 200,000 something Dragon Ball drop (that's in 18-49s the total viewer drop can be 300,000 or more). So I don't think Toonami can last on Dragon Ball alone nor can AS comedy last on Family Guy alone but by making use of FG and DB Adult Swim can more or less air whatever they want around them and not do terrible. So there's not much of a concern how well some shows do as long as they weren't expensive to air.
moose Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 On 1/11/2017 at 7:30 PM, Jman said: One Piece had its chance to be mainstream and completely crapped the bed. "YO YO HE TOOK A BITE OF THE GUM GUM..." At least Unicorn is only 26 episodes. Yes yes we know 4Kids sucks
MasqueradeOverture Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 On 1/11/2017 at 7:30 PM, Jman said: At least Unicorn is only 26 episodes. 22 actually.
CaptainStarwind Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 Wow, this forum must fall apart without me here.
OwlChemist81 Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 On 1/12/2017 at 12:04 AM, Jman said: Let it be known you lost. Fuck you, At least try goddammit. Why do Toonami shows not fucking try? Super is a cash in of the worst sort, Kai is literally a rehash, FUCK HIATUS X HIATUS UP THE ASS WITH A RUSTY FORK, Unicorn relies on you having at a least a passing knowledge of UC Gundam, fairly common in Japan for their equivalent of Star Trek, but alien here, Naruto meanders through filler and dumber and dumber editorial mandates, and One Piece is glacial. YOU LOSE! YOUR RATINGS LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR! Ironically, you failed to mention JoJo...
naraku360 Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 On 1/12/2017 at 1:09 AM, Daos said: Know what else is a colossal failure? HxH's ratings. Zing. Even bigger colossal failure?: Caring about ratings.
PokeNirvash Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 On 1/12/2017 at 4:26 AM, MasqueradeOverture said: 22 actually. Beat you to the punch there, Masq. Real sorry. :-\
PokeNirvash Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 On 1/12/2017 at 6:37 AM, CaptainStarwind said: Wow, this forum must fall apart without me here. I dunno, I'm here whenever I'm not elsewhere.
Jman Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 On 1/12/2017 at 4:09 AM, moose said: Yes yes we know 4Kids sucks 4Kids Piece is the equivalent of pro wrestling being fake. If you are a fan, you WILL hear about it, and it is the first, last, and only argument to shut down any support of it.
moose Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 On 1/12/2017 at 4:18 PM, Jman said: 4Kids Piece is the equivalent of pro wrestling being fake. If you are a fan, you WILL hear about it, and it is the first, last, and only argument to shut down any support of it. That's kinda an exaggeration since, ya know, the FUNi dub performs well overall, but yeah, it is a shame many cant get over a dub that hasn't even been in the forefront for 10 years.
Jman Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 And now...Greatest fails from 4Kids Piece: ;D
moose Posted January 12, 2017 Posted January 12, 2017 To tell you the truth, the One Piece rap I'm kinda partial to. I mean, it was way more catchier than Dragonball GT's rap.
Sketch Posted January 14, 2017 Posted January 14, 2017 On 1/12/2017 at 6:59 PM, moose said: To tell you the truth, the One Piece rap I'm kinda partial to. I mean, it was way more catchier than Dragonball GT's rap. Much catchier than that much less the Initial D rap... hoooooo boy was that bad.
PokeNirvash Posted January 14, 2017 Posted January 14, 2017 The only good Initial D raps are the ones by m.o.v.e. [never gonna stop streak my dream]
CountFrylock Posted January 15, 2017 Posted January 15, 2017 I Just facepalm that you can go from something like One Punch Man To American this rate you might as well make these shows apart of toonami and get it over with American Dad King Of The Hill Family Guy
CaptainStarwind Posted February 6, 2017 Posted February 6, 2017 On 2/6/2017 at 4:43 AM, ben0119 said: Nice boat.
ben0119 Posted February 7, 2017 Author Posted February 7, 2017 On 2/6/2017 at 10:52 AM, PokeNirvash said: ...Is that you? Yers. >
ben0119 Posted February 7, 2017 Author Posted February 7, 2017 On 2/6/2017 at 4:32 PM, CaptainStarwind said: Nice boat. Thanks. : ) I like ships and boats, and fish...
