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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter
What if it is Pluto, like the Actual God Pluto! All Pissed off that nobody cares about Pluto anymore.
It was the 80s, that was just a common trope of what the future would be like. If not mutants than shit like cybernetics. 90s batman kinda introduces splicing to the series, so theres more of an explanation of where mutants come from, but done later. I think in the comic though they were born from industrial waste. In the comics batmans ethics were more murderous than they are now. There was a whole comic where he walls up KG Beast for trying to kill Ronald Reagan, then taunts him for days until he dies of thirst. That's some poe black cat shit. Later on batman becomes more of the moral compass of the justice league. This mainly comes up when Dr.Light who is oddly used TTGo as a comic relief villain. The reason Dr. Light isn't used in anything other than a kids goofy adaptation is because aside from being a light based bad guy, his other favorite thing to do is rape young women. He does it so much that the league has Zatanna change his mind to not rape. Batman flips shit and says this is wrong to just change someones mind; and he'll have to whistle blow on all of them for allowing this. In turn they erase Batmans memory And then there was the time where batman invited Green Lantern to discuss differences, in a room that he made entirely yellow, wearing a yellow bat suit with yellow paint on his skin and drinking lemonaid. For those who don't know Green Lanterns powers don't work on yellow.
I think it could be more to do with them being owned by Sony than worries of piracy. That or they realized that people on pc using the app aren't using their garbage web player and getting hit with ads on their site. The app was more streamlined than their site and had a better video player. You also had to have a funimation subscription to use it, so it was more of a premium feature than the trash one offered for free by watching on their site.
The funimation now app for windows is no longer supported. I was able to watch some stuff on mine but it was buggy as hell. Watching in your browser isn't using the app, it's using funimations garbage video player. The app will still work on xbox and ps.
Anti semitic groups have been around well before the internet. Really it started out with like 2 dozen students protesting the removal of a statue of Robert E Lee at the college. Then counter protesters showed up. Then the Klan saw a social media post about it an showed up to defend the other protesters and shit just snowballed from there. It wasn't organized at all, shit just escalated. Also it's the same like I said how history moves in trends. It's all the same shit that happened in the 60s and 70s same shit different day. It's like back in march when I said when we'd be getting the first covid vaccine or how long the shortages will last. I was right because I looked at past events and noticed that trends happen in a predictable pattern.
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Assassination Classroom premiers 8/29
HardcoreHunter replied to EmpressAngel's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Yeah I'm really hoping that they elaborate on the arc and fix some shit. Everyone pissed and moaned about that because "omgz that's filler you want filler in a series". First off the retards didn't realize that the whole concept of bhtsy was a satire of filler; and yes if you are fixing something it's fine imho. In defense of Kubo even the guy was being rushed and was sick, I doubt that mess that we got was his real vision for what he wanted the arc to be. Though against Kubo the guy has a record of shitting the bed. It's the issue I have with fandoms, and when I was like 16 through my early 20s I'll admit I fell into it at times as well. That's this odd sense of brand loyalty and idolization of creators and series. I like Bleach, but I can point out it's flaws and still enjoy the series. I'm not going goal post arguments to try and defend a series I know has issues. I just had that argument a few weeks ago with the DF crew treating it like I'm posting child porn. It's fiction no different than watching a slasher film imho. I wouldn't call the cops on Kane Hodder who plays Jason, and I wouldn't demand a medal for carrying my team in a cod match. For people who get offended by that stuff find something else to enjoy. It's been the way it's been for decades. The fact that some people get upset by fanservice or violence in fiction is the dumbest thing ever to me. It's also very double standardized from my experience. Usually it's goalposters with something to hide that are crying the loudest about it. -
Assassination Classroom premiers 8/29
HardcoreHunter replied to EmpressAngel's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Sexualized drawings of may are a dime a dozen on even DA. The only triggered people I remember was whoever it was that reported it and later got banned because they were trying to start drama on my account while I was uploading during the ban, and I just reported them rather than engaging in a debate when they wouldn't knock it off. The drama after the fact was more that someone was just spamming that he uploaded child porn out of context. I'm thinking it was more someone Elfie pissed off over on DA at the time. Some of the people over there are just strange that would interact with us. I had one trolling me for over a damn year because I said I didn't like the final arc of bleach and that Fairy Tail's story and characters were poorly written. -
Trump got elected by a silent majority. Really I haven't noticed any drastic changes between him and Obama. Both were some of the worst presidents we've had in terms of actually doing anything. Trump is slightly worse for damaging international relations. Internet drama though isn't really going to affect the country as much as media hypes it up. It's at a point where companies aren't even caring. History moves in cycles and trends it's nothing new.
