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Puppy Power
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Everything posted by scoobdog

  1. Happy Valentine’s Day to u2
  2. You remember that place you guys had dinner at in Long Beach? Well, there’s a concreted in river on the perimeter of the property behind a WalMart. About a 3/4 mile south, that river meets with another one. All of it is more than big enough for a 100 year flood, but the area is still low lying so we technically are in a flood zone.
  3. I think like was being said, at some point only people who have nothing to lose will be willing to stick their necks out for a lame duck administration, so resigning is more about protecting one’s own future prospects than it is about stopping the inevitable lawlessness.
  4. Is the real Mr Carswell.
  5. Yeah, it’s a female empowered response to the decidedly heteronormative biased Valentines Day. 4-H used to celebrate it here, I think - it’s a great idea for a holiday given how toxic masculinity has kind of corrupted the spirit of the original.
  6. That's fucking beautiful.
  7. I imagine he’s taking a page out of Musk’s playbook. It’s the newest iteration of putting on glasses so you don’t get decked,
  8. I wasn't sure if the Super Bowl ad he put up was legit or not. Something about him spending too much on a grill so he couldn't afford a longer ad. It was too bland to be a parody, but it was creepy enough to be vintage Kanye.
  9. You look as amazing as ever.
  10. He did lose his wife in a car crash.
  11. That is the silver lining, to be sure.
  12. Made by noted Japanese appliance maker Toshita.
  13. What's that dumbass going to do with that many eggs? Trade them for untaxed cigarettes of course.
  14. The account pilfering threat isn't non-existent, it just isn't by the known actors (beyond the people identified who are perpetrating the breach). There's a middle ground here - everyone doesn't need to be going to extreme lengths by closing accounts, but they should be monitoring for fraudulent use of their identity and unauthorized access to their accounts. It's bad enough that people you don't know are authorized to look at your information in government databases, it's infinitely worse when those people aren't authorized and are not compelled to use established security protocols while doing it. If you're content to assume that DOGE is taking every possible avenue to protect your information, then that's you. I am not content to assume that and objective observations support that discontent.
  15. Happy Birthday, Tempty!
  16. Convincing everyone that he or she is a genius is a common feature of the self-made success story that the proletariate idolizes and is emblematic of a select group of thoroughly unlikeable assholes. A lot is made of the fact that he isn't the engineering genius he presents himself as, but that's almost beside the point because success at the upper echelons of the corporate leadership is entirely dependent on one's ability to mesmerize investors. Musk would be an excellent CEO if he didn't defeat himself with ill thought out words and action. He's hardly the only successful CEO that stumped for and supported Trump.
  17. People forget that Musk didn't invent his way into big tech - he started out by creating a startup digital wallet service that ended up being bought out by what is now PayPal. HIs focus has always been on creating a digital financial service, and it sometimes gets overshadowed by his foray into SpaceX and his eventual investment in Tesla. Little known fact: he's a graduate of Wharton, just like Trump. If that doesn't tell you the quality of his financial acumen, I know a man in NJ who is a big wheel in the silver market.
  18. Exactly: It's really easy to have it happen without you being gullible. I get like five or six of them a day, and they're all easy to spot. However, I wasn't really paying attention a month or so ago, and I got a random text from a highway toll agency (I thought) and I mindlessly clicked on it with my credit card info only to be snapped back to reality when my credit cards didn't work. Only then did I start paying attention. Its compounded by the fact that you can't just dismiss a phishing email out of hand - you have to actually read the thing and double check the information on it (without opening any links or attached files of course) before deleting it. Utilities, city governments, the IRS and the state all send bill reminders by email and text in addition to credit card companies, so you have to actually take a look before dropping it in the trash. If you're like me and in a hurry, it take a matter of minutes to brainlessly click on it and end up exposing yourself. Now, imaging some dudebro that's just out of college and overwhelmed...
  19. You’re conflating a systemic security breach with a personnel breach. Most Americans live with the specter of an aging computer code that’s exploited or a network that’s overloaded. But those are singular flaws in highly complex processes; hackers, even state sanctioned, work in teams continuously over months to find the proverbial needle in a haystack. A human security breech is a variable that is reactive and unpredictable. Humans don’t make the same mistake in the same situation because their frame of mind is constantly in flux. Nine of ten times you won’t click on an email that’s an obvious phishing scam, but that tenth time may coincide with a distraction that impedes your ability to see the scam or there’s a particular phrase that changes the scam enough to create a blind spot that affects only you. One hacker sending a limited rotation of phishing emails relentlessly to a known bunch of inexperienced kids is going to have about the same degree of success as the team of hackers. Add to that the fact that a human has access to multiple networks in a compact and convenient way that a server does not. This is a human with access to multiple critical networks at once. So, no, it’s not maybe worse, it’s definitively and objectively worse.
  20. Has a long standing physical entanglement with the monster under his own bed.
  21. I gotchu, Wacky. The whole bank account thing is more of a red herring to get people angry about what the real problem is - that Musk and his team have access to the actual disbursement system and can block payments that were already authorized. Actually changing your account is an arduous process and it can wreck havoc on your ability to pay most bills, not to mention damage your credit report in the process. It's not something anyone should just do as a precautionary action. That being said.... The very fact that Musk has access to actual account information is still extremely alarming. Musk has proven in the past that he is a terrible manager of a tech company, and the fact he's allowing a bunch of unknown jerkoffs to rummage through all that data while having no track record when it comes to implementing best practices and safety and checks should not be lost on anyone. It doesn't have to be these INCEL douches - all it takes is an enterprising hacker somewhere in suburban America to figure these idiots out and use the uncontrolled breach by Musk as an opportunity to steal data. It bears repeating: Elon Musk is looking at your personal data without anyone checking to make sure he's handling it with the utmost security. That is a golden opportunity for bad actors to come after your money and your identity.
  22. Taught Jerry Buss how to rizz.
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