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Whoever thought the Cleveland Show would work after 8 PM Dragon Ball Super should be ashamed at him/herself! I could have told ya that shit wouldn't fly!


Whoever thought PUTTING DRAGONBALL SUPER AT 8 PM AND THEN AT 11 PM would be a great idea....


.... should be a successful anime company. -_- Siiigh....


Chill, the block will be fine. Don't forget that FLCL s2 is still in the pipeline. Things will even out, probably a little up from last year. All the comedy is older than dirt, so it will be a drag, but it will get just enough to remain viable.


Oh fucking hell Jack...






Though [AS] comedy pre-11:00 also bombed much harder than usual.


THANK YOU, whoever posted this!


No wait, that doesn't quite help me enough. We need to look at the bigger picture...



8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 750,000


10:30 PM Family Guy 1,240,000

11:00 PM Samurai Jack S5 #2 884,000 (71.29%)

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 856,000 (96.83%)

12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 893,000 (104.32%)

12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 717,000 (80.29%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 583,000 (81.31%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 574,000 (98.46%)

2:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 530,000 (92.33%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 513,000 (96.79%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 469,000 (91.42%)




If you think that drop from FG to SJ was hellish, you ain't seen nothing yet!!



8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 317,000


10:30 PM Family Guy 724,000

11:00 PM Samurai Jack S5 #2 497,000 (68.65%)

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 510,000 (102.62%)

12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 537,000 (105.29%)

12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 465,000 (86.59%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 377,000 (81.08%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 389,000 (103.18%)

2:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 372,000 (95.63%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 341,000 (91.67%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 331,000 (97.07%)




Samurai Jack reruns, under 70%!? I give you a "D". The A+'s were DBS, DBZK, and HxH. GITS was #4, and Gundam closed out its run rounding out the Top 5.



Total Viewers

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 871,952 (21 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 1,120,250 (21 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 1,016,545 (22 episodes)

Attack On Titan Season 2 - 794,571 (7 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 703,200 (10 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 813,094 (54 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 653,636 (22 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 851,716 (160 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 503,222 (18 episodes)


Adults 18-49

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM, Estimate) - 421,571 (21 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 679,250 (21 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 614,818 (22 episodes)

Attack On Titan Season 2 - 481,286 (7 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 437,900 (10 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 484,642 (54 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 400,091 (22 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 472,893 (143 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 314,556 (18 episodes)


Adults 18-34 (Estimated)

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 269,750 (20 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 414,500 (22 episodes)

Attack On Titan Season 2 - 309,571 (7 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 288,900 (10 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 271,727 (22 episodes)


Thanks for the memories, Gundam Unicorn! (Not to mention DVR recordings...) You managed to finish above 400K 18-49 after all!!



-_-  ... is Nick just running Spongebob for hours last into Sunday night??  Why?? What child is up at 3 in the morning!??

having seen some recent eps, the current season is weirdly adult


Plankton got his ass licked in one episode :|


Done.  Toonami's gonna move Samurai Jack.  No need to even doubt it.  My prediction WILL be correct. No hesitation.


Oh, I believe you are correct, but not until after another show has its shot at 11 PM.


Of course I'm talking about Attack on Titan Season 2 on July 1st! Then wouldn't be wonderful if it could really finish its run there instead of 12:30 AM?


So why isn't Kai leading the block again? Especially since it's getting to the good stuff.


DeMarco's reasoning on Pre-Flight is that Super is the "newer" show, so it should be hotter in popularity and more in demand, not realizing that the content of it is actually worse than in Kai. 


Oh, I believe you are correct, but not until after another show has its shot at 11 PM.


Of course I'm talking about Attack on Titan Season 2 on July 1st! Then wouldn't be wonderful if it could really finish its run there instead of 12:30 AM?


Moving a show WAY later in the block in the middle of its run, like 2 hours later, isn't out of the realm of possibility. That happened with Tenchi Muyo GXP, which was moved to 3 AM, because DeMarco and friends severely misunderstood what kind of show it was when they accepted it, and realized "oh crap we gotta do something NOW".  Of course, in the revived Toonami block, that is so far the ONLY time that's happened.


.... :D  Wouldn't it be HILARIOUS if it turns out the July 4th marathon got BETTER ratings than the usual schedule lately!??


You could argue that a few other shows have kinda gotten "GXP"'ed:


ThunderCats, in the middle of its ill-fated 2nd run on Toonami (which would end at Episode 15 due to Toonami losing the rights), fell from 1:30 all the way to 3:30 when One Piece premiered, but of course it was a rerun.


