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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

(ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken)


A Hero's Proof

Episode 15


Hīrō no Shikaku)

The fifteenth episode of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. It is also the sixth episode of Battle Tendency

Covered manga: Chapter 66 through Chapter 70


Toonami Airdate: Saturday night/Sunday morning at 12:30am (2/5/2017)


Opening Theme


"BLOODY STREAM" performed by Kazuso Oda under the stage name "Coda"

Ending Theme

Yes performing "Roundabout"


Japanese airdate: January 18, 2013


Previously on JoJo's Bizarre Adventure episode 14:

As the episode first begins Speedwagon is seen bringing the statued remains of Santana to the headquarters of his foundation in Washington, D.C., where it is shown that Santana is still alive, but his scientists are able to keep him dormant through the use of ultraviolet light. Remembering Stroheim's words that there are three more powerful Pillar Men somewhere in Europe, Speedwagon then took Joseph to Rome to meet with Will Zeppeli's grandson, Caesar, who is also quite skilled in use of Hamon. As Caesar begins to question Joseph's abilities, he fights against him using his own Hamon abilities formed from clothes filled with soapy water, encasing Joseph in a bubble, but Joseph managed to break free using a sneak attack.


As Caesar made plans for Joseph and Speedwagon to be taken to see where the Pillar Men are being kept, one of the Pillar Men, Wamuu, broke free, killing a group of German soldiers and awakening his masters, Kars and Esidisi. Upon discovering the site, Wamuu destroys half of Caesar's German solider friend Mark's body simply by bumping into him as he walked past. As Caesar is forced to use his Hamon to peacefully end Mark's suffering, he vows vengeance against the Pillar Men.



Now that the rest of the cats aka Piller Men are all out of their respective bags what is the next move for JoJo, Speedwagon, and Caesar Zeppeli as well as the Piller Men themselves? Also when it comes down to it will Caesar's ultimate technique that he claims will be the Piller Men's kryptonite so to speak have any merit? Join us for the next bizarre episode of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure to find out


I'd tell you to take a shot every time something bizarre happens


but that would be a mistake


Only on Toonami



Oh Mochi you sent me a PM? I don't think I got it, there are no messages in my "Messages" section.

oh, no wait it wasn't you it was OWlchemist....sorry:P

I don't know why Caesar's dressed like a hooker, but I can get behind it.


Don't ask why they're dressed a certain way.  Philosophers have struggled for decades to find the answer.


Don't ask why they're dressed a certain way.  Philosophers have struggled for decades to find the answer.

or why they're all drawn wearing sassy lipstick on all the manga illustrations

I don't know what it is with very muscular men in Araki's works, but I think it's hilariously appropriate for this series in particular.


underestimating their inherent damage does not a sympathizer make. i think i get where you're coming from and it's certainly upsetting, but that's not the same thing as agreeing with them or validating their sickness. such light treatment may be particularly harmful in our political climate, but this is from another time (yeah, i know how lame that tired argument is, but still)


I don't know what it is with very muscular men in Araki's works, but I think it's hilariously appropriate for this series in particular.

Japan likes Homoeroticism but hates actual homosexuality




This show has gotten a little weird with the whole Nazi Hero thing and now we're supposed to sympathize with one of Mussolini's soldiers.


But then again, Japan could never get over being proud of being one of the Axis Powers.


"Dammit, Jojo. Stop playing with your balls and get laid already!!"

don't worry he will eventually,

how else will his Grandson become the next Jojo



This show has gotten a little weird with the whole Nazi Hero thing and now we're supposed to sympathize with one of Mussolini's soldiers.


But then again, Japan could never get over being proud of being one of the Axis Powers.

Japan is as bad as America when it comes to being proud of having commited historical crimes against Humanity

Japan is as bad as America when it comes to being proud of having commited historical crimes against Humanity


Well, half of America doesn't like it. 


But on a semi-related topic, did you hear that the U.S. got made an official danger to the E.U.?  On par with Russia and ISIS.  So who knows what shows will say about today's America in 70 years.


Well, half of America doesn't like it. 


But on a semi-related topic, did you hear that the U.S. got made an official danger to the E.U.?  On par with Russia and ISIS.  So who knows what shows will say about today's America in 70 years.

hopefully horrible things
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