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Everything posted by garbagepailcat

  1. Already covered that.
  2. orange fluff mother Mary A snake
  3. And dicks
  4. @Still Me I fall in love a little more every time I see that cat. She’s literally perfect.
  5. Further on the topic of a fence, she’s a boxer and will jump right the fuck over it.
  6. @Nabloom omg that hop and your reaction are equally as funny.
  7. She wore the socks long enough for me to take a picture and the sweater for about an hour. Lol.
  8. We have a really big yard and it would be impractical and too expensive to fence it in considering that I’ll be moving for grad school and taking her with me in less than a year. @Distortedreasoning she has a leash that I walk her on, and she has a runner, but she’s a boxer pup with tons of energy and needs to run. @Nabloom thanks for the helpful information. I’ve been looking into the fences that give a warning beep or a little vibration before the shock. She’s really not all that bright, so it might be effective on her. I’ve heard of people using the manual shock collars with hunting dogs and working miracles with them, but yeah, sad stuff.
  9. Ms. Dolly Pawton I also have a plethora of cats, but they’re not wearing Christmas sweaters.
  10. I get confused about the terminology for those specific big cats. Either way, we aren’t supposed to have mountain lions in our area, but there have been reports of them for decades. People have caught them on game cameras recently, so they’re definitely in Georgia. The department of natural resources denies their presence though cause there isn’t a substantial population. It’s weird. They’re like creepy big ghost cats.
  11. The Picasso of our generation.
  12. My doggo keeps running into the neighbors’ yards and barking aggressively at them. The issue is that she doesn’t know the boundary of my yard and thinks that the neighbors are coming into her territory. I’m reasonably worried that someone is going to get scared of a barking, growling 50 pound bully breed and shoot her. With that that being said, have any of y’all ever used shock collars or the electric fence things? They seem kind of inhumane, but I’m starting to think that it’s my only option if I want to let her run around and get exercise.
  13. Too blessed to be stressed
  14. Spoonfuls of peanut butter
  15. Will you please draw this sleepy bear basking in the sun?
  16. You are literally three of me. Let’s wrestle.
  17. I basically live on junk food, and Reese’s are my favorite.
  18. I feel you. My dog destroyed one of my bras recently. Bras are fucking expensive.
  19. Mmmmm. I ate like 15 Reese’s trees in the past two days.
  20. I’ve never watched a single Star War, and now I feel left out.
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