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Mob Psycho, Gate, Overlord, Future Diary, Re Zero.... ya know... popular stuff? If you play popular stuff people will tune in. 


Whether anyone thought it was good or not, people tuned in for Akame Ga Kill.


The truth is, right now... the lineup sucks. When it has actual competition like free premium channels...a weak lineup like this is going to get crushed.


Mob Psycho, Gate, Overlord, Future Diary, Re Zero.... ya know... popular stuff? If you play popular stuff people will tune in. 


Whether anyone thought it was good or not, people tuned in for Akame Ga Kill.


The truth is, right now... the lineup sucks. When it has actual competition like free premium channels...a weak lineup like this is going to get crushed.

yuri on Ice was very popular..........but as pointed out it was Gay and a show I personally liked and Jman hated so fat chance of Toonami airing it

Mob Psycho, Gate, Overlord, Future Diary, Re Zero.... ya know... popular stuff? If you play popular stuff people will tune in. 


Whether anyone thought it was good or not, people tuned in for Akame Ga Kill.


The truth is, right now... the lineup sucks. When it has actual competition like free premium channels...a weak lineup like this is going to get crushed.


Super is as popular as you can get..... and even it isn't doing THAT great.


I doubt those other shows would do much if Super couldn't.


Super is as popular as you can get..... and even it isn't doing THAT great.


I doubt those other shows would do much if Super couldn't.


Is it popular? It has name recognition but I haven't seen that many people who actually thought making it was a good idea.


It's getting beat by KAI so I'm not sure its as popular as people think.


Toonami is definitely going to get cancelled. Humorously enough, if Toonami were returned to Cartoon Network weekdays and played the same series that air right now in severely edited forms, it'd be a smash hit with the kids.




Toonami is definitely going to get cancelled. Humorously enough, if Toonami were returned to Cartoon Network weekdays and played the same series that air right now in severely edited forms, it'd be a smash hit with the kids.




Women hate men who diss toonami

Looks like zeni isn't getting anything from OKC again


Personally I would prefer to see kono subarashii sekai ni shukufuku wo! On toonami


Nope it's popular and funny. You'd never make it as a Toonami programmer.


YURI!!!! isn't really an action series though so the point is moot.


Although maybe figure skating can be considered action... but I always thought of it as a slice-of-life/sport series.


Toonami's definition of "action" is vague enough that I'm sure they would at least consider it. And besides, the show is really popular even with the coveted demographic of atypical anime viewers. They could probably rope in some new viewers with Yuri and friends on the block.


Nope it's popular and funny. You'd never make it as a Toonami programmer.


Yes so was Sao and DBZ super

Just about all the shows on here are popular and funny


So you pretty much just destroyed any comeback you have



Well the answer is obvious then....








this actually has nothing to do with this thread I just found this gif on tumblr and wanted to post it



Yes so was Sao and DBZ super

Just about all the shows on here are popular and funny


So you pretty much just destroyed any comeback you have


SAO and Super were funny? Are you sure about that?


SAO and Super were funny? Are you sure about that?


Super is nothing but comedy and Sao is funny as a joke

Your standards for toonami is like the dark ages


he'll probably choose One piece since it doesn't have Gay main characters


Actually logic dictates Yuri would be over faster.


Super is nothing but comedy and Sao is funny as a joke

Your standards for toonami is like the dark ages


People are starting to realize Super has more in common with The Simpsons than Man of Steel.  They aren't happy.


Goku is totally Homer Simpson except ludicrously strong.


Actually logic dictates Yuri would be over faster.

well duh it only has 12 episodes



ironically you previously said you appreciated well written same sex couples when Luuv basically told us to stop being at eachother's throats, that's exactly what Yuri on Ice is, yet you hate it



Super is nothing but comedy and Sao is funny as a joke

Your standards for toonami is like the dark ages


I feel like I'm talking to a non native English Speaker here. So you like SAO and Super? Don't like them?  You like Konosuba ... or no?


If Super is pure comedy.... then much like an Amy Schumer comedy I will have to pass on it.




well duh it only has 12 episodes



ironically you previously said you appreciated well written same sex couples when Luuv basically told us to stop being at eachother's throats, that's exactly what Yuri on Ice is, yet you hate it



Ping Pong the animation is where it's at. Not this ice skating silliness.


well duh it only has 12 episodes



ironically you previously said you appreciated well written same sex couples when Luuv basically told us to stop being at eachother's throats, that's exactly what Yuri on Ice is, yet you hate it



Figure skating is lame.  I've said it before, sports anime, unless they're combat sports, don't really interest me too much because it's either a sport I dislike (figure skating) or the focus is lame.  Ping Pong only really works because the art is so unique.


