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what is the most boring plain yogurt with no topping song you can think of


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i'd say my dick but she would have written a song about it "IT'S A SMALL PEEN AAAAAAAAAFTER ALL"


I don't know why people like her, she looks like one of those girls that would wear a purity ring in high school and then slut it up with like 30 guys on the side. All of her songs are generic, and almost all of them are about how mean guys were that she dated.

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I don't know why people like her, she looks like one of those girls that would wear a purity ring in high school and then slut it up with like 30 guys on the side. All of her songs are generic, and almost all of them are about how mean guys were that she dated.

it's generic pop fluff. every decade has it. we had it last decade with garbage like Nickleback (so I said Hanson originally, but then I remembered that 1997 wasn't 10 years ago). we have it this one

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