OG Naruto started over at 2:30 AM on 1/4/14, abandoning 12:30 after the first Month of Movies


One Piece was premiering new episodes at 1 AM right behind Shippuden on 1/31/15, and it fell to 2:30 on 2/7/15 when the block got cut short.


Naruto Shippuden fell from midnight on 1/31/15 all the way to 2 AM only 3 months later on 3/28/15.


Parasyte, when it had finished its first run, fell from 1 AM on 4/9/16 to 3 AM on 4/16/16. (Hunter x Hunter took its place)


And most recently, Gundam Unicorn was at 1 AM on 3/18/15, then dropped to 2 AM on 3/25/15 when Tokyo Ghoul premiered. (This also continued an "easing down" from a Midnight series premiere for Gundam IBO Season 1, which finished its run at 1 AM).


Hopefully something similar is about to happen to Samurai Jack and Tokyo Ghoul since they're currently not pulling their weight in their current timeslots.


And just for the record, the following shows are in the exclusive club which have "reverse GXP-ed:"


Thundercats - 2:30 AM to 1 AM

Hellsing Ultimate - 3 AM to Midnight

InuYasha: The Final Act - 2 AM to 12:30

Samurai Jack - Old episodes ended on 1/17/15 at 5:30 AM, but the 5th season premiered at 11 PM on 3/11/17!


Will AOT join their ranks, bouncing from 12:30 all the way to 11 PM for its final 3 episodes? Only time will tell!


Moving a show WAY later in the block in the middle of its run, like 2 hours later, isn't out of the realm of possibility. That happened with Tenchi Muyo GXP, which was moved to 3 AM, because DeMarco and friends severely misunderstood what kind of show it was when they accepted it, and realized "oh crap we gotta do something NOW".  Of course, in the revived Toonami block, that is so far the ONLY time that's happened.


.... :D  Wouldn't it be HILARIOUS if it turns out the July 4th marathon got BETTER ratings than the usual schedule lately!??


So why do they keep getting anime for the block sight unseen?


Because they know the key to giving the block great ratings is to get as many brand new great premieres as possible.... except that said block is AT A TIME WHEN PEOPLE ARE EITHER ASLEEP OR OUT PARTYING!!


Oh, I believe you are correct, but not until after another show has its shot at 11 PM.


Of course I'm talking about Attack on Titan Season 2 on July 1st! Then wouldn't be wonderful if it could really finish its run there instead of 12:30 AM?


Oh god, AoT leading off the block once again?  I'll pass, thanks.


I would. It'd make up for Black Dynamite killing its ratings the first time.


Lol  Black Dynamite. How about Assy McGee for a lead in this time?


I would. It'd make up for Black Dynamite killing its ratings the first time.


Black Dynamite.  When your shitty show is so poor you can only afford 30 seconds of Studio Trigger.


Are we seriously gonna make me feel guilty about genuinely liking that show again? Because I could hardly take it the first time when the rest of you assholes celebrated its cancellation. ::D::


Moving a show WAY later in the block in the middle of its run, like 2 hours later, isn't out of the realm of possibility. That happened with Tenchi Muyo GXP, which was moved to 3 AM, because DeMarco and friends severely misunderstood what kind of show it was when they accepted it, and realized "oh crap we gotta do something NOW".  Of course, in the revived Toonami block, that is so far the ONLY time that's happened.


.... :D  Wouldn't it be HILARIOUS if it turns out the July 4th marathon got BETTER ratings than the usual schedule lately!??


I think there is actually a decent chance that the marathon reruns of AOT episodes #26, #27, and #28 might surpass their premiere ratings at 12:30 AM! I mean, look at how LOW the bar is:


        Total Viewers  Adults 18-49

#26         826,000 523,000

#27         808,000 481,000

#28         771,000 447,000





We interrupt this inane discussion about theme parks to give you a look at the reason this thread was created: the RATINGS!