I still want a Karate Minoru series.


Actually logic dictates Yuri would be over faster.


Lmao so no matter how much you don't like a show, it'll still be better than OP because of its length?


Wow. Whatever happened to the days when no one was so sour about long-runners. And when we could just enjoy the series for the series itself and not worry about its length.


This bitching didn't happen during the DBZ/Sailor Moon days, I'll tell you that.


Lmao so no matter how much you don't like a show, it'll still be better than OP because of its length?


Wow. Whatever happened to the days when no one was so sour about long-runners. And when we could just enjoy the series for the series itself and not worry about its length.


This bitching didn't happen during the DBZ/Sailor Moon days, I'll tell you that.


5 days a week vs 1 day a week.


Do the math.


I've been saying this for years; but if Cannon God Exaxxion and Psyren ever had anime adaptations, they'd be smash hits in a minute.


Cannon God Exaxxion will get an anime right when Karate Minoru does.


In other words: Never.


Lmao so no matter how much you don't like a show, it'll still be better than OP because of its length?


Wow. Whatever happened to the days when no one was so sour about long-runners. And when we could just enjoy the series for the series itself and not worry about its length.


This bitching didn't happen during the DBZ/Sailor Moon days, I'll tell you that.


Because most of us were young and didn't know better. We just watched what was put in front of us out of habit.


Let's get back to the damn RATINGS, shall we??


Toonami is definitely going to get cancelled. Humorously enough, if Toonami were returned to Cartoon Network weekdays and played the same series that air right now in severely edited forms, it'd be a smash hit with the kids.


Umm, no. Toonami is in no danger whatsoever of cancellation, even though it's seen better days. What the hell would they replace it with? Note the ratings of FAMILY GUY at 11 PM:



8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 938,000

8:30 PM Samurai Jack 634,000 (67.59%)


11:00 PM Family Guy 1,427,000

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 1,140,000 (79.89%)

12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 1,003,000 (87.98%)

12:30 AM JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 769,000 (76.67%)

1:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 618,000 (80.36%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 625,000 (101.13%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 621,000 (99.36%)

2:30 AM One Piece 525,000 (84.54%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell 453,000 (86.29%)



Yep, not even 1.5 million for FAMILY GUY. But if you ask me, JoJo had no business being at 12:30, at least not until we get to more of the stuff that JoJo is known for (and if you ask me, that oughta maybe have an even better timeslot than 12:30). But that doesn't change the fact that it's been an utter disappointment in a timeslot in which KILL la KILL, Akame ga KILL, and hell, even Dimension W THRIVED. So JoJo is the chump but Hunter x Hunter is the champ when it comes to retention, and it's the same story with 18-49s:



8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 444,000 0.35

8:30 PM Samurai Jack 308,000 (69.37%) 0.24


11:00 PM Family Guy 825,000 0.64

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 716,000 (86.79%) 0.56

12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 634,000 (88.55%) 0.49

12:30 AM JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 480,000 (75.71%) 0.37

1:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 401,000 (83.54%) 0.31

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 424,000 (105.74%) 0.33

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 402,000 (94.81%) 0.31

2:30 AM One Piece 342,000 (85.07%) 0.27

3:00 AM One-Punch Man 291,000 (85.09%) 0.23



Hunter × Hunter's gain is even more pronounced, and JoJo's loss slightly more pronounced. Also, it's confirmed that both Hunter × Hunter and Naruto Shippuden beat Gundam in both total viewers and adults 18-49.


Last but not least, current show averages, with some errors from last time corrected!



