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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. I have eaten all of the bugs on that list, out of them meal worms are probably the better tasting. Grasshoppers are bitter, have wings, and spiky legs that you need to break off. Crickets aren't bitter like grasshoppers and don't have wings, but they have the same issue with legs, and you have to break off their head because it's too hard to chew and sucks to swallow. The worms taste best if they were raised on fruit. If you eat ones that were raised on wood pulp then they'll taste like sawdust.
  2. Marathoned through Overlord and Jitsu wa Watashi wa the other night, now I'm reading the mangas. I liked some of the things in overlord that were added to the battle scenes. The manga just doesn't seem to capture battles nearly as well. Jitsu wa Watashi wa was alright, but it skipped a lot of stuff in the manga. The only issue with the manga is that faces sometimes are off model or lower quality at times. It's either a case of the mangaka trying to rush and being sloppy or he has someone on the team that can't draw faces.
  3. It's seriously only hipster Glenn fanboys that are bitching. They act like his death was exclusive to the show and only used for the sake of shock value. Except he dies in the comic roughly the same way. Abe's death was a bit different because in the comic he was shot in the head with a crossbow. Still I found it funny how there were ten thousand reviews saying how the walking dead is failing, then a black guy with a tiger shows up and everyone changed their tune. I still don't know how many time that I read the term "over-the-top" or "unnecessary" when reading about the deaths. It's like like people hate continuity, at least if it goes against their head canon.
  4. I watched it a couple of years ago. I would say that it's probably the best haunted mirror type movie ever, really better than a movie about a haunted mirror should be. What's even more of a shock than it being a great haunted mirror film, is that it was produced by WWE studios.
  5. I really wish that this film series could have been rebooted to run closer to the original games, and less over the top crazy insanity.
  6. From what I remember this was going to be a found footage film, but that concept was dropped since found footage has fallen out of favor. Since then I have read that this will be more like a texas chainsaw/ house of a 1000 corpses type movie, where we get to see the dysfunction of Jason's family ie his mom and dad and young sister. So I'm thinking this may play out like the Rob Zombie version of Halloween. Where we get a first half of the film that shows Myers as a child and his dysfunctional family, then the second half plays out like the traditional movie. Really it's almost too similar if they do it like that, because we found out most of this information in Jason goes to Hell. Jason's dad was an abusive drunk, his sister was a baby and put up for adoption after the mother died, and the mother was overly protective of Jason. It's like how Myers dad was a drunk, his one sister was a baby and put up for adoption, and the mother was overly protective. I think most fans don't like to see a sympathetic character become evil, which is why many didn't like showing Myers as a scrappy trailer park kid that snapped, and I doubt will enjoy a bullied mongoloid child becoming the highest body count slasher of film history. It's like how Freddy Kruger was a pedophile, but all the original films glanced over that aspect. It was brought up but it wasn't the key trait of his character that people think of. The reboot they overly emphasized that he was a deranged pedophile, and took away many of the wise cracking quirks that people associated with the character.
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