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Everything posted by garbagepailcat

  1. They make such a thing?!
  2. I’m going to bake her a special puppy cake. She always thinks that anything happening in the kitchen is for her, so this should be a pleasant surprise. I’m using a recipe for this cake.
  3. Thanks. I want about a hundred more. I have pictures of my most recent ones. all of these were taken right after they were done, so they’re nice and juicy.
  4. Mostly. There are animals though.
  5. I have 11ish tattoos, but I don’t want to post them, mostly cause I don’t have pictures of them and don’t feel like taking any. I have a hummingbird carrying a nicotine flower on my back, a dragonfly from a coheed album on my sternum/stomach, the last unicorn on my thigh, a ruby, a peach, and a botanical illustration of a blackberry plant all on my left arm, two mandalas on my chest, a Junebug on my ankle, and a shitty stick and poke flower. Whoops. Forgot one. I have a house fire on my shin.
  6. I also have the flu, and I’m infecting errbody cause I can’t miss school.
  7. Your bacon looks like it was cooked appropriately, and I’m proud of you.
  8. this is one that takes me back to ninth grade every time I hear it. I was actually supposed to see them perform this whole album tomorrow, but the lead singer got the flu and cancelled the rest of the tour.
  9. @mumbojummie13 that’s rad. I’m jelly.
  10. Man, I’m still stuck liking emo/pop punk music. I still listen to TBS on a monthly basis.
  11. It’s awful. I’m dying. Like legit. I might be dying.
  12. Same
  13. and party on, dudes
  14. That’s a pretty good theory. I got my first phone when I was like 12. I do. I have to hold my phone differently to use my finger.
  15. I use my thumbs. I thought everyone did until I noticed someone using his right index finger recently. It looks so uncomfortable.
  16. I know how it is. My boyfriend bought me an engagement ring, but I still keep thinking he’s going to figure out how bad I suck at some point. I think I’ll be married for ten years and still wonder “does he really even like me?”
  17. I have these same thoughts. Try to just go with it. If it works out, great. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t.
  18. Huzzah! We got less than an inch, and I haven’t had to leave my house in two days. Hoping for day three cause it’s not going to get above freezing until tomorrow afternoon.
  19. Escape rectangles pixel portals electronic distraction machines
  20. SG exploits their models. Also, 1. find yourself a girl that isn’t intimidated by the female form/sexuality and masks it with jealousy and 2. watch real porn, ya 12 year old.
  21. Happy birthday!!!
  22. Sweet. Found her.
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