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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. I read this as Frasier Robot
  2. Dad's GF got a new puppy. Not mine but I do get to play with the little chungus
  3. @OwlChemist81 I meant that for Elfie not me. Since he sin't going to have power at home, then he may as well go camping. It'll probably feel nicer than being in a house with no fan or AC.
  4. You doctor up your Spanish rice a lot? I make some cubed homefries and season them with taco seasoning, add them with the rice, peppers, onions and tomatoes.
  5. Nevermind I forgot they had to be weird foods lol
  6. Would cookie tables count? More of a pittsburgh thing than a state thing. I've been to weddings where the cookie tables outshine the wedding cakes.
  7. That''s not how trump does ballots
  8. Looks like some people tracked down some of the fandubbing she did in her teens. Tried looking up the video's but it looks like they got DMCA'd recently that were on youtube. Wow way to act like the victim after kicking the hornets nest. From what I've seen with Team 4 Star was that Funimation initially liked them until Toei found out about them and was like "wtf why haven't you shut them down". I went over most of that a while back when they announced that they were no longer doing DBZA. Then there are some voice actors who have some toxicity towards these bootleg dubs ie Sean's "I'm goku" rant. It's weird though now that we're getting people who started out on youtube. Getting into funimation, and then saying the same shit that Sean was spouting about legality and unprofessional etc. Unless they're running a patreon they aren't making any money off of youtube. It's mainly just them showing their voice talent. A lot of the youtube dubbers probably wouldn't even have gotten their foot in the door at funimation if it wasn't for them blowing up on youtube. Hell Amanda Lee and Christina Vee both upload english covers to songs to this day on youtube that they didn't pay the record company for.
  9. A sensible one. If I were DeMarco I'd delay it by another year for the back sass. My point is just use some patience. Feels like every week I hear more crying about schedule delays. The "kids today" rant doesn't even make sense because you were around back then. It's not like waiting for something is a new concept for you. If you were 11 I could maybe understand the tantrum of wanting instant gratification.
  10. It's difficult to think that everyone on this board can remember when we used to wait 6 months or longer for a dub; with how butthurt people get by having to wait a couple of weeks.
  11. I mean all we talk about is the block. The weekly discussion threads are about the only real action that it even gets.
  12. Stop trying to stir the pot I got spicy beef, throw some tajin on there and a fried egg.
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