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Times Toonami had to air stuff no one really wanted
HardcoreHunter replied to Jman's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Have actually described it as that in the past. In the LN Kazuma isn't even labeled as a hero by the demon king, but a rival demon king based on all the stories they've heard of him and his group. Probably doesn't help that he's "recruited" a couple of the demon kings generals. Even the one in the movie was willing to support him as her new demon king. -
Assassination Classroom premiers 8/29
HardcoreHunter replied to EmpressAngel's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I even just looked it up Index has 74 episodes 0 of them are filler. Railgun has 63 episodes and 23 are filler. Most of Railguns filler though was in the first season where 15 of it's 25 episodes were filler. Season 2 only had 8 filler episodes, and Season 3 has had no filler episodes; but season 3 of railgun is the one people are bitching the most about because they didn't get enough cute girls doing cute things, and too much plot and fighting. The series has some slice of life moments. Though the fanbase that wants that as the bulk of the series are fucking cancer; because so many people who haven't gotten into index or railgun think it's just a teen girl sol show like K-On!. Rather than focusing what the show is really about. Girls getting punched in the face. -
This is a big issue with Anitubers. I remember this one last year that everyone was talking about with bleach. It was like a 2hr long fucking rant. It should have been broken into parts or time stamped, but it wasn't. I watched the whole thing and it was just rambling for over half of the video and calling out other Anitubers they didn't agree with. That's the other issue that Anitubers are very venomous towards each other. Rather than just putting up a video with their take on the subject they'll call out whichever person they're disagreeing with to stir drama. This is how you got views in like 2009 and even then it failed and just made toxic communities.
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@Distinct Lunatic Mark live in LA and I think this happens to everyone who is rich and lives in LA. You just get into this circle of preachy fart smellers that caused a disconnect. That being said I don't think he's as bad as he was a couple of years ago with that. I also think that he has channeled a lot of that energy into his side channel Unus Anus. Right now I'd say his biggest issue is his editor. Way too many edits getting thrown in, and it gets annoying after a while. I think it's because the editor has their own channel that they're trying to promote. Matt and Ryan were better editors but Mark I guess treated them like shit and they left for the game grumps, but they aren't even with the game grumps anymore. Game Grumps current editor was fucking cancer prior to covid because he'd just insert wub wub techno music and mlg air horns all the time. Either way I think Mark is still watchable most of the time. Jack I could never get into. He's always been far too spastic ADHD for me to keep up with what the hell he's saying; and his humor feels like it's aiming far below my age group. I didn't like the first LOU game so I haven't played 2. Even if the game were $10 IDK if I'd play it, I had no fun at all playing through the first one and it was far too easy. As for singular channels, that's bound to happen with nearly anyone. You have to release other content even if you're trying to milk a craze. I dropped angry joe back when he was crying on youtube over demonetization of a video he could easily have reclaimed. It was an interview he did about a new tomb raider game with the creator. It got claimed and he cried about it. Prior to that though his gripes with games became less angry about garbage features or bullshit devs do; and more being angry woke. Like review a fighting game and cry that a girls ass is hanging out and yell at sony that this isn't okay. Except from what I've heard of the guy is that he's one of the least woke people ever from his days on that guy with the glasses. Though he is a huge simp even back then from what i hear so who knows. The one story I remember was how he just worshiped the nostalgia chick, and she thought he was a fucking loser. He also raged because she did a casting couch with Doug and his Brother, and sucked Cinema snobs dick. Then she'd go back on her disney princesses review and say that they were sexist and felt bad that she enjoyed those films when pc woke was blowing up. Either way Joe was pissed that he couldn't get with her. Also full on wigger when he's out of character. He talks like he's lived his whole life in the inner city. First time I saw a video of him I thought he was caught being racist he was laying it on so hard. Eminem doesn't have shit on Angry Joe. Angry Joe reminds me of that black guy shorty from Scary movie. It was just so damn weird that that's his default. Game Grumps have been going down hill, the past 2 years have probably been the worst. They've hit a wall on stories; most of their shit is repeating stuff. They don't really have anything interesting to say about most of the games they're playing. Arin seems to think that they need huge studios to do this shit. IDK if covid is going to be sobering for them or not; especially since Dan keeps bringing up how when GG started they were still recording in Arins bedroom. They'd save so much money if they just simplified, but Arin wants to feel like a bigshot I guess in LA and make this feel more like a business
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The bubble on lets players has popped repeatedly, it just kinda keeps changing to new games. The thing is that it's next to impossible to guess what is going to be the next big lets play game like fortnight to be on the ground floor of and cash in. The big channels are successful to the point that they don't really have to follow trends until they either become super popular, or they set them. As for job experience you just say self employed/social media management, etc. It's pretty much fluff but not lying. You just have to know how to answer questions like what were your duties. "interacting with and reading user feedback; processing requests for future content over social media". It's pretty easy to bullshit those things. I got my friend a job as a graphics designer and they even gave him severance pay after it didn't pan out after 6 months. Because he is not a graphics designer by any stretch of the imagination. Though I can word a resume that good. Either way it is dumb when people bank their lives on youtube, and you should have a backup planned for if it falls out. Mark I think has done enough charity work to pad a resume and built enough connections that it wouldn't even matter if all of the millions he's saved up vanished. He has so many fans who are millionaires. I'm sure there are some die hard enough that they'd jump at the chance to give him a 6 figure income and employ him. Youtubers who I think are going to have a hard ass time when things go bust will be people like Game Grumps or Jon Tron. They seem to have no concept of money handling. Jon used to make very cost efficient videos. Now he wastes money on set dressing that nobody gives a fuck about; and his view numbers are the same as they've always been. Also he went from just him and like 2 other people to a whole damn cast. Arin and Dan seem like they can't hold onto money from the sounds of it. Arin is already telling people that he might have to fire some of their friends because of costs and covid. They just keep upgrading their studio every couple of years to an even bigger one and adding more cast and superfluous people. I remember him and dan talking about the personal trainers and the half dozen other instructors they have in their lives. The multiple trips to Japan; That shit is far from cheap. So no real sympathy for either of them when times get hard like this and money starts getting tight. Also they really over state how hard the work is. They work 8hrs one day a week. Yeah it's not easy I'm sure to always be engaging, but don't act like they script even 90% of the trash they talk about.
