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In the mean time, why not give Karma instead of likes?

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It's been their secret evil plan all along, give us a like button and then remove it while leaving the evil karma button...





I've already done that a few times.. Thanks for reminding though I haven't been doing it.  :fap:


+1 Karma


because nobody likes me


that's not true....you have "girl" in your title....




Because if I'm not getting any karma points

Why should anyone else?


because they're cooler than you  :L


But I want to know who likes me and whyyyy




your tusk avatar terrifies me....no karma for you




The only problem with using "karma points" or whatever, I'm still curious as to what the intended use for that was

supposed to be..but anyway you can't track who gives you karma, and I always liked to see who actually hit the like

button on my posts, or atleast what post got me the like in the first place. That actually kinda lets you know what

other users might find funny or likeable.


The only problem with using "karma points" or whatever, I'm still curious as to what the intended use for that was

supposed to be..but anyway you can't track who gives you karma, and I always liked to see who actually hit the like

button on my posts, or atleast what post got me the like in the first place. That actually kinda lets you know what

other users might find funny or likeable.


good points all around, but remember that this is a temporary solution to people's lab monkey-esque need to press a button when they like something...


yeah, I was just stating that it's not really an equal alternative. The like button should n't really be at the

bottom of the list of things to fix in my opinion, but I don't think it's anything to get your panties too

wrapped up about either.




your tusk avatar terrifies me....no karma for you


It's from that great scene at the end where he's living in that shitty walrus exhibit and looks up to see he was just fed a fish by his old gf who's standing there with fat Haley Joel Osment and realizes he wasn't always a walrus and makes an inhuman crying sound


Buddyroe your like to post ratio is godly... I've never been one to care about statistics, but damn bro.


Bossin' this shit.


It's all Scoobdog and Pooh......They can't help themselves.

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