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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. I doubt they'd care. Also doesn't stop funimation from selling blu-rays instead of redubbing his lines.
  2. DB and DBZ Giant ape is unstoppable DBS Being big just makes you a bigger target!
  3. Would have been better if we got the broly movie instead of batman but meh
  4. Would be funny if he had Yamcha's wolf fang fist as his ultimate move. Just all that build up and it's wolf fang fist.
  5. Yeah kinda dumb considering that they just explained that zeno was going to destroy them all anyway, but chose to do the tournament to allow one to survive. Though then they just bring it back to Goku being the bad guy as he doesn't throw the match
  6. Despite being a huge fucking jobber, Jobhan managed to end the match in a draw which is still jobbing in my book!
  7. I would prefer them just play pump the dragon.
  8. Yeah I don't think people knew what comfort was back then. It's not even cushioned, just has leather riveted onto wood!
  9. Well my great grandma lived to be 100 so it must be good for something. Also my greatx2 grandfather made the tetanus shot. So who knows what medicinal stuff my family was into.
  10. Is eating Dandelion Greens a thing in other states? I don't even know if it's a thing in my state, I just remember my great grandma would always make them. She also ate thistle root. I don't know how anyone would like these things. I mean I get it when times were hard, but when I was little there was a garden and grocery stores. You didn't have to eat bitter plants.
  11. My friend was...it bothered him and he quit doing EMT after 8 years of it. He said it was the kid stuff that got to him. I was EMT trained and certified, but I never did it as a job. More did it to try and help people who were in the gang because they were averse to outsourcing for medical help. Also I wanted to go into nursing school, but my health took a downward spike in my mid 20s. Found that I have an auto-immune disorder that is attacking my lung tissue.
  12. I knew they couldn't when I was a registered EMT, but I didn't know since I haven't renewed that in 6 years. Still if something goes wrong with a trache it could be a court case if they felt it was done improperly. Either way with my cancer surgery coming up in a couple of weeks, I don't really have the cash laying around for an attorney fee. My paranoia does get the better of me as well.
  13. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru aren't going to age. Inuyasha was 150 years old before he got pinned to the tree for 50 years. Sesshomaru is 900 years old. As for Sango and Kagome how did you want them to look? Did you want them to have half closed eyes Ara Ara thing going on?
  14. Feel like my heart is going to explode from all this damn stress! Seen a guy having a really bad allergic reaction, whole face was swollen purple and blue. His wife was trying to get him to swallow a benadryl which can't happen when your throat is shut. She had no epipen, He passes out just full purple. Gave him a tracheotomy and got a straw in him to open the airway. 15 mins for an ambulance to show up, after they took him I just bounced. I'm not sticking around and giving my info so I can get thanked or sued. Too much damn stress this month. Just PSA if you have really bad allergies that cause anaphylaxis; always have an epipen. If your insurance does not cover them, call them and ask if they can get your numbers for pharmacy assistance programs. These pens should be as readily available as defibrillators; they have an 18 month shelf life there is no reason that all buildings shouldn't have them as part of their emergency first aid . They shouldn't cost hundreds of dollars for consumers. It's disgusting that this is the case for many who are uninsured or their insurance refuses to pay. 15mins without oxygen can mean death, or at the very least irreversible brain damage. You can not rely on an ambulance to save you if you have anaphylaxis. If someone you know has anaphylaxis take an EMT course. The first aid skills you learn hold value even if you don't want to become an EMT.
  15. this popped up in my feed, so much nostalgia. It's weird to think that this came out 16 years ago.
  16. I never understand why someone would buy a pet that can live 60-100 years. Like if you're 25-30 you're more than likely dying before that bird. At that point it just feels irresponsible as a pet owner to do that; because birds pretty much hate anyone who isn't their original owner that they've spent years bonding towards. At least with a dog or cat you can have a good guess of your life in the next decade. Also birds screaming can make people go deaf. Friends dad had a parrot and when my friend was 9 the thing just screamed in his ear and made him go partially deaf in that ear.
  17. I haven't made mexican in months. I used to have some sort of mexican meal weekly. Most of the meat I have though right now is venison, and I don't want to mask the taste of deer with a lot of spices. Been thinking about smoking a pork butt/loin then finishing it covered with some beer, bell peppers, garlic, and onions making some carnitas. Add some black beans and spanish rice, damn now I'm hungry >_<; Aside from eggs, hash, sausage, and toast I really haven't cooked much this week. Have that surgery coming up in a couple of weeks to remove the rest of that skin cancer on my head. Think it's just been affecting my drive and attention to cook meats. I love meat too much to not give it my 100% undivided attention.
  18. So how'd it turn out?
  19. Animals for the most part love me. But there is just that level of companionship that you get with dogs that doesn't make me feel as bad as when it happens with a cat. Like If a cat runs into the other room or doesn't want to be pet. I'm like okay it's a cat. Though if a dog/puppy avoids me I feel like a piece of me has died. Be at someone's house, sorry can't socialize gotta be friends with this dog.
  20. Sorry I forget how good I am an picking pups >_<
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