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Puppy Power
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Everything posted by scoobdog

  1. I was like "C'mon, how bad could it be....?" ... But now I think her reaction is warranted.
  2. That video was worth one like and eight karma points, one for each kick.
  3. By the way Zeni... When you say you're good at "a couple of things," what might you mean? It sounds mysterious.....
  4. No, I think you're just interneting wrong. You should be getting bombarded with seamen.....
  5. Some people ruin it for the rest of us upstanding gentlemen. My name is Hugh Johnson, by the way, if you ever want to look me up.
  6. You get no relief because you don't do what you're supposed to.
  7. But, seeing as she doesn't know the difference between average and median, how do we even know what "doing OK" means?
  8. Probably drowned it in dressing too.
  9. At that, it's probably more of a sarcastic jab. It's no secret that Southerners are constantly at war with their own food.
  10. I drink AO on rare occasions, but like Dane, the sugar in those things is just way too much for me. You should at least stick to wheat beers if you're averse to the hoppiness of regular lagers.
  11. No, you still abuse medication, eat poorly, and drink too much.
  12. Usually, if I don't know what I want, I convince my self that I'm not hungry and leave it at that. If I'm so hungry I'll eat anything and there is no time, it's a bottle of lightly salted peanuts.
  13. Wouldn't know....
  14. Wow..... It's a bad day for big dick....
  15. With those fire hose nozzles? Guess it depends on bed bug boy's manly touch.
  16. I don't need tears, only the tears of my enemies.
  17. Sounds like fun.....
  18. Maybe she got a 99 in trig because she let someone suck her titties....?
  19. See I would have gone with .... "But instead of spaceship math the title's premise refers to all of the things prison bf stashed in his ass for his beloved fuggs......"
  20. Well offering "catering" services for crackers on death row is pretty time consuming, and it's not going to be "like a teenager's" forever. (LOL, JK)
  21. Helps when you get the name right, brah...... Seriously, though, I remember how much trouble he had making Mjölnir his SN because Lithium couldn't register the umlaut.
  22. Haven't seen the Hawaiian Hammer here yet. Love that guy.
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