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Mine was definitely my french teacher for 9th and 10th grade. This dude would only take like two or three guys in each class. He would make sure all of his classes were packed with girls. Which is fine, but he was really creepy towards them, and strangely affectionate. Like he would give them prolonged hugs.His hair was disgusting. He had these really greasy curls with a bald spot in the middle. That shit looked shiny as fuck. He also said oui creepier than I thought possible. He was such a creep that being in his classes made me hate the french language and never want to go to France lol.


I think my 1st grade music teacher was a pedo....



Any my 7th grade science teacher got arrested right before our school picnic for having sex with a 9th grader and giving him aids ....


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2 hours ago, That_One_Guy said:

Mine was definitely my french teacher for 9th and 10th grade. This dude would only take like two or three guys in each class. He would make sure all of his classes were packed with girls. Which is fine, but he was really creepy towards them, and strangely affectionate. Like he would give them prolonged hugs.His hair was disgusting. He had these really greasy curls with a bald spot in the middle. That shit looked shiny as fuck. He also said oui creepier than I thought possible. He was such a creep that being in his classes made me hate the french language and never want to go to France lol.

Spanish teacher in 7th grade....She was an elderly woman who used to walk around with a thermos all the time which we all speculated was full of liquor.  Some days she was an angry bitch, others she would just sit at her desk and smile.....I think we finally drove her nuts since she made no announcement she was retiring or whatever and just didn't return the next year.

Oh shit, and then there was the ISS "teacher"......About 3 years after I graduated, my mom got me a job as a lunacy officer......Meaning I guarded the locked room at the hospital for patients being transported to Sand Hill. One day I showed up and they told me who was in there....She looked so broken, but they said it was related to her husband....Not her job.

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Fifth grade....she HATED me....well I mean it doesn’t help that I have a problem with authority...but anyways...our relationship had gotten so bad that she had convinced the DARE officer that I was on drugs....I was pulled out of class and asked if I had ever been givien pills or was around anyone who smoked something that “smelled funny”....

she was a fuckin cunt...

im glad she got arthritis so bad she developed t-Rex arms

Posted (edited)

6th grade social studies teacher.

There was nothing outright sinister about her, but she had a very strange, elongated face. Everything about her was long. She was skinny and tall, but her limbs seemed to stretch further than they should have. She wore glasses that did not flatter her long head.

She had an awkward way of speaking, too. It was halting, lilting version of English, where she would rise up on certain syllables toward the start of the sentence and end on a lower register at the end. "O-kay, stu-dents, today we're going to learn a-bout the religion of Islam. Italics are high note, bold are low note. I was convinced she was from Jupiter or something like Will Smith's teacher in Men in Black, like she had settled on a mostly human form, but was still having trouble nailing down the subtleties of human language and behavior after her time on Earth.

She did sponsor an elective field trip with our parents on the weekend to our cemetery here in town (supposedly one with the biggest, most historic cemeteries in the region) and we did charcoal rubbings of the cool headstones.


Also my 11th grade geometry teacher. He was just all about business and didn't tolerate bullshit, but wasn't mean or anything. He seemed like a perfectly nice guy aside from the fact that he looked like a short troll. I feel bad saying it but it was the closest I could get to describing him. Small, stooped when he stood, large, hooked nose and bald head, and had a strangely nasal voice. The quintessential male high school math teacher. Sidenote: my super Christian classmate told me that he went to the same church as Mr. Teacher and he had  beautiful singing voice. It humanized him. He was cool but just looked weird.

Edited by empty

My math teacher in the 6th grade was a creepy dude. I know other students have other stories about him, but there was one day we had class with him where he pulled everyone aside to show us his dating site profile. He acted like he was just giving us a lesson on how to use the internet, but that dude straight up went on a website where there were girls to choose from and banner ads for hot singles in your area. He also mentioned he was talking to someone on there, so I guess he wanted to see if he got any messages back. 

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Posted (edited)

dr. finklestein. he was my civics and laws teacher. his brother apparently owned a suit shop, that catered to pimps apparently. 

so he'd wear pimp suits to class. he had every color of the rainbow. he also used a drum stick to silence the class, 

which i, of course, found appropriate places for, weekly. 

i thought he was a creep back then, but now, i just think i didn't appreciated his sense of style. 

Edited by discolemonade
inb4 comma police.
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My stats teacher was fired for taking pics of female students' cleavage. He looked the part too.

My ath med teacher is a close second. She was fired for engaging in relations with a female student.

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