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Puppy Power
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Everything posted by scoobdog

  1. I was going to recommend beating up on fuggs, but she beat me to it with her stupid. Unfortunately, the only way to get over someone is convincing yourself that you don't need them anymore. In theory, it shouldn't have to be said that a confident, intelligent woman doesn't need any man to make her worthwhile, but sometimes old gender stereotypes and meddling friends (who mostly mean well) obscure the fact. Things will turn around for you once you get your new job and you start working in the field you trained for. People will see you for the valuable person that you are, and you'll feel better about yourself.
  2. A huge loss. (INB4 Mochi)
  3. Kowing you Phillies, that was just the chaser.
  4. So, when did you decide to start speaking like a walking talking stereotype full time?
  5. Yes, but everyone should know that "California Rolls" aren't traditional Japanese sushi (though they certainly could be considered authentically Japanese). Making the distinction is less about insulting the attributed cuisine as much as it is appreciating the actual source cuisine.
  6. So, what you're saying is that fuggs thinks everything raw cold she gets at any asian restaurant is sushi?
  7. If you didn't take the job, what would you have to write about?
  8. She couldn't have survived that...
  9. Whether or not it's right to assault someone is completely inconsequential to the "right" to espouse one's opinion. Opinions are not eligible for protection. That doesn't mean you can be stopped from saying whatever you want, it just means that you aren't entitled to a fair appraisal and response just because you feel it's a fair opinion. People who express opinions that are universally deemed as offensive have no reason to expect that they will be heard.
  10. He means that's something a four-year-old says when someone asks him why his daddy is on vacation to San Quentin.
  11. Are you incapable of reading contextual content?
  12. Sure you are. Are you going to defend him when he gets his ass kicked by an angry parent, too?
  13. From a purely anthropological standpoint, I think it's reasonable to assume that humans are supposed to consume both plants and animals in a balance based on type and amount of activity. Our bodies would not have lost the ability to adapt diet to meet nutritional requirements based on availability, so, in that sense, our dietary requirements aren't undefined.
  14. Lol. So, kiddie rapists have a right to their opinion without being assaulted too, right?
  15. That's certainly true, depending on the kinds of allergies one can develop over time.
  16. For the most part, Freud is studied less for the specific interpretations and more for the process by which people attribute symbolic value to actions.
  17. Oh.... Well, that's different. Dude is straight-up full of shit.
  18. Did you just compare eating red meat with smoking? Lol But seriously, though, even in that example you left out something that his doctor said that no doctor ever would "Do [this] and it will take care of your affliction." No doctor would ever even guess at a cause for a condition without doing a full work up or having a previously done work up in front of him/her. I'm pretty sure Buddy would be more open to not eating meat if it ordered to if the reason was more pragmatic, such as a requirement for an accurate test or even as a test itself to see if it has an effect.
  19. Is there now?
  20. I'm with Buddy on this, and not because I think he should be eating red meat. He's very clearly making a diagnosis based solely on superficial and incomplete information - whether or not he's right about the diagnosis, he's clearly wrong about how he came to that diagnosis. Also, he's not asking Buddy to take out red meat, he's asking him to be a vegan, which is a fairly extreme diet change with no real justification.
  21. How does that make him less of a racist again?
  22. Because he's a smarmy douche? I mean, even Bucket hates hipsters.
  23. Why? So you can turn green with envy?
  24. I've heard plenty of stuff about how consuming red meat can cause build up in your arteries, but no decent doctor is going to tell say shit like going vegan will cure things. That alone is enough to dump him and find someone who knows what the fuck he's talking about.
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