Sketch Posted February 7, 2017 Posted February 7, 2017 Well since this is the general thread... Allow me to resume 11PM HYPE What once seemed nearly impossible is actually happening. HOLY SHIT SON IT'S HAPPENING
Cille Posted February 7, 2017 Posted February 7, 2017 On 2/6/2017 at 4:43 AM, ben0119 said: Needs moar anime figurines scuba-diving.
OwlChemist81 Posted February 8, 2017 Posted February 8, 2017 On 2/7/2017 at 11:45 PM, EmpressAngel said: Happy anniversary? Fuck you, Dio. Shit. I can't stop laughing!! [fuck you dio]
CaptainStarwind Posted February 8, 2017 Posted February 8, 2017 On 2/7/2017 at 11:45 PM, EmpressAngel said: Happy anniversary? Fuck you, Dio. What a sad day, indeed.
ben0119 Posted February 9, 2017 Author Posted February 9, 2017 On 2/7/2017 at 8:07 PM, Cille said: Needs moar anime figurines scuba-diving. MY NERD POWER LEVEL IS OVER ONE MILLION! By the way, I made this, if anyone's interested -
ben0119 Posted February 9, 2017 Author Posted February 9, 2017 My brain put an 'and' in there. Anyway, to do what you've requested, I'd probably have to get someone to custom make me figures comprised of fish-safe material and paint.
ben0119 Posted February 9, 2017 Author Posted February 9, 2017 On 2/7/2017 at 7:23 PM, Sketch said: Well since this is the general thread... Allow me to resume 11PM HYPE What once seemed nearly impossible is actually happening. HOLY SHIT SON IT'S HAPPENING
Cille Posted February 9, 2017 Posted February 9, 2017 On 2/9/2017 at 11:36 AM, ben0119 said: Anyway, to do what you've requested, I'd probably have to get someone to custom make me figures comprised of fish-safe material and paint. Aww you can't just dunk them in there and set up an underwater fight scene?
ben0119 Posted February 21, 2017 Author Posted February 21, 2017 On 2/9/2017 at 4:20 PM, Cille said: Aww you can't just dunk them in there and set up an underwater fight scene? I could, but I can't be certain if the paint or plastic might mess with the fish. Could probably do Legos since those are made safe as fuck for kids, but I dunno', haha.
ben0119 Posted February 25, 2017 Author Posted February 25, 2017 I kept telling myself I was going to catch up on this show and listen in order, but I would've never gotten back into it if I kept waiting for that, so I'm jumping into the current episode now, and I'll catch up on the old ones as I can. Last episode I listened to before all the bullshit happened was episode 107. Aaahhh, I feel whole again! Oh yeah. I realize few, if any of the hosts are on this board, regardless of what the user list might say, but I don't know where else to post this, and I had been posting it with the rest of this community all this time, Youtube comments are the wrong format for my commentary, and their show did originate in this community after all! Anyway, without further ado... Toonami Show Rundown 120 - What A Real Cartoonist Looks Like - 2/11/17 Intro - Dimension W sure did suck. Well this has gone on quite a tangent. Adam Sandler in what movies? FUCK IT WE'LL DO IT LIVE! You've gone down a paradoxical rabbit hole. Goku's property taxes ROFL. Hahahahaha jeez. So you still won't just give your personal favorites, eh? Dragonball Super - Vegeta was funny here. Yeah Piccolo is non-confrontational. Dancing Vegeta. "Oh yes let's go say hello to Yamcha." :D :D Yeah it seems like Beerus was about lose it several times. BROTHER! Well it's obvious the inspiration for Hercule haha. Fast-forwarding?! You betray your duty to the show! Kid Vegeta had bangs in the Bardock movie. And Nappa had hair. Which conflicts with the whole Sayian's hair never changes thing. They are unnecessary retcons. Kind of annoying but I'm not super upset about it. Self-contained and faster-paced... hmm... a different kind of Dragonball. You know, the very first Saga was kind of like that... SUPER attachment hohoho. DBZ Kai - Super big time call back! South Kai always sounded like that I thought. I miss the Other World Tournament though. So South Kai is canon?! Aww, the others aren't. Pikkon was cool, though. I liked her with pigtails too. Videl was cute that way. She still looks good though yeah. What is what that