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The only FNAF youtubers I can even think of are Markiplier, Matt Pat/Game Theory, and Pewdiepie and all are still doing pretty good. They didn't get their start in it, but Matt and Mark pretty much launched their channels from it. I think Mark started with SCP videos which is how I started watching him. Matt started with legit theories that would get some attention. Though then he started scraping bottom of the barrel when he tried to do some live action show where people would reinact video game stuff, like doing the assassins creed jumps or mario jumps with a bungee cord, or playing cod with paintball guns; or as they called it for fucking ever just paintball. When fnaf came out and he started doing theories on that his channel blew up. Pretty much until his retarded sans is nes theory that killed his credibility, then shortly after having a feud with some content creator over fanart or something; where he was in the wrong but was being a bitch.
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Way ahead of you on that, but it's like wtf. They did this just to spite convenience because it's the same app that runs via xbone.
On PC I was having issues so I tried a fresh install of the app and it would no longer install. Contacted funimation to ask whats up, and for some reason they're not longer giving support for pc. Sucks because their browser stream is hot fucking garbage compared to the app, and the app already wasn't anything special.
Assassination Classroom premiers 8/29
HardcoreHunter replied to EmpressAngel's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Railgun gets a lot of filler/important plot episodes. Only like 10 episodes a season are actually canon while the other 14 are filler. While in index they're all canon. For some reason they never give it filler and just make more seasons. Though you'll get a few times where the girls in railgun go to a beach or bath house or explore urban legends. They also bring up that a pool is different from a beach so it's not doing the same thing twice, and they can try on different swimsuits. Man I wonder why Railgun has such merch sales. -
Assassination Classroom premiers 8/29
HardcoreHunter replied to EmpressAngel's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Touma is pretty good as an MC, Index though I'll agree sucks. The author gave up on her after season 1. She's pretty much just around as an excuse for Touma to be involved with the magic world. As for pacing only season 2 of index had good pacing. Season 1 would have been fine if it wasn't for the deep blood arc. Though I do like how Himegami being ignored and forgotten after her arc has been a running gag. -
Assassination Classroom premiers 8/29
HardcoreHunter replied to EmpressAngel's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Railgun gets more merch to sell because cute girls are more marketable and Japan be Japan. Index being worse though is more of an /a/ meme. It's weird that you would have dropped it during a big fight. The problem was that the animation team fucked up. They kept cutting out all the shit having to do with the underground organizations in academy city except for ITEM. Though then we're starting off season 3 having ITEM, BLOCK, SCHOOL, and MEMBER all trying to kill each other, and if you haven't read the LN or Manga you're like who the fuck are all these people and why should I care? So it was like oh these characters don't seem important to the plot on all these past arcs. Then leading into the biggest arc of the series they're like well fuck guess no better time than the present to throw everyone into some episodes. Even the members of ITEM you'd be lost as to who this crazy slut is unless you watched Railgun. The season wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as season 2 which was the best one. It just really suffered from this no build-up start of just dumping like 20 something new characters and lots of fights and explosions. Hell they kill a lot of the characters off screen because they knew nobody really gave a damn. /a/ though even remarked on how bullshit it was, and felt that it was only done to justify priory over the railgun series. Hell budget wise you can look at Season 3 of Index and Season 3 of Railgun and they almost look like different studio's made them, but it's just because Railgun was given so much more of a budget for its season to make sure everyone looks nice. -
Assassination Classroom premiers 8/29
HardcoreHunter replied to EmpressAngel's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Index has 74 episodes railgun has 73 episodes Accelerator has 12 episodes So all together there are 160 episodes if you count the movie as an episode. -
Assassination Classroom premiers 8/29
HardcoreHunter replied to EmpressAngel's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
It's not, early on they even joke about it. Touma says that he never even noticed this giant tower that goes into space before. Everyone then just makes fun of him for not noticing something so obvious. Though as it stands it's no more canon than any of the one piece or bleach films.