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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. They gave him what he wanted, he did it! Absolute mad lad.
  2. Read the comments section, it's more fun.
  3. They did establish that he is at least somewhat intelligent. They haven't done much with that, but it's there. Bakugo is 3rd but I couldn't find his pic. It's surprising that he has better grades than Deku, but I guess it was there to show that he actually tires and studies, and he wasn't just blessed with a good quirk.
  4. It's funny how so many people who read our comic thought I was japanese through my novice understandings of Japan.
  5. What are the rules we're going with for werewolf? Transform at will or only on a full moon, and can other things trigger a transformation? Do you retain control as a werewolf or are you a mindless beast killing the first thing you see? As with vampires are we going with old school rules? Can't enter a home unless invited, Can only rest on soil from their native origin, Can't cross running water, Have to count grains of rice, sand, or dirt if laid before a door, do holy symbols kill/simply hurt or do nothing at all, Do you have complete control over any thralls you create?
  6. Stealth weeb is the best. One of those things where to anime fans its obvious but to everyone else it's just a mask with lil corgo's on it.
  7. I remember back when I got my first deer when I was 12. Ate the raw heart right out of it and drank a handful of blood. Also found a picture of the first squirrel I hunted myself. They said I hid by a tree and pounced on it like a cat. Since I watched all kinds of animal shows and read animal books when I was little I think I adopted ambush hunting from that. I remember how I used to go down to the creek and just sit in the water with only my nose up above water. Would sit there for hours until a duck would come by and I'd grab it then walk home with fresh Duck. Also have a not very well photographed picture taken of me recovering from when I got attacked by a Buck in rut and killed it with my bare hands. Had big cuts all over my chest from it kicking me and a shiner that split open. Things are crazy strong and aggressive in rut. Sure as hell wouldn't advice walking in the woods this time of year without a gun or knife.
  8. Yeah I wish Phealous did less toy reviews and more film stuff. I assume him doing them less has something to do with his falling out with the channel awesome crowd. He used a lot of cameos in his early stuff to write jokes around. There were segments like in Pulse where he cut out all of the scenes with Jewario. Though then there are videos that he did with Doug and Brad that it would be impossible to edit them out. His problems with Brad are more between his gf Lupa/Alison and Brad's wife. After Lupa was kicked from CA and Phealous quit, one of Lupa's fans tried to Swat Brad and his wife at her dads Funeral. Brad's wife was justifiably pissed and felt that Lupa told her fans to do that. Lupa said she never would do that; which turned into a how dare you accuse me argument. So their beef with each other is more through proxy. Really weird that shit hit the fan like that considering that they did videos with Brad all the time for his midnight review stuff. Horror related though this one reviewer is pretty entertaining. He has two characters that he plays being Dr Wolfula and Ghoulash. It's similar to Phelous in some ways in that there is a lot of cringe to get past, but it grows on you.
  9. Thanks my phone camera kinda sucked there at picking up the little detail stuff. I think the horn was something passed down, and he just added my name to it and gave it to me when I started hunting. My grandpa died when my dad was 6. If you remember how cars and tractors used to need to be cranked to start. Our tractor had that and it locked in and rotated the crank back breaking his arm; which led to a bone infection that killed him. So Buck was probably the closest thing he had to a dad growing up. Makes more sense though why my Dad originally was going to name me Buck, but mom wanted my name to be Hunter. No idea why she wanted Hunter, it wasn't a common name in the 80s. My brother had the more meaningful names already with both my grandfathers names as his first and middle, so I got named after a sport/hobby. So now he just has a puppy that he named Buck. He's a lil chungus. Though I doubt my dad didn't like the guy considering he keeps trying to name things after him.
  10. I think that Kubo's use of it is more aesthetic. Japan overall does a poor job of teaching history. In America at least when I went to school History was a large bulk of what we learned. In Japan knowing history is more of an otaku hobby. It's more imperative in Japan to learn math and science since they're more likely to use that for a job. In comparison, I researched what the average Japanese History textbook weighs and its about 1.28lbs and covers "all" of Japans history that the government feels is important for Japanese to learn. In comparison an american textbook covering only the Revolutionary war weighs 3.75lbs. That is just one subject for our countries history that is much younger than japan. Japan glances over WWII, it is covered but only elaborated upon if the subject is taken in college. So the Japanese don't fully understand the significance that the rest of the world has for things like Nazi imagery. Part of the reason why these uniforms look as fashionable as they do is that they were made by Hugo Boss; renown fashion mogul who's company is still around today, much like other famous nazi brands like the VW and Fanta. So the japanese for the most part just see it as a cool uniform because many don't know the history behind it.
