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It was actually one of the earliest anime shows made for widescreen. Along with Samurai 7 (which was made for HD).


I just hope the blurays do the show justice.  The original FMA series looks gorgeous on bluray, as does Code Geass.  Death Note on bluray, meanwhile, is a great disappointment.


I just hope the blurays do the show justice.  The original FMA series looks gorgeous on bluray, as does Code Geass.  Death Note on bluray, meanwhile, is a great disappointment.

Deathnote in general is a dissapointment


both due to how terrible it is and how much queerbaiting it's guilty of


Man... Been way too long since Yoko composed a show.


I think the last was Terror in Resonance.


I just hope the blurays do the show justice.  The original FMA series looks gorgeous on bluray, as does Code Geass.  Death Note on bluray, meanwhile, is a great disappointment.




Deathnote in general is a dissapointment


both due to how terrible it is and how much queerbaiting it's guilty of


Easy there.  I won't have you disrespecting Death Note.  Or Light.


And it didn't bait anybody.  The Internet decided that Light and L were a thing.


I just hope the blurays do the show justice.  The original FMA series looks gorgeous on bluray, as does Code Geass.  Death Note on bluray, meanwhile, is a great disappointment.


I'm not having any luck finding the thread with it at the moment on another forum but the Japanese BD looked really nice in the screenshot comparisons from what I remember.


I think there's a good chance it'll be really good if Bandai Japan/Production I.G give them a good source file.


It still boggles my mind that this show is 20+ years old


Yeah, it's absolutely crazy to think about.


Edit: ANN reminds me original airdate 2002.  Still 15 years is crazy. It still looks fantastic, which is amazing.


I'm not having any luck finding the thread with it at the moment on another forum but the Japanese BD looked really nice in the screenshot comparisons from what I remember.


I think there's a good chance it'll be really good if Bandai Japan/Production I.G give them a good source file.


Well, that gives me confidence that they're the ones who did the Code Geass blurays.  Viz Media did the Death Note blurays and fumbled it horribly.  Quality wasn't any better than DVD and they fucked up the subtitles (you either got subtitles for everything or nothing, which caused trouble for those of us who wanted dub voices but could read the many instances of Japanese writing).


Yeah, it's absolutely crazy to think about.


Edit: ANN reminds me original airdate 2002.  Still 15 years is crazy. It still looks fantastic, which is amazing.


yeah not quite as old but the movie came out in 1995 and the quality is up there with the series.  Not surprised at all though look at Akira.


Well, that gives me confidence that they're the ones who did the Code Geass blurays.  Viz Media did the Death Note blurays and fumbled it horribly.  Quality wasn't any better than DVD and they fucked up the subtitles (you either got subtitles for everything or nothing, which caused trouble for those of us who wanted dub voices but could read the many instances of Japanese writing).


Oh that sucks.

For the sub thing, it's possible that was a licensing thing. While it wasn't said by Viz, so I don't know if that's the case for Death Note, I know Funimation has said in the past that for a small handful of titles they have been required by the Japanese owner to lock the subs to the Japanese track. It's very rare though.


Yeah. Don't screw this up Anchor Bay.


yeah not quite as old but the movie came out in 1995 and the quality is up there with the series.  Not surprised at all though look at Akira.


Yeah, they did an amazing job animating this show.


yup...production I.G. don't play around LOL




Which reminds me, can totally see their Ghost in the Shell SAC pedigree in how they animated Psycho-Pass, another great show. They need to do more sci-fi like these.




Which reminds me, can totally see their Ghost in the Shell SAC pedigree in how they animated Psycho-Pass, another great show. They need to do more sci-fi like these.


Absolutely...that show is absolutely stunning. So much talent


What I thought...the show was made in an earlier "false" HD (540p) which is why the picture looks blurrier than most of the other shows on the block (for reference, all the Bones shows between Eureka 7 and FMA: Brotherhood were produced in the same resolution). Oddly, the opening CGI is only 480p while the images in the end credits are full 1080p.


Now, I discovered something very upsetting that may be of controversy; but I don't think I like Stand Alone Complex anymore. Like at all. It was a bummer to come to terms with that after being so terminally bored with that episode to the point where I was begging for it to end.


What I thought...the show was made in an earlier "false" HD (540p) which is why the picture looks blurrier than most of the other shows on the block (for reference, all the Bones shows between Eureka 7 and FMA: Brotherhood were produced in the same resolution). Oddly, the opening CGI is only 480p while the images in the end credits are full 1080p.


Now, I discovered something very upsetting that may be of controversy; but I don't think I like Stand Alone Complex anymore. Like at all. It was a bummer to come to terms with that after being so terminally bored with that episode to the point where I was begging for it to end.


It is boring. I've never understood why so many people have such a hard on for it. it usually relies on the ... 5 minutes of action... 18 minutes of talk formula for every episode. Super heavy on political intrigue.


The world and concept are actually really good, just the execution..... is badly paced. Basically the show should be way more entertaining than it is.



"Reviewers agreed that the main "Laughing Man" storyline was satisfying, characterizing it variously as "interesting",[59] "complex",[60] and "engaging".[56] Reaction to the series' "Stand Alone" episodes, however, was mixed: some reviewers considered these episodes to be boring and, in some cases, the worst episodes of the series,[56][59] while others contended that they allowed further development of the characters and the futuristic setting.[55][60]"


I'm more of a fan of the '95 movie and manga. They feel more otherworldly and involving to me while SAC just feels like a cop procedural set in the future.


I do genuinely enjoy 2nd Gig as it feels a bit more exotic than season one and closer to what I feel Ghost In The Shell should be (also helps the animation isn't as cold and stiff).


What I thought...the show was made in an earlier "false" HD (540p) which is why the picture looks blurrier than most of the other shows on the block (for reference, all the Bones shows between Eureka 7 and FMA: Brotherhood were produced in the same resolution). Oddly, the opening CGI is only 480p while the images in the end credits are full 1080p.


Now, I discovered something very upsetting that may be of controversy; but I don't think I like Stand Alone Complex anymore. Like at all. It was a bummer to come to terms with that after being so terminally bored with that episode to the point where I was begging for it to end.


I'll disagree.  But to each their own.  I won't harp on you for it.  I'm perfectly sure you've got your reasons. 


Hell, I like Code Geass and I get major grief from some board members concerning that.


What I thought...the show was made in an earlier "false" HD (540p) which is why the picture looks blurrier than most of the other shows on the block (for reference, all the Bones shows between Eureka 7 and FMA: Brotherhood were produced in the same resolution). Oddly, the opening CGI is only 480p while the images in the end credits are full 1080p.




Brotherhood and E7 look quite good on blu-ray though. Looking forward to seeing Wolf's Rain (and the disc version of SAC) as soon as my copy arrives.


anyone else think toonami tonight has been rather crappy? like nothing of importance has happened at all


it just seems like one big filler night for the most part


Hunter X Hunter was the worst




Brotherhood and E7 look quite good on blu-ray though. Looking forward to seeing Wolf's Rain (and the disc version of SAC) as soon as my copy arrives.


Even the original Fullmetal Alchemist looks pretty damn good on blu ray (And the collector's version though)

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