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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. Agree, hell you've seen the drama squad get bent out of shape when I post fanart or even stuff that's actually in the anime or manga. Yeah it's entirely some odd socially ethical brownie points system. It's worse when people from the 80s and 90s put on that act. It's like you fuckers lived through the most offensive period of television and the internet, and only now are you getting offended by things like fanart, fanservice/beach episodes etc. I've seen some people online being "upset" over this anime. It's like you cocksuckers must have watched an entirely different series than I did in the past, because Inuyasha has always had stuff like this.
  2. You know there probably someone in Japan enraged that they are putting 14 year old hags in their anime.
  3. The pearls seemed to be the key to the Demon Tree of Time reacting and sending them to the future. I don't think the parents are imprisoned in them, but if they're like the black pearl that was Inuyasha's eye then they are more like gates.
  4. made a thread for this back in august https://unevenedge.com/topic/51989-inuyasha-sequel-yashahime-princess-half-demon/?tab=comments#comment-1077959
  5. At the moment the pearls don't make a lot of sense. Like I couldn't see Kagome allowing their daughter to be given something that will make demons want to hunt her. We know that they're going back to the Feudal era at some point since the first episode takes place in the present time where they rescued Towa from a demon and feudal lord. The 2nd and 3rd episodes are recounting things that have already happened.
  6. It's really a problem with any cast that has more than 5 characters to focus on. Character development just gets lost in the shuffle. Though the character is pretty much the Mangaka's self insert that he sees himself in the most, so nothing is ever going to happen to the character.
  7. I doubt he'll gain respect from fans even if it turned out that he was a genius. Unless they give him some sort of transformation that makes him handsome and charming; I doubt people will change their minds. Daos pretty much summed up what I was saying in less words. He lacks redeeming qualities. They have showed him finding ways to actually make his lame power work.
  8. That's pretty much the case. I always thought it was just a pet name for us growing up. Then never heard it spoken by anyone else until Clerks 2. Apparently it's the most well known thing to mankind up there with the superman logo and George Washington on the $1 bill. Funny enough clerks 2 came out a month after I first joined ASMB. So there was at least a month of me being on the boards where I was entirely ignorant to the meaning of that word.
  9. Honestly I didn't even know that was a slur until this movie, so I was like 16-17 when I found that out. My mom used to call me, my brother, and my cousin that because we would hang out on the deck a lot of the time instead of going out into the woods or yard to play. Figured it was just a fun name to call us.
  10. So pretty much this
  11. I watched the video which reminded me of the bit from the podcast. I came in here expecting the video to be way more cringe than it was though. You're acting like I saw a bill burr thread and said "fucking finally! A Bill Burr thread, now I can tell everyone about shit his gf/wife said/did 5 years ago. Here let me put on my trucker hat and get the special dukes general lee beer koozie for my pabst this is a special occasion! ". So yeah calm down, you get offended too easily.
  12. So I'm passively racist, because I remind you of racist people you grew up around is what I'm gathering. As for this topic I was reminded of a podcast is pretty much the extent of depth I guess could be gained from it. I think what you were saying though is that even though I'm not taking part of any sides, it makes me an enemy of both sides. I get the weed and booze part. Pretty much why I was just like fuck this in my teens. People started getting into hard drugs, cop and other gang fights were getting more common, people were selling each other out. Tweakers will betray you at the drop of a hat. Everyone was just dropping dead left and right.
  13. No that's just the facts of what her and bill said about her on the show. It would be like me saying Trump has Covid, and being told that's just my opinion. me - say things they talked about on the show you - how could you have that opinion
  14. If that means I make comments without the intent of there being a deeper meaning then yes. I have no context of what any of what you said means.
  15. Fuck it's been longer than I thought since I've watched that podcast then, no idea he even had kids. Weird that bill is still beating topics that were talked about on his podcast years ago for a new SNL bit. Really I don't have an opinion on her. She just sounded super crazy on the podcast back when I watched it, and I just figured that's how she was. She might not hit her husband, get in street fights, or have strong views against the government and lgbt month anymore. Bill just gotta let that shit go I guess.
  16. Seems kinda like goal posting the issue just to defend the character. Everyone in the group recoiled at the idea of him asking someone so young to bare his children. Either way I think my point was made, If you'd rather I could just switch it to another beloved pervert who has a 12 year old pose naked for him to inspire his erotic novels. Minita's problem I think is more with his design and lame powers over his shit personality traits. People are more forgiving of shit if they want to be like or bang a character. As perverts go Minita is on the lower rung compared to ones who came before him. The thing is that everyone tries to go the easy route and say their problem with the character is he's a pervert. Then they'll talk about how great characters like Jariya, Roshi, or Miroku are. Also probably doesn't help that many people have conditioned themselves to be outraged by things they find problematic. In Japan Minita isn't hated. He even placed ahead of some characters in the 3rd or 4th popularity poll.