Super hair? She had to have spikey hair to join the Z Fighters! I always loved Videl. Well using chi powers was explained a loooooooong time ago. Oh god Roshi. Wait that's right he can't fly can he? It becomes second nature after a while. Wow I really don't know when Goku learned to fly. Holy shit. There's tons of flying cars in the cities. You guys must not have paid attention. Old tech still exists just like in our world. Also Toriyama probably just likes drawing stuff. Hence Krillin fighting Cell on a WWII plane or the 57 Chevy we see in town when people are running from Cell. JoJo - Having to go in for your job has count as a date rofl. Hahaha visual novel date. Pornhub free premium lmao. You guys are losing focus here. "This is madness why are you making me do this?" "How can I cheat?" Hamon Janitor HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm pretty sure it was specifically designed for its purpose. Brisk, insane, funny training is always good. Barely animated? Narrator is great. If the JoJo manga went monthly then it's REALLY never gonna end. Well Oda is ordered to take the fourth week of the month off. Sick burn indeed. Togashi's scribbles hahahaha. No bad episodes of JoJo. Gundam Unicorn - Full Frontal is a terrible name. So is Banana Jar. How dare you read it off wikipedia! Philosophy bullshit and pretentious WAR IS BAD preaching is Gundam in a nutshell most of the time. It's annoying in this show for sure. So this show is confusing for other people too. Good to hear. Yeah ridiculously dense and nothing is explained. Who is Angelo? Those masks are so stupid. Full Frontal doesn't like a character from this show. Looks like a Sailor Moon character. Char is dead. DEAD! The action would be better if we knew what the hell was going on and what suits belonged to what factions. Hard to follow for sure. Oh it doesn't help this make more sense. Plus don't watch that. Amuro is annoying. The show makes more sense when the narrator actually tells what the hell is going on in the recaps, names characters and factions. Too early to tell with Banagher maybe? Mika would one-shot Bannister. Hiatus - Yup, we had a whole episode devoted to hunting for a vintage game console. I'm good with Pat the NES Punk's Flea Market Madness. Isshin is a good dad. Haha those are comic relief beatings! Togusa is a good dad... Hiatus is always uneventful. Yes let's explore this incredibly boring and uninteresting world. Gon is a quasi-sociopath. Naruto - I don't like leeches. The fuck man. They're awful. AND THEY SUCK YOUR BLOOD! Naruto is an idiot. And so are Sai and Yamato apparently. Haha Yamato just doesn't care. LOL accidentally watched five minutes of the last episode. Benten! The filler goons look terrible. Horrible designs. I can't take the bubbles seriously. One Piece - Okay that lag wasn't on my end, haha. Poor Laboon. Yes even the damn dog had a tragic backstory. I didn't realize his first name was Calico haha. Ahhhh before the time of Gold Roger! You're right! Yeah he still had the scar before he became a skeleton. When Robin is trying to laugh in the boat. T__T Wow padding old tragic backstories with more tragedy? rofl Zoro never brought up his backstory to the crew, at least not onscreen. We saw that when he was sleeping one episode. Maybe he did say why the sword was special before. Can't remember. Ghost in the Shell - No graphic for GitS. The stripper costume never did make sense. Yeah this episode is pretty memorable. Robot tank probably not pure intentions there. Block Wrap-up - Budokai 3 was really good. I beat all three got everything in them. The old games are fun. Ultimate Battle 22. Played some of the Super Famicom ones on an emulator. Good times. Poor Tien haha. Never played the Xenoverse games. Sound cool though. Naruto game full of spoilers. Not that we care at this point. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT NOISE?! That was bad advice. You could throw it away when the dog is asleep. I took away this pool hackysack ball thing from my cat because was going all feral with it. Though he still does that with the furry mice toys from time to time, now that I think about it.