Total Viewers

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 906,000 (7 episodes)

Samurai Jack Rerun (8:30 PM) - 650,667 (6 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 1,208,429 (7 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 1,080,000 (7 episodes)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 936,059 (17 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 741,571 (7 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 863,128 (39 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 876,887 (146 episodes)

One Piece - 791,782 (174 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 494,667 (3 episodes)


Adults 18-49

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM, Estimate) - 431,143 (7 episodes)

Samurai Jack Rerun (8:30, Estimate) - 308,833 (6 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 733,143 (7 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 647,429 (7 episodes)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 565,647 (17 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 446,571 (7 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 509,538 (39 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 485,160 (129 episodes)

One Piece - 430,860 (129 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 319,000 (3 episodes)


Adults 18-34 (Estimated)

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 291,167 (6 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 445,571 (7 episodes)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 381,882 (17 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 311,429 (7 episodes)


I still have faith in Samurai Jack. It's a super-hyped World Premiere that will put Space Dandy to shame. I daresay we'll see gains in every timeslot of 100K-200K total viewers and 50K-100K adults 18-49 once Jack hits the scene. Also, that 8:30 PM old-school Samurai Jack rerun is a ratings vacuum that later shows never seem to recover from, but I believe we'll see a change there too. Either it goes back to comedy and the current 5 shows slide down, or it will become a rerun of the previous week's premiere beginning on March 18th. There's no way in hell they'll leave it Classic Jack when Brand-Spankin' New Jack hits the scene!




Mob Psycho, Gate, Overlord, Future Diary, Re Zero.... ya know... popular stuff? If you play popular stuff people will tune in. 


Whether anyone thought it was good or not, people tuned in for Akame Ga Kill.


The truth is, right now... the lineup sucks. When it has actual competition like free premium channels...a weak lineup like this is going to get crushed.


GATE and Overlord... popular? Future Diary is old news now man.


We can talk Re: Zero whenever that gets dubbed.


Toonami is definitely going to get cancelled. Humorously enough, if Toonami were returned to Cartoon Network weekdays and played the same series that air right now in severely edited forms, it'd be a smash hit with the kids.




Haven't you heard Zeni? The current generation of kids don't watch action cartoons. They're not even watching the 8pm airing of Super.




Haven't you heard Zeni? The current generation of kids don't watch action cartoons. They're not even watching the 8pm airing of Super.


The current generation of kids uses Netflix.


US action cartoons are dead - Flash and Arrow killed them, and to a lesser extent Agents of SHIELD.


GATE and Overlord... popular? Future Diary is old news now man.


We can talk Re: Zero whenever that gets dubbed.


Old news? How old is DBZ, HxH OP, Naruto and Jojo again?


I mean, the anime is actually from this current decade. And the manga from 2006. Jojo and DBZ are what... from the 80's? =P


Old news? How old is DBZ, HxH OP, Naruto and Jojo again?


I mean, the anime is actually from this current decade. And the manga from 2006. Jojo and DBZ are what... from the 80's? =P


How would it do any better than what's currently on the block? Because you personally enjoy it?


Show quality doesn't mean good ratings, anyway. Otherwise Akame Ga Kill wouldn't have been so successful.

Let's get back to the damn RATINGS, shall we??


If I had my way, this thread would be about making a positive change in the world.


Hey, have I told you that Keith Ellison is the future of the Democratic Party? And who do you think should be that way for conservatives?

We can talk Re: Zero whenever that gets dubbed.


I'm not sure if it ever will. It's been close to a year since its premiere and it still doesn't even have a licensor. For a show that was so popular among anime fans, I don't know how that could be... unless the production committee is keeping it locked up until America can get its shit together.


[hence why we must destroy the system]


If I had my way, this thread would be about making a positive change in the world.


Hey, have I told you that Keith Ellison is the future of the Democratic Party? And who do you think should be that way for conservatives?


You can still do it

But if it isn't toonami related I will have to move it to free for all


Can we talk about the trend of action cartoons thriving in On Demand platforms but not attracting an audience on cable?  Can we talk about Netflix stocking up a massive anime war chest while Toonami struggles for ratings?  Or maybe Hulu getting most if not all the Gundam, including Wing?


If not let's make fun of One Piece some more.


Can we talk about the trend of action cartoons thriving in On Demand platforms but not attracting an audience on cable?  Can we talk about Netflix stocking up a massive anime war chest while Toonami struggles for ratings?  Or maybe Hulu getting most if not all the Gundam, including Wing?


If not let's make fun of One Piece some more.


If a show is already on toonami and is elsewhere

I see no reason why it can't be discussed here


Can we talk about the trend of action cartoons thriving in On Demand platforms but not attracting an audience on cable?  Can we talk about Netflix stocking up a massive anime war chest while Toonami struggles for ratings?  Or maybe Hulu getting most if not all the Gundam, including Wing?