  17. Are they married now? I don't have any problems with her, but I was pointing out that it was a bit shit did on the podcast. Didn't say anything about her black pussy... I forget which podcast it was where he talks about Nia hitting him and if she didn't stop he was going to leave. I think prior to that she kept screaming at him to hit her like a real man, then he said no he's just going to leave. Then she cried and at the time she hadn't hit him since. It was either the one where she was in a brawl in front of the M&M store in NYC, The one where Nia goes on a rant about lgbt being more accepted than blacks, the one where she just goes off on America being the worst country on earth, or the one where they talked about Bill not liking to check out of hotels or cancel memberships. Those are the only ones I remember listening to before I stopped listening to them.
  18. I don't get where this "not fair" comes from. It reminds me of how JFK and Nixon were actually very similar presidents, but Kennedy had looks and charisma. If it weren't for Minita then Tsuyu and Deku would both have been killed in the first arc. So even with his trash ability he has proven to be useful. Miroku was given an over powered ability that they had to keep dumping drawbacks on to keep it in check since it could solve nearly every battle in an instant. "if this crack gets any larger I'll be taken in by it", "oh no Naraku's poison insects", "Miasma!". Not only does Minita get a shit ability, but they also give him drawbacks ontop of it like his head bleeding and passing out if he overuses it. Also I seem to remember an episode where Miroku asked an 11 year old to bare his child. He says that he meant when she is older, so I guess that must make it okay. Unlike when Minita said that Eri is going to be quite the looker when she grows up.
  19. His GF is black and a feminist, he also considers himself a feminist. His rant about gay pride month was actually a rant his GF had on his podcast about gay pride month and lgbt rights. She also goes on rants about white women a lot. A lot of the podcast stories are him just saying how she must be trying to get his ass kicked. She's one of those people that will drop the whole history of black oppressions at the drop of a hat, then start hair pulling and fighting if they try and walk away. She says she's just "expressive" and can't help it. Bill even talked about how her hitting/punching him had to stop or he was leaving her.
  20. Being a Buddhist and being a Monk are two different things. The wiki says nothing about Monks. Like I said I think the series more implied for him to be a Taoist monk. Taoists don't revere Buddha, but they do show him respect as they do all ancestors. Either way my point was to more examine why exactly Minita is as hated as he is; despite very "similar" characters being beloved in other series. There were some translations I read a while back that Hori wanted the series to be much more violent and darker, but his editor fought against him on it. Apparently he's gotten a new editor a few weeks ago. Many think that it has to do with the manga going into a darker more serious arc. So there could be a chance now of some characters dying off. I think that his first editor though explains a lot of the lopsided writing; especially things set up early in the series. Hell the series was originally going to have Deku be a batman/iron man with no powers and his first editor made him change it. The one story I heard is probably bullshit, but it slightly changed Todoroki's scar story and relationship with his parents some. "originally" the manga was going to show Endevor being abusive to his wife, then Todoroki would have tried to protect his mom and got burned my mistake. Endevor then puts the blame on his wife saying that the burn was caused by her ice powers. The editor supposedly didn't like that and it was changed to what we got. Don't know how true that is, but it did make way more sense with how early Todoroki acted. That was years ago though and could have just been shit people on 2chan were saying would make sense that people on 4chan took as it's how it was meant to be. As for minita though, being a gag character the only way I could see them killing him off is if they have him do something super heroic; and I imagine everyone will bitch about it as well. Either way while I do find the character annoying, I think the abundant hate that the character gets in america is for more superficial reasons that are forgiven in other characters of the architype.
  21. It's brought up multiple times in the series to remind him that he's a monk, and he brings up that he had taken a personal vow of chastity. He also talks about how he won't give into the evils of temptation etc. It would be dumb for the other characters of the series to constantly bring it up. Also Monk's can not have kids, or at least is seen as a rejection of the teachings of the Buddha. I think what you are actually thinking of are Taoist monks. They are actually encouraged to marry and have children due to the religions base on ancestor worship. Miroku seems to be an odd mix of a Taoist and Buddhist monk. He does wear black robes which is something that common among Taoist monks, also using seals is more a Taoist trait than Buddhist; but he brings up buddha multiple times in the series. It's possible that the mangaka didn't know the difference as 39% of the population of Japan don't follow a religion.
  22. Yeah but with the boys it's more like just hanging out. The girl ones all have innuendo that the guy ones lack. Like Rock lee and Naruto go to a hot spring and lee just says it's relaxing and Naruto just does a sigh. Same goes for some of the female ones though to. Like Kurenai wants to take Naruto to eat. Though she just goes wholesome mom mode and makes him eat a salad. I guess foreshadowing her as a motherly type. I guess she was already that way with Hinata at least. There's also one where Anko and Kurenai go to the hotspring to act as bait for Jiraiya who is peeping.
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