ben0119 Posted February 26, 2017 Author Posted February 26, 2017 Toonami Show Rundown 121 - My Finale - 2/18/17 Intro - Toonami Squad? Who is this Grexeno nerd? Neogaf has an infamous enough reputation as it is. NO YOU ARE THE BEST! More listeners to be had on soundloud or itunes, or what? I don't use either of those. Guess I will use whatever iTunes isn't, because that's garbage. Anyway this doesn't sound like that big of a change. Not sure about changing the name of the show TWICE though. Sketch defected? Good. He's the only good part of the Faithful podcast. Yeah kind of a shortsighted that Sketch isn't actually here for this announcement... News - Wow really? That sucks. How do you fuck up a Blu-Ray so bad? Who the fuck is Anchor Bay? Yeah, they're idiots. Don't block people. Fix your shit! Congrats, on going to the world premiere of Jack, Syon. Isn't Origin the new retelling of Moble Suit Gundam? Oh... well that won't help much then. Yeah Demarco's whole PERMANENT GUNDAM SLOT declaration has come back to bite him in the ass. Eh nobody would have cared if Toonami hadn't gotten Sunrise to play ball. It was a Gundam embargo before Toonami negotiated things. Whole Big O series? Will it have the Queen OP? Sunrise uncooperative? Shocking. Haha you don't have to hear a Sentai dub. YOU SOLD OUT! YOU SOLD OUT! YOU SOLD OUT! YOU SOLD OUT! YOU SOLD OUT! YOU SOLD OUT! What is the point of changing the name now though? NASCAR was Winston and Busch Cups for years now it's always something fucking different. I haven't really watched since Dale Earnhardt died, but still. Technically Demarco will probably try to run Trigun at some point. At least it hasn't been on the air in years, though. NOOOO EVERYTHING THAT EVER AIRED AT LEAST ONCE IS A TOONAMI SHOW! I can claim Robotech that way. I don't even remember what DICE is. Embedded double acronym?! Don't give them any ideas. Plus that would be ratings suicide. Hey the Broly movies are good. The first one at least. Still haven't seen the others. Jet Siegel... Okay I have no idea what the fuck Stormhawks is. I googled it just now and nothing is coming back to me. Dragonball Super - The Bulma moment was played up more and done even better than it was in the movie. It IS a momentous moment for Vegeta. Pretty obvious it would be a big deal anway, given Bulma was struck by a super-powered villain. Even Piccolo is like "don't waste your life." Dragonball Seinfeld. Going after widows rofl. I'm REALLY surprised they didn't just recycle the animation from the movie and just put new stuff in between, honestly. Toei was surprisingly unlazy here. Bulma is okay with siccing Vegeta on people. Not really sure it was a good idea to up the power levels so much again. GT had the right idea with rebooting power levels by making Goku a kid... that didn't last, of course. Still GT and Super both should have been more about the next generation instead of just focusing on Goku and Vegeta again. What's wrong with his voice? I don't remember that part at all. Old man milk carton? The fuck man. Dragonball Z Kai - I don't know why they didn't tell Goku about Goten. The Android 18 stuff is hilarious. "I always thought you were bald." "How do you have a kid with a robot?" "Where do you live?" What sucks is that Videl has a power ceiling since she's human. I love her though. Dragon Team? It's the Z Fighters! LOL coddled millenials. Briefs are already famous. My dad can beat up your dad hahaha. Well, the story should advance to the next generation or at least focus on them more. Uhh pretty sure Videl's mom died. Read that on the Dragonball wiki or something I think. Not adopted... she has the same eyes and hair color as Hercule. The mom is dead. Think it was said in the original DBZ... then again, we now those scripts weren't the most accurate. JoJo - ACDC killed Kenny Loggins. ACDC has emotional issues, haha. Lungs are critical to living! Hahahaha. Joseph... not sure if he was ever really scared or was acting during all that. Yeah we barely met these dudes, haha. All the vein tentacles were gross. Gundam Unicorn - I told you the anti-war stuff in Gundam is obnoxious. Amuro is a pretty big bitch. Not sure what you're talking about. He whines a ton. Mikazuki was a breath of fresh air for Gundam protagonists. Hahahahahaahaha. This Camille guy sounds like a fucking school shooter or something. He's clearly insecure. Mikazuki has pretty good justification for his slaughter. Okay Camille sounds fucking evil, hahaha. Teasing a kid because he killed his mom, wow. Zeta needs to be on Toonami just for the lulz. Whining about war is what Gundam protags do. Also shows much of a dick Full Frontal is. Just about anything is easier to follow than Unicorn is. I dunno thought the fight scenes in IBO were good. Obviously the animation and art here are prettier, but still. Newtype psychic sex thing. Weird shit. Undecided on that scene. Depends on how the girl's character turns out. Banagher wouldn't last long in IBO or Zeta. Gundam IS stupid. Zeta sounds unhinged and so bad it's good, haha. Hiatus - FLESH COLLECTOR SO EDGY AND DARK! The show putz'd around until the end and then it ended. Shocking. Kurapika was drawn and lit that way because Hiatus is so much edge. It sounds like this show would be better if Gon and Killua just plumb didn't exist and it focused on Kurapika