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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. Kinda what I have said about RC and Family Guy was that they were doing it back when being a nerd or liking nerd shows were just starting to be mainstream. Those kind of nods were neat in the 00s. Now there needs to actually be a joke rather than just showing that a thing existed. Like just having a character look like sailor moon isn't a good joke. You're just referencing a thing that existed. There needs to be a setup and punchline. I think it's a mix of filler and stuff that happened.
  2. Hey remember that thing that came out in the 80s. Man we are sure with it on anime trends! I swear every anime they try to parody was from the fucking 80s. Jojo, Sailor Moon, Vampire Hunter D, Voltron
  3. The leading nations in the world in economics, medicine, and military? I don't think there are really any parallels being made between the BC world and our own.
  4. It's a japanese band and they don't speak english. All things considered I think they did well.
  5. Holy shit guys their queen actually does stuff. How is our kingdom so fucked!?
  6. portal boy is dying of thirst while asta is drowning
  7. I forgot to post this at the start T_T
  8. That's because of my mad edit skills lol
  9. She wants Yami or Asta judging by her wants in a partner
  10. fair enough I won't post dicks 😛
  11. Wonder if we'll ever get more development of her than just being lusted after by the portal bros
  12. Guess I shouldn't bother editing my nudes since they are okay :3
  13. The song for FF? It's pretty good nothing cringe about it.
  14. Fire force is talking like damn child services with their questioning.
  15. They more than likely still have all the files. It wouldn't be like they're editing the movie they showed in theaters. It would be the same as if they were still in the editing phase. Studio's tend not to throw out their film files like they did in the 1970s and prior. So you'd just have someone else come in and do the lines and the editor would add them in as he would any other voice. The amount of lines even grunts would be next to nothing. The price wouldn't be an issue either. One VA doesn't cost much to speak for like 10-20 mins. I picked Greg more as a joke to place how unimportant the voice of broly is which is ironic in him being the title character. They are pretty bad at writing Broly for these films. In all of them he's left as being one step up from a background character. I watch lots of subs. Most dubs I've watched I've even watched the sub first. Though DB series is one of those where I never can get used to the high pitched old woman voices for all the male characters.
  16. I read that as Goblin Slayer first, and thought; we didn't even get the series on here yet lol
  17. Broly has next to no lines. It really wouldn't have been hard for them to change it at the time. Not to mention Vic's voice on him wasn't exactly stand out. It's not like it was his role of Edward Elric where you can hear the voice and instantly point out that it's Vic. Broly's was just a Tarzan knock-off of grunt talk. The most he says the whole film is the flashback for his backstory. You could have gotten Greg Ayre's screechy broken voice for Broly and it would probably be as watchable. I mean I've watched it subbed with grandma voice goku. Still don't know how subbed fans can say that the 70 year old female cast for DB characters is preferred.
  18. Kais are meant to be creators. As the flip side they have a god of destruction tied to them. The Kai is meant to create while the g.o.d is meant to destroy. The problem with Goku's universe is that their kai were mostly killed by buu. Then shinn who was left was so hands off that he couldn't keep up with Beerus' destruction for petty reasons. The Angels are meant to keep tabs on the Kai and G.o.d and let the Grand Priest know who then informs Zeno of what actions he feels should be taken.
  19. It's all fake woke and manufactured outrage. We know people aren't as seething to the point of tears and suicide that they act on reddit and twitter. At best they have mild disgust and at worst they stop watching the show. The funi crew have been doing fanservice shows for the last 20 years. They were doing dubs for Highschool DXD and Keijo a couple of years ago. It's all lip service, they didn't pull any punches on ghost stories with the rape, gay, and black jokes. I don't mind because I felt it's funny, but they can't even blame that on it being something they picked up from japan. It was 100% shit they wrote and felt was funny. I have no issues with that though. What's annoying to me is the fake woke look that they try to put on now. Fake sincerity to me is worse than never caring in the first place.
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