6/10/2017 Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - #21 (-11)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.28

Estimated 18-34 - 190,000 ( 25.33% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.25

Estimated 18-49 - 321,000 ( 42.80% )

Total Viewers - 750,000


6/10/2017 DBZ Kai: Final Chapters - #4 (+2)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.54

Estimated 18-34 - 367,000 ( 41.10% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.42

Estimated 18-49 - 538,000 ( 60.25% )

Total Viewers - 893,000


6/10/2017 Attack On Titan - #6 (+5)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.47

Estimated 18-34 - 319,000 ( 44.49% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.36

Estimated 18-49 - 462,000 ( 64.44% )

Total Viewers - 717,000


6/10/2017 Tokyo Ghoul - #9 (+11)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.36

Estimated 18-34 - 245,000 ( 42.02% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.29

Estimated 18-49 - 372,000 ( 63.81% )

Total Viewers - 583,000


6/10/2017 Gundam Unicorn - #11 (+26)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.38

Estimated 18-34 - 258,000 ( 48.68% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.29

Estimated 18-49 - 372,000 ( 70.19% )

Total Viewers - 530,000



THE GOOD: EVERYTHING IMPROVED. 'NUFF SAID. As long as we keep going like this, we should be OK. Also, a pretty respectable finish for Gundam Unicorn given the ridiculously huge amount of handicaps that were thrown its way in the 2nd half: it managed to finish just over 650K total viewers and, for all intents and purposes, exactly 400K adults 18-49 on average. Had it not been buried at 2 AM, given the worst lead-in ever in Tokyo Ghoul, AND kneecapped even worse right at the end of its run with the Reruns Power Hour kicking off Toonami, it might have gotten over 700K and 450K respectively, but we'll never know.


THE BAD: The whole post-midnight portion of the block got its ass kicked by SPONGEBOB. And whatever that "LIVE PD" show on A&E is, I believe it will just continue to grow to be a thorn in Toonami's side as it steals viewers from the 11 PM hour, not to mention Family Guy before. Ugh. America's obsession with law enforcement sickens me. I prefer there to be some comedy thrown in, like with World's Dumbest Criminals on Tru TV.


THE UGLY: Dragon Ball Super, what the hell? Considering it wasn't actually Frieza himself but a bunch of his underlings fighting, I guess I'll give it a pass. But the night that replays what was covered in that Toonami Sneak Peek of Resurrection of F that popped a random episode of DBZ Kai over 2M is coming soon, and if things don't change, it's going to be UGLY! Also, Tokyo Ghoul got beat in 18-34 and Men 12-34 by the finale of Gundam Unicorn, which proves that it really doesn't have any business at 1 AM. Only time will tell if HxH actually went up, down, or tied the relative tie that was between Gundam and Ghoul in 18-49, and of course HERE COMES LUPIN next week to REALLY make Ghoul look inferior!


I've seen commercials and I believe even tuned in for a few minutes of it before.  Live P.D. is basically a live version of Cops.


Done.  Toonami's gonna move Samurai Jack.  No need to even doubt it.  My prediction WILL be correct. No hesitation.


Don't underestimate their incompetence.


So why do they keep getting anime for the block sight unseen?


Demarco's explanation is they don't have time to watch entire shows before they pick them up (presuming they didn't just watch them on their own already, not for work), so they watch like 3-5 episodes and if they think it will work for Toonami, they pick it up.


Any guesses at what Lupin the 3rd's premiere ratings will be? I'm hoping for 600K total viewers, 400K 18-49, 300K 18-34.


600K looks lame to me, but then, this is premiering at 2 in the morning, so I suppose that's above average.


I'm not predicting much higher or in par with Unicorn. They literally waited until the last week to promote it and s many may not have known it was even airing.


It turns out it wasn't much better than Gundam Unicorn's finale. In fact, I believe it was actually worse:






6/17/2017 Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - #17 (+4)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.34

Estimated 18-34 - 231,000 ( 33.09% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.28

Estimated 18-49 - 359,000 ( 51.43% )

Total Viewers - 698,000


6/17/2017 DBZ Kai: Final Chapters - #3 (+1)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.61

Estimated 18-34 - 415,000 ( 43.96% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.44

Estimated 18-49 - 564,000 ( 59.75% )

Total Viewers - 944,000


6/17/2017 Attack On Titan - #6 (STEADY)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.49

Estimated 18-34 - 333,000 ( 42.91% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.34

Estimated 18-49 - 436,000 ( 56.19% )

Total Viewers - 776,000


6/17/2017 Tokyo Ghoul - #7 (+2)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.46

Estimated 18-34 - 313,000 ( 44.02% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.32

Estimated 18-49 - 410,000 ( 57.67% )

Total Viewers - 711,000


6/17/2017 Lupin The 3rd - #22 (-11)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.31

Estimated 18-34 - 211,000 ( 38.72% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.24

Estimated 18-49 - 308,000 ( 56.51% )

Total Viewers - 545,000


Tokyo Ghoul did MUCH better than usual, actually keeping pace with Attack on Titan, which dropped the ball from DBZ Kai just a little. It's possible this time it was Hunter x Hunter or Lupin itself which dropped the ball. The good news is that it doesn't seem to depend on whether there is a rerun or a premiere at 11 PM, the 2 AM timeslot appears to do about the same.