and Leorio instead. Of course it'd still be a total sausage fest. Nen stuff came in way too late for me to give a shit. Plus it's not interesting. I also believe Hisoka's abilities specifically, his magic, should have been left to the imagination. Or he could've simply been a trickster or illusionist who combined that with his fighting ability. Naruto - She's stopped because the guy is holding the door, hahahahaha. What the fuck is with the lines on the dude's face? Horrible designs. The rain popped the bubble, hahaha. I can't take the Bubble Boy seriously either. Acid bubbles. They're HORRIBLE character designs. Naw background characters aren't this distractingly ugly. Yeah the acoustics were off for sure. It's obviously the damn jutsu tattooed on her body. *SIGH* So cliche and obvious. I dunno she's pretty cute, haha. Arc is crap, but still. Okay there's no fans of her, that's fair. Haha. A drawing of her blowing bubbles hahahaha. LOOOOOOL THEY CARE. I hate people so much hahahahahaha. Leeches... that's someone's fetish. Lovely. That's when I realized it's normal to have these thoughts. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It's a whole new world you've uncovered alright. Fan fiction for Guren hahahaha. One Piece - The crew that brings a smile to every child... T__T CAPTAIN PUZZLE?! YOU ASSHOLE! It said like 2 or 3 years later. It was a good moment. I don't like picking favorites, though. Yorky's still alive hahahaha. Show me the body hahaha. In One Piece yeah for sure. Heard rumors they escaped the Calm Belt. WHOA! Ian Sinclair live-tweeted the airing? Nice. We already knew Gman is coldhearted. I didn't cry either, though. I do grant it was sad, though. Block Wrap-up - First time I had seen the Samurai Jack trailers. But then I've fallen behind with things over the past few months.
ben0119 Posted June 4, 2017 Author Posted June 4, 2017 Finally caught up with the podcast. I'd behind 2-3 weeks behind for a good while. I've got my commentary for many past episodes saved in documents which I might post later. Not sure. Toonami Showdown Podcast 5/20/17 - Samurai Jack Season 5 Review (aka Entry-Level Evil) News - Will be nice to finally have a good show again, right? Lupin is a fun an upbeat which will be a nice breath of fresh air. Good we have the same VAs as the other one that aired on ASA. I'm not super-excited either but it's Lupin so we know what we're getting and it will at least be good. Why are you playing this old show. Hiatus deserves to get bumped down until it's off the block. Not just it doesn't have DBZ by its name... it doesn't appeal to most people. No Blue Exorcist 2 on Toonami, but I've heard the manga material it covers was supposed to be good. Demarco finally realized his permanent Gundam slot was not a good idea. SAOIII is coming eventually. =3 Samurai Jack - Aku still got one more on Jack from beyond the grave! Jack finally killing Aku was very satisfying. Well they overwhelmed Aku with numbers. It never even explained how the time travel works in this show. So yeah I can see the gripe of throwing in the paradox now. You're back already. Flash sounds like it's getting really dumb with the time travel bullshit. Glad I didn't start watching it. Supergirl is good damn it! Rushed, yeah. We needed more episodes. I don't get Vince Vaugn's appeal, either. I mean, he's an overweight schlubby slob. Why do girls find him attractive? Yeah I had thought Jack's dad died fighting Aku. Dragonball Super - Piccolo with Pan was hilarious and adorable. Hell/HFIL was never shown in canon before this apparently. So I take it Hell is personal in the Dragon Ball universe and that's why Frieza was surrounded by all that bullshit. That's disgusting Claire. Wtf are you talking about Sketch? I watched Resurrection F finally pretty much right before this arc started so I'd be able to compare. DBZ Kai - The fight between 18 and Mighty Mask was hilarious. Thought it was pretty funny how 18 didn't know. He has a long torso and arms of a child! Roshi knew what was going on at the tournament and Babidi's ship! The re-animation looked like shit. Not even Goku's Super Saiyan transformation was left untouched! Well it helped the show was on twice a day, daily back then. Don't really see how not re-animating prevents them from cutting more. Did Toei just get lazy? Attack on Titan - What the fuck? Is Historia her real last name? Not her real first name right? This episode was hella melodramatic. I didn't get that that was the same Titan that ate Reiner's buddy. I need a gif of Christa rolling down that hill! The show is self-aware that Eren is annoying but not self-aware enough to fully mitigate it. I didn't realize that was the first time he killed a Titan with ODM gear. Tokyo Ghoul - I don't see how him being married negates him being a piece of shit. So stupid. Wascally Wabbit. They didn't even develop Amon until like 2 episodes ago. Why switch events around like that? Yeah that was pretty groan-worthy when he said that he was the ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS. Hiatus - I dunno pretty much feels like Hiatus over-explains mundane shit it thinks is interesting. Gundam Unicorn - Fuck Riddhe for the umpteenth time. Agreed if everyone dies then there's still hope. Just like Char's Counterrattack! The whole using emotion over logic to