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Puppy Power
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Everything posted by scoobdog

  1. Chris Isaak Wynton Marsalis
  2. Sounds nasty.
  3. No, it just means you're not all that bright. You don't usually address people by pronouns within earshot, so it rarely matters how they identify.
  4. It doesn't matter. Just harder to get action on a lighter ball.
  5. Those amazing hips though......
  6. Having to care for an aging cat is just the worst. I mean, I do it without complaints, but it's gut wrenching watching someone die of old age or terminal disease and being helpless to stop it. I think you've earned the right to take a break from that, but it's still commendable that you would consider an special needs pet in the first place.
  7. 100000000% better.
  8. I'm with Phillies on this one. Coming up with good jokes is hard work if you're not at your freshest. I recommend a naked jog around the block to get you going.
  9. Lame
  10. His schtick isn't just boring, it's fucking depressing too.
  11. A collage of the exact same screen over and over? Yeah, that's not how collages work.
  12. The beer's for me. Also, ten pounds? That's a light ball.
  13. Bowling is fun, but only with lots of beer.
  14. Ginguy liked your post; now I feel guilty.
  15. No, it isn't.
  16. You done good.
  17. I don't see a problem. It was in play, not dead ball. Edit, oh, you mean the bump. There was nothing to it - guys get bumped all the time and its not malicious. Maybe instead of flopping, he should have done a better job of covering his man in the end zone.
  18. It was a stiff arm. What's scumbag was the dude flopping when Rodgers bumped him, then getting burned for PI on the next play.
  19. Totz legit.
  20. scoobdog


    That is quite frightening. Have you taken steps to improve your own safety?
  21. Bad advice is bad. The whole "Learn Mandarin" thing is just silly. This really came about ten or so years ago when the Chinese economy was surging, and there was speculation that there would be opportunities as China moved into the second spot. Since then, a regime change hasn't really opened up anything and their economy has started to sputter. Given that, there is no suggestion that Mandarin is threatening to become the international business language, and attempting to learn a language there is little chance of using is a waste. (Of course, if she's interested in learning the language on its own merit, that's something entirely different and of value.) Conversely, learning Spanish still has immense value considering the large immigrant population in the United States.
  22. Sure, but you better up your game, son.
  23. scoobdog


    No reason for it to be autobiographical. You can very easily create a fictional protagonist as a stand in and embellish the story as you see fit. You have talent for storytelling.
  24. I was going to say "shut up, mochi".... but, really, this is the kind of post this thread deserves.
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