But I wonder what would happen if Lupin got an 8:30 encore after the premiere of Dragon Ball Super? It's certainly tame enough for that!


Just to confirm my earlier theory, the whole goddamn Part 4 is on Crunchyroll.


The problem is not going away.



Just to confirm my earlier theory, the whole goddamn Part 4 is on Crunchyroll.


The problem is not going away.


Yeah, so what? Probably in Italian with English subtitles!


This IS still a dub premiere! Probably not that popular though, and slotted about right at 2 AM, though I'll always wonder how it would do at 1:30 if Attack on Titan were allowed to flow directly into Hunter x Hunter. But with Ghoul actually doing that well, they'll probably just keep it at 1 AM after the marathon, which means Lupin remains stuck at 2.


Then again, I look at Michiko & Hatchin to see a show that wasn't very popular, and had overtones of another language than Japanese or English, but kicked ass in the ratings! And like THAT wasn't available streaming on-demand somewhere. Hell, I believe FUNimation still had the dub throughout Toonami's whole run, and it did gangbusters, so your argument that "people won't watch it if some version of it is on Crunchyroll" is asinine.




Just to confirm my earlier theory, the whole goddamn Part 4 is on Crunchyroll.


To reiterate Al, they don't have it in English, and that's the important thing.


Still, fuck the schedule monkeys for keeping Jack reruns at the top. At this rate, we're gonna reach record lows before the year's even up.


To be honest pretty much everything is going to be available on Crunchyroll at this point before Toonami can air it.  The question is whether viewers actually care about watching the English dub over the Japanese sub.  We are entering a period where many anime fans do not have a preference over one or the other .  That being said there are still many people who prefer dubs exclusively. Since one piece is gone and they don't seem to want to move Hunter X Hunter to 2 AM they may end up using the slot for more niche anime that may not perform well in earlier time slots.  Also likely it can be used to air older titles that people may want to see you again that they can get for cheap. I am very curious to see what they do after July 4 will they move some stuff around.  I still think Jack at 11 it's not doing us any favors .


We are also getting to the point where the 26 episode run of DB super is coming to a close. Will they keep going beyond these episodes. I'd like to think so however the initial press release mentioned that AS was running season one.  If they do not have new episodes I shutter to think that they may even rerun DB super at 11:30 but that's just crazy talk


"Tokyo Ghoul did MUCH better than usual, actually keeping pace with Attack on Titan"


TG was a clusterfuck of stuff happening, but it was action packed. That AOT episode was probably the worst of the season. No more flashbacks please.


Isn't that the problem?


Yeah. :P


Talking about the ratings is a community fetish, and it often takes priority over discussing the actual shows. Even the Toonami Faithful Podcast dropped their segment about it, and that happened quite a while ago.


Yeah. :P


Talking about the ratings is a community fetish, and it often takes priority over discussing the actual shows. Even the Toonami Faithful Podcast dropped their segment about it, and that happened quite a while ago.


Didn't they bring it back at the start of '17? Either way, I think they dropped it again since recapping Jack and Titan, maybe?


In other news, full numbers are in: http://programminginsider.com/ratings/final-nationals/saturday-final-nationals-turn-amc-leaps-double-digits-year-ago-premiere/



8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 698,000


10:30 PM Family Guy 1,354,000

11:00 PM Samurai Jack S5 #1 1,085,000 (80.13%)

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 984,000 (90.69%)

12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 944,000 (95.93%)

12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 776,000 (82.20%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 711,000 (91.62%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 650,000 (91.42%)

2:00 AM Lupin The 3rd 545,000 (83.85%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 588,000 (107.89%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 543,000 (92.35%)




Jack's back over a million! And that average is not too shabby, still below average for 2017 but the highest yet in June!



8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 359,000


10:30 PM Family Guy 771,000

11:00 PM Samurai Jack S5 #1 631,000 (81.84%)

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 569,000 (90.17%)

12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 560,000 (98.42%)

12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 441,000 (78.75%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 413,000 (93.65%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 372,000 (90.07%)

2:00 AM Lupin The 3rd 304,000 (81.72%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 330,000 (108.55%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 326,000 (98.79%)




Well, at least nothing went under 300K. Better than anything we've seen in June, but still below average for 2017, like with the total viewer ratings.