say WE NEED TO STOP FIGHTING has been what's drove me nuts about almost every Gundam. This show will be great for Toonami and bring back Gundam's popularity in the West. All those people were full of shit! Entry-level evil. Yeah it is silly and obviously written around pre-existing Gundam mythos. Feels artificial for sure. Galen Erso thing makes sense though and clears up a big issue some had with Star Wars. Naruto - Choji's dad barely appeared so kinda hard to kill him off and have us care I think? Kakashi is totally dead. Even without having an idea of what comes later, nobody believes Kakashi is dead for real, come on. At least not so soon after killing Jiraiya. The Pain jutsu is an awesome sound effect. Yeah the eye vortex jutsu has some major drawbacks. Better than Tokyo Ghoul and Unicorn for sure. Block Wrap-up - Don't really care to watch Esports myself either. Never could get into Smash Bros. Samurai Jack Season 5 review - I didn't really get the impression that Jack was going to keep wandering. Yeah it's life goes on. Come on the ladybug was cute. Can't leave Jack completely heartbroken. Yeah it's a satisfying ending. Yeah a whole episode in the creature wasn't needed. Well it was played off with Aku being despondant and bored. Probably was because Mako died. Never really thought about that. You'd think after all this time Genndy wouldn't have been making this up as he went along? He knew how many episodes he had to work with and he knew what he needed to do. Just give up the rankings come on. I dunno gotta' say I'm really not as down on the latter parts of the show as you guys. Like you said the original had its ups and downs, not everything was a perfect masterpiece. Outro - What Spider-man poster are you looking at? I really don't get the idea behind putting chili powder in sweet stuff. It's gross. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What Vic voice is that supposed to be though? :D :D :D :D What kids were playing Nickelback?
ben0119 Posted June 12, 2017 Author Posted June 12, 2017 Toonami Showdown Podcast 7/3/17 - CG Ein Intro - That's Syon? He sounds completely different. He's a muppet. Oh it IS someone else. News - Cowboy Bebop would be easy to adapt and translate to live action. But how would it live up to original series, or even come close? Everything can work in theory. Prideland. What is Hannah? I agree sounds like a bid for credibility. Why aren't copyright holders more careful!? The writer of Max Steel. Yeah getting that style down is going to be difficult. Haven't really watched SyFy since Eureka got canceled. Hasn't intersted me. Not happy with how everything went down with Eureka either. It needed more time to wrap things up. CGI Ein. Black Lagoon would be easy. FMA the whitewashing problem is already solved. They were always white. Someone complained that somebody told him dragons were in Game of Thrones?! Pretty ridiculous that they would spoil it like that. Glad I don't like Attack on Titan too much! Alright Top 3 most requested shows... *rubs palms together* My Hero Academia top requested show? There's still hype there? Hmm that appraisal of the first three episodes doesn't sound promising. And yeah once you've seen One-Punch Man already... One Punch Man Season 2. Good to hear people want it back. Fairy Tail?! HAHA I TOLD YOU! I TOLD YOU GMAN! Well late in the game, but if they're going to need another long-runner at some point and long-runners in general are being phased out... Yup they could've gotten Fairy Tail instead of Hiatus... Yeah it's true they don't have to replace Kai with a long-runner. Boruto please no. Dragonball Super - I read like one Jaco chapter. Had no idea about that other stuff. I call bullshit on Bulma's sister existing at all. Why would she not appear until NOW?! Yeah Dragonball is awesome. Loved the setting and the world and the lore you mentioned. Pretty sure that was meant to be a space suit for Jaco in the movie. I thought it was the old 18 voice in Kai Buu Saga. What about bringing back Cooler. Frieza knowing about Beerus and Buu obvious retcon. Kinda' annoying. DBZ Kai - From what I understand the Buu Saga is really long in the manga too so I'm not sure what all needed to be cut from the Kai portion of it. Attack on Titan - Casual reveal is different and neat. Berthold is barely even a character though. My only issue there. I don't think the R is supposed to be silent. An artifact of the Engrish, like Eureka. I forgot Berthold existed too! Hahahaha. Ymir wasn't in the show much either. You're right. Yeah I can see it making the world more realistic by having some minor characters being Titans. Tokyo Ghoul - I've wanted this show gone for a while. It's Toka's brother he will die or turn evil. That bird was annoying as hell. Yeah not sure what white hair guy's deal is. Gundam Unicorn - That giant mobile suit looked silly because the head was so small. They're shouting at each other they're symbols of things. No you aren't alone. I feel it's a trash fire too. Plenty of other folks on the boards also! Newtype bullshit hit new levels. That's not a rebuttal. Was it time travel or just observing events? Naruto - Not a good plan by Danzo. Ibiki fight is filler? Aww. Giant monster battles are cool. Here, though, yeah, they were just stomping on rubble. Block Wrap-up - Do you have anime-itis?
