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Nope, don't like where they're located anymore.


I already wear shoes, don't need additional foot warmers :catlol


jk, jk they're still in the right general location :catlol :catlol :catlol :catlol


This a way to get pic?


oh god no. i saw one pic of someone from here. a pic, that was...probably not meant for human consumption.


scarred me for life.


let's just say...not 'sweet' at all.  :barf:


oh god no. i saw one pic of someone from here. a pic, that was...probably not meant for human consumption.


scarred me for life.


let's just say...not 'sweet' at all.  :barf:


Fuggz hooah?


Nope, don't like where they're located anymore.


I already wear shoes, don't need additional foot warmers :catlol


jk, jk they're still in the right general location :catlol :catlol :catlol :catlol




i'm sure  :D the girls look and are placed just fine. just fine.


nah..made me think of it because i have to do my annual mammogram.


i'll get the x~ray if you'd like.


we can compare.  :D :D




i'm sure  :D the girls look and are placed just fine. just fine.


nah..made me think of it because i have to do my annual mammogram.


i'll get the x~ray if you'd like.


we can compare.  :D :D



I hate mammograms, who the hell invented that shit, might as well shove my tit in a door and slam it ::D:: :catlol




I hate mammograms, who the hell invented that shit, might as well shove my tit in a door and slam it ::D:: :catlol


right? like 'yes, i;ll place my boob here, while you  smash it for at least 2 minutes.'  S:


well, my first was that scary one, i think i told all. so they put a marker.


well..the marker slipped, and when i went in for another, there was another scare. but, they remarked it.


but...it was scary. that call. and then that damn wait. and then that dumb nurse was out on the day she was supposed to call.


so, i had to wait an additional 3 days. dude...anxiety was at defcon 1.  whut


pfft. so? and? pfft. tsh' pfft.




technically "my" boobs are my gf's boobs and they're just starting to develop from hormones because trans life. Feel free to still check though  >:D


technically "my" boobs are my gf's boobs and they're just starting to develop from hormones because trans life. Feel free to still check though  >:D


well, i hope it's going swimmingly. also, i had no idea. kudos. also...it would be in a totally professional manner


i >:D >:D


*seriously though, good luck with all of it*


well, i hope it's going swimmingly. also, i had no idea. kudos. also...it would be in a totally professional manner


i >:D >:D


*seriously though, good luck with all of it*


>:D >:D "Excuse me madam, may i check your breasts for you?"


Thanks <3


Ben Rogue... Can't miss me, I am wearing a Soul Eater beanie. :P


yeah...i thought so. but, you sent me a request ,i thought.


and i thought i accepted. and i thought that i raided your pics...like do. because i'm stalker like that.


of course...i could have just been HaF. so...either way.


sent.  :D


or...you deleted me instantly, realizing that you entered the mind of a crazy person.




yeah...i thought so. but, you sent me a request ,i thought.


and i thought i accepted. and i thought that i raided your pics...like do. because i'm stalker like that.


of course...i could have just been HaF. so...either way.


sent.  :D


or...you deleted me instantly, realizing that you entered the mind of a crazy person.






i've never had a mammogram.


is that bad?


i've been told by multiple people that usually mid 40's to 50's is when you should actively start doing them unless you could be considered high risk.


i've never had a mammogram.


is that bad?


i've been told by multiple people that usually mid 40's to 50's is when you should actively start doing them unless you could be considered high risk.

OH, i thought you were ...never mind.


yeah...usually 40's to 50's.


i'm 72,  so, WAY over due.



wuddid you think i was?



now i'm curious >.>


i thought you were someone that i sent 'the glass' to, and made a beautiful hat/scarf set for your ski trip last year.


i don't know.


i'm 72. old timer's disease.


i thought you were someone that i sent 'the glass' to, and made a beautiful hat/scarf set for your ski trip last year.


i don't know.


i'm 72. old timer's disease.



haha, no, even tho i live in the mitten, i don't do snow  :D



i changed my sn when coming over to luuvs boards from asmb, so maybe the name was confusing



but i totally believe you made a beautiful set cuz your shit is dope af







haha, no, even tho i live in the mitten, i don't do snow  :D



i changed my sn when coming over to luuvs boards from asmb, so maybe the name was confusing



but i totally believe you made a beautiful set cuz your shit is dope af


you are too kind.  <3


so, who were you from the other boards?

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