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No I don't mean something of a sexual nature I mean what's that one little thing that will excite you every single time when you're playing? For me and I know that I will be in the minority in this but I love water stages. I don't know why but they'vealways been my favorite stages to play.


Being asked or allowed to interact with a cutscene. Not a quick-time event, mind you, but those times when you'll be asked to trigger an action within the cutscene to interact with what the character is doing. For example, in MGS3 when you can look through Snake's eyes or fire his gun during specific emotional scenes. Or in No More Heroes, where you have to be the one to make the swinging motions to finish off boss characters mid-cutscene.


A sense of stylishness works too. It's hard to describe, but there's certain motifs in Suda51 games that honed in on this like music that cues up with in-game actions or splash screens for boss battles. The menus and loading screens in P5 scratch that itch too.

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