Daos Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 Wait what? The top requested shows are MHA, Fairytail and One Punch man S2?
Blatch Posted June 15, 2017 Posted June 15, 2017 So has anybody who won the 20th anniversary giveaway get their prizes in yet? Well, aside from myself just today. I guess everyone gets the same box with the same general things: The T-shirt, TOM action figure, and TOM pin, as well as, perhaps inexplicably, a Dragon Ball Super beanie. I don't know if I'll ever wear that, though at least I have a few months to see if the show gets better and make a decision. [cable box remote not included]
The1gairon Posted June 16, 2017 Posted June 16, 2017 On 6/15/2017 at 9:31 PM, Blatch said: So has anybody who won the 20th anniversary giveaway get their prizes in yet? Well, aside from myself just today. I guess everyone gets the same box with the same general things: The T-shirt, TOM action figure, and TOM pin, as well as, perhaps inexplicably, a Dragon Ball Super beanie. I don't know if I'll ever wear that, though at least I have a few months to see if the show gets better and make a decision. [cable box remote not included] I'm jelly donut now. Congrats though!
AnimationFan14 Posted June 16, 2017 Posted June 16, 2017 On 6/15/2017 at 9:31 PM, Blatch said: So has anybody who won the 20th anniversary giveaway get their prizes in yet? Well, aside from myself just today. I guess everyone gets the same box with the same general things: The T-shirt, TOM action figure, and TOM pin, as well as, perhaps inexplicably, a Dragon Ball Super beanie. I don't know if I'll ever wear that, though at least I have a few months to see if the show gets better and make a decision. [cable box remote not included] I received the T-shirt in the mail but nothing else It is a very nice shirt design for sure
Mohri Posted June 16, 2017 Posted June 16, 2017 On 6/15/2017 at 9:31 PM, Blatch said: So has anybody who won the 20th anniversary giveaway get their prizes in yet? Well, aside from myself just today. I guess everyone gets the same box with the same general things: The T-shirt, TOM action figure, and TOM pin, as well as, perhaps inexplicably, a Dragon Ball Super beanie. I don't know if I'll ever wear that, though at least I have a few months to see if the show gets better and make a decision. [cable box remote not included] From what I can see, the design of the shirt seems really nice. What is the fabric like? Congratulations!
Blatch Posted June 16, 2017 Posted June 16, 2017 It's about a 50-50 mix of cotton and polyester. Due to having dark colors and sleeves, I probably won't wear it on hot days, which is a bit of a shame. But it should be good enough for long car rides where I'm not in the sun too often, so I'll be getting some use out of it soon enough.
ben0119 Posted June 18, 2017 Author Posted June 18, 2017 On 6/13/2017 at 11:52 PM, Daos said: Wait what? The top requested shows are MHA, Fairytail and One Punch man S2? Apparently so. I haven't seen the Momocon panel myself yet, but the guys on the podcast did and apparently it was said at that panel that those were the top 3 requested shows. Somewhat odd, you think?