If not let's make fun of One Piece some more.


You act like anyone else joins you on riffing One Piece. Lol


No, it's just your obnoxious self.


I'm not sure if it ever will. It's been close to a year since its premiere and it still doesn't even have a licensor. For a show that was so popular among anime fans, I don't know how that could be... unless the production committee is keeping it locked up until America can get its shit together.


[hence why we must destroy the system]


You're nuts if you think RE Zero won't get a dub. The only company that churns out dubs in a timely manner seems to be funimation.  My Hero Academia? One month goes by... and bam dubbed.


And sometimes  things happen and it takes years.




Well... what about me trying to preach kindness within politics?


And as for Daos' reply, Funi announced a dub soon after licensing MHA. Nobody has Re:ZERO yet. And just because Crunchyroll is streaming the anime doesn't mean they actually have it.


I'm not sure if it ever will. It's been close to a year since its premiere and it still doesn't even have a licensor. For a show that was so popular among anime fans, I don't know how that could be... unless the production committee is keeping it locked up until America can get its shit together.


[hence why we must destroy the system]


Crazy crackpot theory: Toonami has its clandestine dub on lockdown, waiting in the wings to replace Samurai Jack S5 on June 3rd.


[nope prolly gonna be Lupin]


If I had my way, this thread would be about making a positive change in the world.


Hey, have I told you that Keith Ellison is the future of the Democratic Party? And who do you think should be that way for conservatives?


Off-topic, but I dig me some Keith Ellison! This guy will give Bernie Sanders a fair shot in 2020, though he'll probably have to be on life-support by then. Maybe he'll be VP to a young leader who shares his views instead, but under that scenario, people might want to assassinate the young'un just to get Bernie to the presidency!  ;)


Jack is coming back to Make Toonami Great Again! Hell, Donald Trump is a lot like Aku when you think about it!


Can we talk about the trend of action cartoons thriving in On Demand platforms but not attracting an audience on cable?  Can we talk about Netflix stocking up a massive anime war chest while Toonami struggles for ratings?  Or maybe Hulu getting most if not all the Gundam, including Wing?


If not let's make fun of One Piece some more.


That would be a serious exaggeration. Action cartoons are not thriving on those on-demand platforms. Voltron is the only real success story there besides maybe Troll Hunters (not sure on that one yet). In general children's content is struggling to find footing on Netflix.


All that can be really said there is streaming hasn't abandoned action animation for children so far (neither has DXD) but they're not going out of their way to get many of them made. They just end up grabbing existing kids action shows that nobody else wanted. Things like the frog show that wants to be Avatar and the newest CGI King Kong cartoon sure aren't Voltron league.


I definitely appreciate that streaming services are giving various kids action shows a venue but they're really not taking off to any significant degree. They're just being allowed to exist which is more than Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network will offer them.


Old news? How old is DBZ, HxH OP, Naruto and Jojo again?


I mean, the anime is actually from this current decade. And the manga from 2006. Jojo and DBZ are what... from the 80's? =P


For one thing all of those franchises except HxH have new content still being produced. This Toonami certainly is late to the party on pretty much all of them though.


I don't disagree they should get fresh content and in turn not rely so heavily on long standing franchises. However, I personally consider everything on Toonami except Shippuden to be quality anime that are worth airing. I'm all for Mob Psycho 100, Lupin Part 4, Blood Blockade Battlefront and other new to newish series getting a shot. Re: Zero seems like an easy mark based on how popular it is but I've yet to watch it and have nothing further to say on that topic. They probably should have aired Psycho-Pass when it was relevant and likewise Tokyo Ghoul but I don't particularly like that series so I'm completely good with them passing on it. They probably missed the boat early on by not airing Future Diary when it was hot and they could feasibly still play that, Madoka, Psycho-Pass and other shows around that old but the ones that were already popular likely wont be big draws. If they're gonna air older shows they should find a series that didn't get much exposure like Michiko and Hatchin.




Off-topic, but I dig me some Keith Ellison! This guy will give Bernie Sanders a fair shot in 2020, though he'll probably have to be on life-support...


Actually, maybe I should've shut my mouth about that. S:


Crazy crackpot theory: Toonami has its clandestine dub on lockdown, waiting in the wings to replace Samurai Jack S5 on June 3rd.


[nope prolly gonna be Lupin]


Or Attack on Titan S2.

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