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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. If you have it on your tablet/phone/console it's the same app. Amazon I'd say the website is better than the app. Streaming services usually have better apps though. Netflix plays better in an app than it does in chrome. This is because chrome will adjust your video quality on the fly so that it can have more of that yummy ram for itself to run background processes and extensions. So even if you have a video set to 1080p, chrome after a while will often down scale it to 720p and hope you don't notice. If you've ever seen your vids stutter, but no buffering timer pop up it's because chrome is fucking with your settings. I've heard firefox does it as well, but it has an easy to access option to turn off. Chrome's takes more digging to find and turn off, but if you turn it off it's going to ask you every time you're on netflix to enable permissions for that site.
  2. Unless you're doing twitch shooters gaming monitors are overrated. It's just going to be easier to find a monitor than it is to actually research tv brands to get what you want. Agree though that an ultra wide monitor will be better than multiple monitors. Multiple monitors do have some uses though. Especially for streaming setups.
  3. I think that's more of the horror of it, is that you have something dead coming at you. Resident Evil though is like oh, yeah a human can be cut in half or have their windpipe destroyed and still be alive. Undead that's just silly we're grounded in "real" science after all. Just let us have our undead zombies capcom! I feel like I would have had a better reception with "infected" zombies had the cause in 28 days later not been so damn stupid. I couldn't get over "Rage infected chimps". I would have liked not knowing over knowing that the spread was from and infection of Rage. Also that this CDC level stuff in the UK was so low priority that not only was it easy for people to get it, but it was easy for the virus to get out. Return of the living Dead had some incompetence going on for not being able to gather those Trioxin canisters that held the original zombies. Though I don't even think the UK people had a real lock on the door for the apes. It was like a rabbit hutch or something that anyone could have opened.
  4. Where do you stand on Cordyceps? The fungus that turns things into zombies
  5. A fun trivia bit for Return of the living dead, is that it takes place in the made-up town called Willard that the people from Night of the living Dead were trying to get to. I talked to Russo probably 7 years ago and asked him about if things were still rocky or if that stuff was water under the bridge. He said they were fine. Everyone was just heated back in the day because everyone got fucked out of money. Back then you had to have the copyright at the begging and end of the film. The film was going to be called Night of the Flesh Eaters, but last minute they were told that there was already a film named that, and they'd have to change it. Romero changed the tittle card and end credits to Night of the living Dead, but forgot to add the new copyright to the title card, so the film instantly became public domain. So Russo wanted to make a film to try and recoup losses, but Romero had his own films he wanted to to do so they had that court case where Russo was given the right to Living Dead, while Romero got the right to call his films Dead. Either way he said that him and Romero were eating lunch together while their lawyers were fighting it out, and fans just blew things up like they hated each other. I actually went out fishing by the bridge where the old farm house was a few weeks back. There is a new farm house there now, but the barn where the gas pump was is still there.
  6. For a flight game I'd think frames would be more important than resolution. Also it may be wiser to go with an ultra wide monitor or research even a low latency tv than it is to run multi monitors. As for GPU if you can wait it's often for the best, but games honestly haven't improved a lot the past few years. I've been running a 1080ti since 2017 and it's sill hitting 100+ fps at 1080p on a 1st gen Ryzen 7 cpu. Also the days of SLI are pretty much dead. Very few games support it anymore and the bulk of games and applications actually fight against it making frames worse.
  7. I think that the infection should do something to the body that changes the chemistry enough which will kill us. Though also make it more resistant towards changes in weather and repel things like insects and animals. If the area were hot then flies would have a corpse destroyed in days. Also in the case of living zombies I hate the idea of getting infected by a mosquito that had infected blood. There would probably also have to be something going on with their hearing and vision. Our eyes and ears pretty much rely on easily damaged thin membranes. So unless something changes biologically when they reanimate they'd be blind and deaf within days. Also possibly problems with micro tears over time. Our body is always healing small tears in our muscles daily. In the case of a zombie that wouldn't be happening, so after a while they'd just shamble themselves apart. Even in the case of a living zombie they still have limitations like getting too hot/cold or dehydrated. Hell in survival mode a normal human can only go 3 days without water. Imagine one that's running around like a mad man trying to find pray. It would be dehydrated within hours.
  8. Resident Evil factoid about the T Virus is that it was actually a failure because it wasn't deadly enough and had a minimal spread radius. This is why they began experimenting with it on leeches and reptiles. It's weird that umbrella tests things on humans first and then moves onto animals, but I'm no scientist. As well 10% of the population were immune to the T Virus which was considered not good enough.