ben0119 Posted June 18, 2017 Author Posted June 18, 2017 On 6/15/2017 at 9:31 PM, Blatch said: So has anybody who won the 20th anniversary giveaway get their prizes in yet? Well, aside from myself just today. I guess everyone gets the same box with the same general things: The T-shirt, TOM action figure, and TOM pin, as well as, perhaps inexplicably, a Dragon Ball Super beanie. I don't know if I'll ever wear that, though at least I have a few months to see if the show gets better and make a decision. [cable box remote not included] I totally forgot to enter that contest! Awesome you won that stuff, though! Looks cool. Don't know why I saw beanie and thought "plushy"... beanie baby? But yeah it's a hat! Yeah if the show improves you should wear it. Hopefully, once we get past this movie stuff...
Daos Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 On 6/18/2017 at 3:29 AM, ben0119 said: Apparently so. I haven't seen the Momocon panel myself yet, but the guys on the podcast did and apparently it was said at that panel that those were the top 3 requested shows. Somewhat odd, you think? That's insane, I have zero faith in the accuracy of those results. FairyTail is from 2010 and people are requesting S2 of OPM when it's not even out yet? No Re Zero, Kabeneri or Mob Psycho? PFFT.
ben0119 Posted June 18, 2017 Author Posted June 18, 2017 On 6/18/2017 at 3:37 AM, Daos said: That's insane, I have zero faith in the accuracy of those results. FairyTail is from 2010 and people are requesting S2 of OPM when it's not even out yet? No Re Zero, Kabeneri or Mob Psycho? PFFT. People were requesting Fairy Tail for a long time. I have my suspicions it slipped off the top 5 (now they just give us a top 3) because of other big shows that came out. People requested other sequel seasons before they even existed. This wouldn't be the first time. But I agree with the person in the ratings thread who said they need to stop going by these requests so much when deciding what shows to pick up. Most people aren't going to go to the trouble to request stuff on Toonami's social media pages. It's not really an accurate barometer of what the overall viewers want or would want, even if those results of those requests tabulations are accurate. About Mob Psycho, that's on Funimation Now, isn't it? I believe they might disclude shows that they can't pick up if someone else has a lock on them. They stopped listing Sailor Moon in the top requested shows list after Hulu got it. Or maybe the requests for it died down, I dunno.
Daos Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 On 6/18/2017 at 5:38 AM, ben0119 said: People were requesting Fairy Tail for a long time. I have my suspicions it slipped off the top 5 (now they just give us a top 3) because of other big shows that came out. People requested other sequel seasons before they even existed. This wouldn't be the first time. But I agree with the person in the ratings thread who said they need to stop going by these requests so much when deciding what shows to pick up. Most people aren't going to go to the trouble to request stuff on Toonami's social media pages. It's not really an accurate barometer of what the overall viewers want or would want, even if those results of those requests tabulations are accurate. About Mob Psycho, that's on Funimation Now, isn't it? I believe they might disclude shows that they can't pick up if someone else has a lock on them. They stopped listing Sailor Moon in the top requested shows list after Hulu got it. Or maybe the requests for it died down, I dunno. I think everything new Funi gets is probably on Funi now.
ben0119 Posted June 18, 2017 Author Posted June 18, 2017 On 6/18/2017 at 5:53 AM, Daos said: I think everything new Funi gets is probably on Funi now. Yeah probably. It wouldn't prevent them from getting it, but I suppose it's a matter of having room on the block whenever something is coming out. If there isn't, Funi probably just throws it up there. Toonami can always get it later, though!
ben0119 Posted July 17, 2017 Author Posted July 17, 2017 HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So, apparently, Kurapika is not in Hiatus anymore after the last episode. That's some great writing right there! > I'm sure glad I stopped watching when I did, especially since him and Leorio were two of the few redeeming qualities of the show. Nevermind that the show squeezes every last ounce of caring you have about anybody long before this point, but still.
Daos Posted July 17, 2017 Posted July 17, 2017 On 7/17/2017 at 5:24 AM, ben0119 said: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So, apparently, Kurapika is not in Hiatus anymore after the last episode. That's some great writing right there! > I'm sure glad I stopped watching when I did, especially since him and Leorio were two of the few redeeming qualities of the show. Nevermind that the show squeezes every last ounce of caring you have about anybody long before this point, but still. The Yorknew arc with him as the MC was actually pretty good. It turned into a watchable anime. But now it's back to Gon and Kilua I hear.
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