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xe/xer/there/they pronouns folks...nonbinary or whatever

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Not really I suppose. But it can get irritating when they go too far with it. Some people on a campus, I forgot which one, started calling themselves with the pronoun "Ze"



Would you be upset if your daughter eventually identifies as a man?


no. but she wont. shes fiercely female from a very young age. wouldnt even wear certain colors even when the clothes were girl clothes. she likes getting her nails painted and makes jewlerly. she loves her long hair and all this girly stuff. itd never happen but id be ok with it.


Not really I suppose. But it can get irritating when they go too far with it. Some people on a campus, I forgot which one, started calling themselves with the pronoun "Ze"



yah its gonna be ugly if madison brings a Ze home.


i will be highly upset if my daughter dates someone who doesnt identify with either of two genders.  does this make me bad?


But you haven't picked between species yet........Is she a primate, is she a bovine.....WTF is a fuggz?


no. but she wont. shes fiercely female from a very young age. wouldnt even wear certain colors even when the clothes were girl clothes. she likes getting her nails painted and makes jewlerly. she loves her long hair and all this girly stuff. itd never happen but id be ok with it.




Maybe just let people do their own thing? Don't try and control your kid or a love interest like that, won't end well. Just cause your kid is "fiercely feminine" now doesn't mean jack. That being said, the whole "ze, zir, zippity do da" pronouns thing has gotten out of hand. We don't really need new pronouns; we've had a singular "they" for the longest time and it covers everything. I see no point other than to call attention to one's self for these "ze, zoo, bibbidi-bobbidi-boo" pronouns.


Almost every person I've seen use those new age pronouns is younger. Kids can be dumb. They do dumb things. Doesn't invalidate everything they bring to the table, but I try not to take them seriously since, to me, it stems from the special snowflake thing. To be quite honest, I notice it's mostly girls that want to wear men's clothing, and some lithe boys that like dresses. So it's whatever, let them be. Although I don't know why you listed pansexual in your later post. That's considerably more tame than the other zany orientations tumblrinas came up with. Just think of pansexual as an extension of bisexual.


what if nefertiti became nefer and dated pixie the pansexual xer...you cool?


I think it's already happening.....Should I stop it....OMG, tell me how to stop it.......


This post is kinda wasted on you because to avoid you saying something mindnumbingly stupid and me regret trying, I have overtly point out that this is sarcasm.


i will be highly upset if my daughter dates someone who doesnt identify with either of two genders.  does this make me bad?

in short, yes

Not really I suppose. But it can get irritating when they go too far with it. Some people on a campus, I forgot which one, started calling themselves with the pronoun "Ze"


I'm not gonna lie, the people who make up their own pronouns tend to be annoying to me


but non-binary people who use the singular they to reffer to themselves I see nothing wrong with and see no reason to judge them if using the singular they to reffer to themselves makes them feel more comfortable in their own skin


I'm not gonna lie, the people who make up their own pronouns tend to be annoying to me


but non-binary people who use the singular they to reffer to themselves I see nothing wrong with and see no reason to judge them if using the singular they to reffer to themselves makes them feel more comfortable in their own skin


Yeah some students on a campus are calling themselves "ze"

At that point it just gets ridiculous. Like, just get Ze fuck out of here :v


Maybe just let people do their own thing? Don't try and control your kid or a love interest like that, won't end well. Just cause your kid is "fiercely feminine" now doesn't mean jack. That being said, the whole "ze, zir, zippity do da" pronouns thing has gotten out of hand. We don't really need new pronouns; we've had a singular "they" for the longest time and it covers everything. I see no point other than to call attention to one's self for these "ze, zoo, bibbidi-bobbidi-boo" pronouns.


Almost every person I've seen use those new age pronouns is younger. Kids can be dumb. They do dumb things. Doesn't invalidate everything they bring to the table, but I try not to take them seriously since, to me, it stems from the special snowflake thing. To be quite honest, I notice it's mostly girls that want to wear men's clothing, and some lithe boys that like dresses. So it's whatever, let them be. Although I don't know why you listed pansexual in your later post. That's considerably more tame than the other zany orientations tumblrinas came up with. Just think of pansexual as an extension of bisexual.


i listed pansexual xe because i just saw one on facebook


It's ok mochi, you annoy everyone else just by being yourself.

just because that's true doesn't mean I can't call out fuggz for being an asshole to her daughter

Whatever happened to that review of my 5 page lesbian orgy, fuggs?


Is this because I referenced you "squeezing eyes shut to be able to see" thing from your story?


Because that was just a tame little joke that meant nothing; I'd hate for it to sour your whole opinion of the work.


I'll tell y'all what the best thing about Fuggz is......She claims so many cultures as her own.....Whether it be racial or sexual, and dictates that assertion by being bigoted.


you never add anything to any conversation. all you do is assassinate everyone s character.  god forbid you snswer the question yourself.


It is starting to get out of hand... Like okay if you want to identify as one or the other that's fine, hell I'll even let an official third one go for genderfluidity.


But at this rate, soon every single person will have their own fucking gender prefix.


I'm just gonna end up reverting to calling people by their name only.


"Bob said that Bob can't decide on which prefix to use so now Bob is going to get tired of hearing Bob's name overused in everything Bob hears about that's directed towards Bob."


Like, I get it... people want to be independent and free and all that, and that's fine and dandy. But you have to deal with a general public, and not all of that general public is gonna get it right, whether they have intentions on it or not. Deal with it.



So no, don't feel bad.


Whatever happened to that review of my 5 page lesbian orgy, fuggs?


Is this because I referenced you "squeezing eyes shut to be able to see" thing from your story?


Because that was just a tame little joke that meant nothing; I'd hate for it to sour your whole opinion of the work.


i got tired of looking for it


It is starting to get out of hand... Like okay if you want to identify as one or the other that's fine, hell I'll even let an official third one go for genderfluidity.


But at this rate, soon every single person will have their own fucking gender prefix.


I'm just gonna end up reverting to calling people by their name only.


"Bob said that Bob can't decide on which prefix to use so now Bob is going to get tired of hearing Bob's name overused in everything Bob hears about that's directed towards Bob."


Like, I get it... people want to be independent and free and all that, and that's fine and dandy. But you have to deal with a general public, and not all of that general public is gonna get it right, whether they have intentions on it or not. Deal with it.



So no, don't feel bad.


i already see it coming when they get out of college. i work in customer service where we refer to mr. and mrs. i see pixie calling and getting mad i didnt call xer's husband xe. then having to get a manager because i called them the wrong pronoun.


you never add anything to any conversation. all you do is assassinate everyone s character.  god forbid you snswer the question yourself.


I answered the question, but not in the same profoundly ignorant way you asked it, so I can see how you mighta missed it.


i will be highly upset if my daughter dates someone who doesnt identify with either of two genders.  does this make me bad?

No, it just means you're not all that bright.  You don't usually address people by pronouns within earshot, so it rarely matters how they identify.


I don't even know if you are to begin with, but if you are ok with your daughter being in any kind of non-hetero romantic relationship, I don't see why you'd be mad at her for dating whatever the fuck it is you're talking about. Sure that person could get annoying, but trying to put a stop to the dating over such a matter seems counter productive. Remember when you said something along the lines of your brother doesn't let his daughter see boys, and you meant it is stupid, because your dad did the same thing to you, and you immediately got pregnant when he died? What would be stopping your daughter having the same resentment of you not liking/not letting her date a whatever gender, in the same manner your dad not allowing you to see boys didn't stop you from getting pregnant?

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