  9. Unless it were a very small wound it would be difficult to hide for a long period of time. As well zombie wounds tend to either cause necrosis of tissue, or prevent the wound from healing; usually being platelet destruction, anemia, and infection. As for amputation it more than likely wouldn't work. Your blood circulates through your body too quickly. I looked up how long an injection takes to reach the brain from the arm, and it says under 4 seconds. So even if it were possible to cut the arm of in 2 seconds a lot of the infection would already be spread through your body on its way to the brain.
  10. Wesker's reports talk about vital functions stopping before reanimation I believe. Though I think that's all code veronica, wesker reports, or umbrella Chronicles info. Though RE 3 Remake having the graveyard scene removed with zombies coming out of coffins and graves was removed apparently as part of the retcon of the Zombies not being dead while it was in the original.
  11. It's relative to death. If the person is alive their body will fight the infection making it take much longer. When they die the virus can quickly infect the body. Makes no sense though if you go with the retcon that the zombies are all living people and not undead.
  12. No it's not outright specified, forgot to mention that. Though after Dawn Romero really started pushing the plague as some retribution for mankind's transgression. When you think about the times, the space probe cause could also be seen as that in some way, as there were people back then that felt that space travel was sacrilegious. Really I think it was more him just changing his mind a lot over the years. He did that with the character Ben in Night many times. "Ben was really just written as a white guy, but Duane just gave the best line read. I didn't think anything of it at the time". To later saying that it was planned that way, to which others working with him had called bullshit. Especially since the script had Ben originally written as a dumb trucker.
  13. Why not just do it yourself, you're going to make your family old yeller ya, or risk killing them?
  14. In Dawn it was a last minute line added for a walk on character that George felt would be a good add in for the scene. It wasn't even in the script it's just something the guy said. In dawn the message of the film was "wei're them and they're us" but "when there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth" was a better tagline. Though in Night and Dawn the zombies would still eat anything living. In Day of the Dead they introduced a Spiritual Jamaican that would talk about things like a soul, and had the zombies refuse to eat anything other than human flesh. While night and dawn showed that the undead retained some level's of problem solving and habit formed memory. Day and land of the dead showed that the person is still fully in there and hadn't died or moved on. Though yeah the space probe radiation always gets forgotten as the cause of everything. Romero changed his mind several times on a lot of the things in the dead universe. Kinda weird that he had the final say so on all of that and nobody ever brings up Russo who also wrote night of the living dead and directed Return of the living dead. Though I guess that was part of the court deal where they went separate ways.
  15. If the dead are rising I'd assume boarders are getting closed. It'll be full martial law not just a quarantine. As well for the infected are we going with fully dead zombies, or just rabid humans? Fully dead zombies we would have to assume the virus has some form of preservative in it that will kill the host then reanimate them. There needs to be a preservative because our brains will turn to literal liquid in a few days without something to stabilize it. As well in the cold it would have to have some anti-freeze property. Even if the zombie were to freeze solid in the winter, something would have to protect the brain from being damaged from ice crystals. It's the reason why humans can't just freeze ourselves, our cells get ruptured from the ice, while things like reptiles and amphibians can avoid this. Also side note Cargo was a pretty good film if nobody has seen it.
  16. Pretty much how the dawn of the dead remake film did it. As well to the lesser extent 28 days later films. It's fine for action, but there's no suspense in it for me. It's like someone gets bit and had enough time to yell fuck, then someone tries to treat them and they instantly turn and bite them. There needs to be time for that shit to sink in.
  17. Anyone else pre-order the dawn of the dead 4k blu-ray set? Or am I the only zombie nerd that will dish out $100 for a movie.
  18. Dumbest thing introduced in Day of the Dead and later used in the Dawn of the Dead remake was that Zombie will only eat humans. I thought that was dumb as hell. I think Romero had his head up his ass for that period. After that line in Dawn of the Dead gained popularity "when there's no more room in hell the dead will walk the earth". He changed the zombies to be more of a divine retribution against humanity. In Night of the Living Dead it was just from radiation brought back to earth from a Venus Space Probe.
  19. I always got somewhat that bites don't count so long as they aren't in a cut scene in terms of infection. Also RE gets a little confusing with how it's wanted to treat it's zombies. They've tried to retcon them into not really being undead, since they wanted people to embrace other b.o.w's. They just made it that the metabolic rate goes into overdrive to an extent that it begins to breakdown the body making them appear to be zombies. Crimson Heads are an advanced stage of metabolic acceleration. Except they forgot about that in the remake when they just have zombies crawling around missing half of their body.
  20. I'm in the camp of hours to days. Mostly depends on how long it takes for the infection to kill them before it makes them turn. I did like how it was shown in dawn of the dead the most though. Rogers character slowly degrading and mentally regressing. It was more impactful than Cooper's daughters death in Night of the Living Dead where she got bit and just went catatonic for 8 hrs.
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