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Puppy Power
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Everything posted by scoobdog

  1. No time = Can't
  2. At least we have something to remember him by. *sniff*
  3. Yes, you should. I'll drink with you.
  4. I have to wonder how many of these are actual Fakepark memes and how many are people parodying Fakepark..... For instance, if it mentions a certain League of Calamitous Intent..... ....it's probably Fakepark.
  5. Thankfully, she knows better than to listen to this bad advice.
  6. Tears so beautiful.....
  7. That's what Sark gets for giving up the fire water.
  8. Good game, 'bama....
  9. Remember when Westiepoo was creeping on his bestest Buddy?
  10. Dere you go, hoss..... Wait.... IS THIS MEME TRU?!!!!!!!!!
  11. None dat be tru, do.
  12. Fair enough. I mean, there are plenty of reasons why a guy might be self conscious, but, on the whole it's not an issue for most men. Most guys don't go to the bathroom to have a conversation or hang out (they're not designed to be conducive to either), so it's strictly business. There isn't much reason to be concerned about getting looked up and down or criticized.
  13. Some dudes insist on going to the exact opposite end of the line. As a matter of comfort, it's probably a good idea to give at least one urinal gap so as to avoid the aforementioned splash from another urinal, but most of the time, those urinals are filled up so it's moot. The whole keeping other guys' dicks out of the peripheral vision is just being insecure... or I guess it could also be mild homophobia too. Either way, it's foolishness.
  14. There are no real "unspoken rules" to speak of, other than the obvious - no gawking, no unsolicited conversation, keep the splash to a minimum. There are some that insist on the urinal buffer, but that's silly since anything other than a sports venue is unlikely to have ten urinals in a row.
  15. I post at work, at a job I can't be fired from.
  16. What Dane said. I'm still shocked, but you certainly have the temerity to face down the Big C.
  17. Dear God. Not much I can say to that other than you are in my prayers.
  18. Sure, as soon as you find Mr. Amazing, I'll be sure to ask.
  19. I like to bake cakes and pies. So both.
  20. Uh... might want to wait for the winter storm warning to be lifted first.
  21. Pankcakes. If you can't make it off the back of your 4x4, god knows where, with a camp fire and a rusty skillet, its not worth eating.
  22. I know I shouldn't ask... What does "real" man mean besides actual prison cred?
  23. That is fucking hilarious every time you use it.
  24. Made you look!
  25. How so? Not eliminating, but why the EPA wants to keep outdated tech?
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