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I think people genuinely dont want to look out for each other anymore and thats why they voted for trump.


Hmmmmm, interesting thesis.....Who do you look out for?


Who would even expect you to look out for them?


You have willingly thrown your own family nder the bus multiples times and they are still raising you.  What have you done other than take from this world in your mundane existence?


Hmmmmm, intersting thesis.....Who do you look out for?


Who would even expect you to look out for them?


You have willingly thrown your own family nder the bus multiples times and they are still raising you.  What have you done other than take from this world in your mundane existence?


Its my job to help people at their most vurnable stressful time in their lives...duh. you dont give a shit about anyone but yourself and your kids up to a point.


Its my job to help people at their most vurnable stressful time in their lives...duh. you dont give a shit about anyone but yourself and your kids up to a point.


This is perfect testimony to how out of touch and diluted you are.  Doing your job that you are paid for isn't helping.....It's your JOB.


I volunteer at the boys center with my neighbor on weekends, I donate movies and music to them on a regular basis.  I am a volunteer fireman in this town (though I'll admit, it's just a title....I have yet to actually participate) but I contribute my time when they have functions at the VA and play in the yearly basketball tournament against the volunteer police.......And I suck, but I'm there.


These are things I do out of the kindness of my heart and I have no reason to shout these things from the rooftops to strangers because that's what a selfish person would do and expect praise for it.


You consider punching a clock caring about people........You are more Trumpler than you can even realize from the fat clouding your mind.


I think trump got into office partly because people are nasty and just not nice anymore.


So you feel guilty for not being a nice person because Trump is president? Okay.


When I see you online I'm gonna attack like a pitbull


What is that like? I've only ever seen you attack like a poodle, or maybe a chihuahua.  :it:


This is perfect testimony to how out of touch and diluted you are.  Doing your job that you are paid for isn't helping.....It's your JOB.


I volunteer at the boys center with my neighbor on weekends, I donate movies and music to them on a regular basis.  I am a volunteer fireman in this town (though I'll admit, it's just a title....I have yet to actually participate) but I contribute my time when they have functions at the VA and play in the yearly basketball tournament against the volunteer police.......And I suck, but I'm there.


These are things I do out of the kindness of my heart and I have no reason to shout these things from the rooftops to stranger because that's what a selfish person would do and expect praise for it.


You consider punching a clock caring about people........You are more Trumpler than you can even realise from the fat clouding your mind.


You can volunteer and still be nasty. Im talking about how you treat people.


You can volunteer and still be nasty. Im talking about how you treat people.


No, you're talking about how I treat YOU.....And I still help your dumpy ass when you contact me out of the blue because I'm not a nasty person.....But outside of that, you are just too ripe for derision.


I didn't know it was such a complex question.


She's basically saying she leaves it to other people to decide....people aren't very good judges of themselves.


No, you're talking about how I treat YOU.....And I still help your dumpy ass when you contact me out of the blue because I'm not a nasty person.....But outside of that, you are just too ripe for derision.


I dont see you being nice to anyone who doesnt agree with you. And you gave my address to crazies who want to take away my child so yah you arent nice at all in my book.


She's basically saying she leaves it to other people to decide....people aren't very good judges of themselves.


You should know if being a nice person means anything to you or not. You should know if youre attempting to be nice...if you have good intentions or mean harm to others. Its not that complex.


I think people genuinely dont want to look out for each other anymore and thats why they voted for trump.

lol, that's funny I blame him for my general fuck everybodyness >:D


It's like why even bother with niceties anymore, we all gonna die


I dont see you being nice to anyone who doesnt agree with you. And you gave my address to crazies who want to take away my child so yah you arent nice at all in my book.


Gotta find a scapegoat for your stupidity.....I really didn't know what you were talking about until Majin posted, but let it be known....YOU gave her your address, dumbass.

Guest Zintar

This Old French word came in turn from a Latin word nescius that meant “ignorant.” At first, English nice meant “foolish” or “frivolous.” Later it came to mean “finicky” or “fussy.” Not until the 1700s did nice come to mean “pleasing” or “pleasant.”


You should know if being a nice person means anything to you or not. You should know if youre attempting to be nice...if you have good intentions or mean harm to others. Its not that complex.


Your argument is basically like saying there are good people and bad people....you should know it's not so black and white.


You're gonna murder me!?  :o


*reports to FBI*


Nope gonna force you to watch every film Adam Sandler ever made

Including Jack and jill


Gotta find a scapegoat for your stupidity.....I really didn't know what you were talking about until Majin posted, but let it be known....YOU' gave her your address, dumbass.


Why not lie about it when everubody is stupid enough to believe you. Yes i gave her my address by giving it to you so you could give it out and post pictures of my house.


Gotta find a scapegoat for your stupidity.....I really didn't know what you were talking about until Majin posted, but let it be known....YOU gave her your address, dumbass.


So this thread is a continuation of the dead thread from yesterday?


Nope gonna force you to watch every film Adam Sandler ever made

Including Jack and jill


OK....so kidnapping and torture. *reports to FBI*


lol, that's funny I blame him for my general fuck everybodyness >:D


It's like why even bother with niceties anymore, we all gonna die


You have a point. We are all one tweet away from our collective demise.


Why not lie about it when everubody is stupid enough to believe you. Yes i gave her my address by giving it to you so you could give it out and post pictures of my house.


I covered every single street and house number on that pic....BUt yeah, ou keep rolling with whatever your chiclet sized brain has cooked up for this conspiracy.


I covered every single street and house number on that pic....BUt yeah, ou keep rolling with whatever your chiclet sized brain has cooked up for this conspiracy.

YOU showed her the pic only to help her get my address so yes its YOUR fault and anything that happens to my kid because of it is YOUR FAULT. i hope your wife moves away from you with your kids so thry dont become little assholes like you.


Its my job to help people at their most vurnable stressful time in their lives...duh. you dont give a shit about anyone but yourself and your kids up to a point.


You get paid to do that, you aren't doing it out of the kindness of your own heart you refuse devouring sow.


I think people genuinely dont want to look out for each other anymore and thats why they voted for trump.

That's dumb. People voted for Trump because they thought their interests aligned. That's true of every candidate in any election.


But let's say almost half the voters chose Trump because they don't want to look out for other people. How would voting for Trump affect these people in a positive way?


YOU showed her the pic only to help her get my address so yes its YOUR fault and anything that happens to my kid because of it is YOUR FAULT. i hope your wife moves away from you with your kids so thry dont become little assholes like you.

Yeah, Buddy, it's YOUR fault that she abuses and shared her plans to illegally sell them. YOURS.


What is that like? I've only ever seen you attack like a poodle, or maybe a chihuahua.  :it:


You do realize that a standard poodle is quite a large and vicious dog, right? Not to mention that more people are attacked by chihuahua's than any other dog.


That's dumb. People voted for Trump because they thought their interests aligned. That's true of every candidate in any election.


But let's say almost half the voters chose Trump because they don't want to look out for other people. How would voting for Trump affect these people in a positive way?


Lol you think trumpers know how to vote in their own best interests?

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