"For the entire week of June 12-18, 2017 in Total Day (8 p.m. to 5:59 a.m.), Adult Swim is up +6 percent in viewership (0.828 million vs. 0.782 million) and up +1 percent among Adults 18-49 (478,000 vs. 472,000) from one week earlier; the network is also down -20 percent in viewership (0.828 million vs. 1.039 million) and down -20 percent among Adults 18-49 (478,000 vs. 600,000) from the same week one year ago (June 13-19, 2016). (http://programminginsider.com/?p=17648)". Ouch. But compare that to Toonami's losses from last year, which for total viewers, were 6% for the 11:30-3 AM timeframe and only 4% for the whole Toonami block (which included 11 PM and 3 AM this year), and its losses for 18-49, which were 11% for 11:30-3 AM this year versus last and 9% for the whole Toonami block, and that is good to see. Toonami still down from last year, but not nearly as much as the rest of Adult Swim.


Finally, the leaderboard of shows in progress:



Total Viewers

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 864,045 (22 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 1,102,045 (22 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 1,013,391 (23 episodes)

Attack On Titan Season 2 - 792,250 (8 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 703,909 (11 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 805,782 (55 episodes)

Lupin the 3rd - 545,000 (1 episode)

Naruto: Shippuden - 847,997 (162 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 505,316 (19 episodes)


Adults 18-49

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM, Estimate) - 418,727 (22 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 666,545 (22 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 612,435 (23 episodes)

Attack On Titan Season 2 - 476,250 (8 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 435,636 (11 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 480,855 (55 episodes)

Lupin the 3rd - 304,000 (1 episode)

Naruto: Shippuden - 470,998 (145 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 315,158 (19 episodes)


Adults 18-34 (Estimated)

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 267,905 (21 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 414,522 (23 episodes)

Attack On Titan Season 2 - 312,500 (8 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 291,091 (11 episodes)

Lupin the 3rd - 211,000 (1 episode)


Loopawn sticks out like a sore thumb, but hopefully it will improve? If not, it might ease down to 2:30 at some point. And I'd say at this point in time Dragon Ball Super is much more likely to take the Labor Day Weekend marathon. Let's just be glad Lupin made it to Toonami, OK?



10:30 PM Family Guy 1,354,000

11:00 PM Samurai Jack S5 #1 1,085,000 (80.13%)

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 984,000 (90.69%)

12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 944,000 (95.93%)

12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 776,000 (82.20%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 711,000 (91.62%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 650,000 (91.42%)

2:00 AM Lupin The 3rd 545,000 (83.85%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 588,000 (107.89%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 543,000 (92.35%)



wow lupin shit the bed and shippuden gained from it

seems the pain arc will be much better than a premire  >:D


Like I said before, Lupin has no main stream appeal and the ratings will never be great.


But they know that. It's at the back for a reason.


... how could the  first show of the block get over a million, yet a premiere of a dub can't even beat Naruto Shippuden!!?


Naruto has actually beaten HxH and other shows that air before it, don't ask me how or why but it has it's appeal.


What's really bad is that Lupin did basically the same numbers as the GITS rerun two spots down.


... how could the  first show of the block get over a million, yet a premiere of a dub can't even beat Naruto Shippuden!!?


This is a really good Naruto arc and it is only going to get better.



Well there ya go. I have skipped Naruto on the block for a good year by now.


Some say that the Pain arc airing now could be one of the big reasons Toonami has kept Naruto for so long


Either way whether someone is a Naruto fan or not some higher quality Shippuden episodes will be airing during this particular arc (A lot of Naruto fans skipping the previous episodes and arcs may be tuning in now for the first time in awhile, which could explain the sudden ratings mini spike)


Lupin should still be getting much much higher ratings though


Start watching. Some of the best fights of the entire series are about to start.

I highly await episodes 166 and 167; the former for Toshiyuki Tsuru's direction, and the latter for the reactions. :D


Yeah. :P


Talking about the ratings is a community fetish, and it often takes priority over discussing the actual shows. Even the Toonami Faithful Podcast dropped their segment about it, and that happened quite a while ago.


I'm just using the ratings to back up my bitching about programming decisions and shows I don't like.  I was done paying attention to them, but after the unprecedented idiocy of the Rick & Morty stunt and the Jack reruns leading the block, I could no longer afford to stay silent.  And the worse Hiatus does the better.

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