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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. These ones all had nudity I edited out. If you couldn't tell then I'm good at my job
  2. Yeah the one where she's braindead So after 311 you can watch the road to ninja movie as they intended.
  3. Prologue to the road to ninja movie arc is episode 311. We already had an episode with alt universe Sakura in Road to Sakura where that universes Sakura ended up in the main universe in episode 271. The episode where Tenten goes there is episode 427
  4. That's still like over 120 episodes away, so still going to be like 2 years before we see it on toonami.
  5. Agree shame she only does this when she's getting ready for bed and has them in a bun the rest of the time
  6. TenTen from the main universe ends up in the alt universe somehow, and the interactions are mostly just her dealing with everyone being different. Also badguys are goodguys and the akatsuki are like a sentai power rangers team.
  7. The arms he has now are fakes that he made using Hashirama/1st hokage's cells. Pretty much the same way that Tsunade gives Naruto a new arm in Boruto. It was also used to explain Orochimaru's experiments with Yamato in grafting someone with the 1st hokage's dna. In episode 365 he gets his old arms back though.
  8. DA, 4chan, reddit depends on which forum I'm using at the time. Usually just end up in the 4chan discussion threads though.
  9. Also might I add that this filler story being told in the middle of a war. Was telling a story where the outcome was already known. It's like man I wonder if Hinata will ever regain her vision, in this story being told by her in the future that is using her special eyes. Also great that they had to establish that Tsunade was there and never had her check on Hinata's eyes seeing as she's a medical ninja, or have Sasuke in there despite giving him no real lines or relevance to the story.
  10. Naruto universe along with other long running shounen series would have done well to have alt universe storylines for filler
  11. https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Stephanie-Sheh/
  12. Those fireworks sure sound nice.... Also wtf they wouldn't have had Naruto just sit with her for the fireworks. I guess this is back when they still would try and tease the Neji ship and shitting on Hiashi's plans
  13. So they're pretty much saying fuck Hinata bitch can go blind for all we care... Really a shit moral sensei!
  14. Did they say Orochimomru! Also I think they forgot that at the time he couldn't use his arms. Getting his arms back was more important to him at the time than getting eyes.
  15. Yeah it's actually kinda rare for VA's to just jump back into their role, especially when they've changed the voice. These sound exactly like they did in pt1. Especially with this episode being dubbed well over a decade since pt 1 ended
  16. I don't use name searches. I just brows through all art and anything that looks good I'll save.
  17. The irony if she lost her byakugan from this filler shit
  18. Are you Implying that I slapped Hinata's tits so hard she went into a coma! That's a bold accusation! I'm going to kill that doctor for talking shit!
  19. He just keeps punching her right in the tit! They must have gotten big from Neji slappin them titties thousands of times. Now when she goes on her date with naruto he'll be all grossed out by her purple bruised tits!
  20. They way they're talking about all this training seems oddly sexual....
  21. It's nice that the VA's were able to remember how they used to sound
  22. Really have time for this story in the middle of a war
  23. Larger breasts but other than that the same character lol
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