  11. 320lbs was when I played football, ran an under 8min mile and lifted all the time. Now I don't do any of that shit and I'm more like 430lbs so those sleeves are heavy as fuck lol. Doctor says my metabolic rate is pretty much junk in an era that you don't have to hunt and gather for food, but would be great in survival situations. Doctor speak for tough luck fatty some people have to work for harder to just be a lower rung of morbidly obese.
  12. 5'8'' 135lbs I mean it has to be you, who would pretend to be a manlet. I think I was 12 or 13 here lifting Hippie Doug into the celling. By the time I was 15 I was 6'2 320lbs as seen at the falls standing with my older brother. Kinda miss having hair though.
  13. I just called him Buck, but his friends and my dad called him Blind Buck. I at least hope that he took it as a term of endearment. Either way I'm too stuck in my ways of saying Native American. I'll say the other term but it really doesn't come a natural. I'll post a pic of the horn. It has some names and map stuff off it. I have the one part covered because my name is also on it.
  14. Kubo it's hard to say you don't like Nazi's when you keep drawing characters that look like Nazi's and your vision of heaven is a place with the abbreviations SS.
  15. What about best president quotes
  16. I thought we weren't allowed to say the N word anymore. Isn't it First Nations People now? GF had a college class for Native American Studies, professor outright says if you use the word Native when you mean First Nations People on any paper; you're getting a 0 for the whole thing. In a class called Native American Studies. I only ever knew one Native, which was what he was cool being called. He was old and died a few years ago, used to date my grandma. His name was Buck, but people called him Blind Buck because of the cataracts. He made me a powder horn for my muzzle loader out of a cow or buffalo horn. Nice guy last of his tribe and family were probably the only ones who could claim to have been in this town longer than my family.
  17. Haven't shot any humans myself knock on wood. Either way you should give your local shooting range a try. They have gun rentals, if nothing else it's good to familiarize yourself with firearms. The more you get used to guns the less anxiety you'll have over them. It's like when you were 15-16 driving a car for the first time. When you familiarize yourself with how it works it becomes mundane. I was raised around guns my whole life. My dad would even have me walk around with an unloaded shotgun while he hunted so I would learn how to properly hold the gun around people. You always need to be aware of where your muzzle is pointing. It's very easy to forget and just turn and suddenly you're pointing your gun at a human by mistake. Only ever point your gun at something you intend to kill was a lesson that was drilled into me growing up. Something that you might find of interest is less lethal alternatives; like plastic/rubber bullets. There will be a much greater chance of your attacker surviving. Using a less lethal alternative may also show the court that you were using your weapon purely for defensive reasons. Many attackers will stop attacking once shot by any firearm regardless of shot placement or caliber, simply due to the mental stress of being shot. Many people though would advocate against using less lethal weapons as they fell that if their lives are in danger that they should use more lethal means to ensure their own safety. To each their own.
  18. I remember when they gave Trump the song Jump to use for free to use when he was first running for president. The song that told people that if you didn't like the way it is that you might as well jump and end it all. Just amazing bass player, cancer is a hell of a thing, especially throat cancer. Hope he's still rockin it without the pain.
  19. Back in January I remember everyone saying a bunch of anti-gun stuff and that only neo-nazis and dumb rednecks would need to own guns in this day and age, I mean come on it's 2020 think of the school children. How fast that opinion changed. Check up with your local shooting range they should offer classes. You'll probably get a teacher wearing a MEGA hat, the only place I ever see those anymore are at the range or the gun store. Ask to shoot different calibers and models of the same caliber figure out which feels right for you. Ask questions about brands as well. Also keep in mind that if you do shoot someone that you'll then have to defend that you were in the right to shoot them. You will most likely be detained in which case ask for your lawyer and remain silent until they arrive. Cops may try to milk a confession out of you or pin another homicide on you for no real reason. I stress that you should say nothing until the lawyer is there, because if you let slip that you had a chance to walk away and didn't take it, then you may have just given them evidence for a first degree manslaughter charge. They'll ask you questions about your gun, when you bought it; why did you buy a gun, did you know this person you shot. They're pretty much fishing for a way to say you preemptively bought this gun for murder and that your attacker was innocent. You go to court and they figure out if you are guilty or not guilty. Either way you're going to be stuck with court fees, these can sometimes go over $100k-$300k. Also there is the possibility that you are sued by your attackers family, this is more common if you killed someone robbing your store. Though this is all real shit that they neglect to tell people about self defense and gun ownership. It's set-up to work against the victims of assault. So yes own a gun but also know what you're getting into. The idea of self defense is that you're pretty much paying a shit ton of money to the court to not be dead.
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