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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. Random trump supporter followed me on Twitter Me: sprinkling your feed with anime and otome game retweets
  2. Bruh .... what's your problem with Allura?!
  3. Vamped

    Okay so

    Bruh ... keep your tornadoes to yourself. I decided to get groceries before the storm .... except I had to unload them in the downpour in my little rain jacket. I am soaked down to my underwear from my waist down Raincoat did keep the tits dry though
  4. ...."coochie hole" bothers me
  5. -Have y'all been on dates or just hanging out? -You shouldn't be worried about competing with a dead spouse because you can't. -Sounds like you're trying to strategically navigate your way into a relationship, just be yourself. It'll work or it won't -I think you're hyping up potential problems in lesbian relationships. What differences do you expect there to be in dating this particular person vs any other person you've dated ... single parenting aside? If anything, the single parent thing will probably be more of an adjustment because the kids will always be the higher priority and kids get sick/need things even if you make plans in advance or not I'm still the same person whether I'm flirting with a woman or a man so I dunno ...
  6. Vamped

    Okay so

    If you get super drunk before getting sucked up in a tornado you might survive ..... you'll probably die .... either way might be better to be drunk? ..... ... ............ Thanks for coming to my TedTalk
  7. I like how you raised my rent, attached a 100 dollar charge in addition to the raise because I renewed my lease right before it was up but the property manager didnt sign it until the next day but when my fucking oven goes out and needs repair .... y'all dragging ass about fixing it. Then somebody was in my apartment fucking around with this old ass air conditioner, looked around in my stuff to find an extension cord .... plugged the extension cord (you found in my apartment) into my surge protector to plug this mystery cord thats now hanging out of my air conditioner .... and didn't bother putting the cover back on right.
  8. Vamped

    Got gat

  9. No way I can pay them off .... but then no way I can buy a house for real without paying them off. I pulled some money from my retirement to pay off my car that got totaled a few months after I paid it off. That kicked up my income and my income repayment plan.
  10. Vamped

    Got gat

    how dare you
  11. 98% of the staff here are Filipino and they haven't taught me anything ... so I'm trying to learn on my own but I also need to learn some more Spanish for this one person. I was 2 classes away from minoring in French in college
  12. I'm glad. It sounds like you really like what you do and that you're at peace. I hear you on the student debt. Some days Im like ... do I even like what I do?! but then I'm like .... bitch you can't afford not to like it. You owe the government a whole house in student debt
  13. Duolingo does not offer tagalog and I am upset
  14. I mean .... it's not Mississippi and there's Dolly Parton
  15. Like .... ain't nobody telling these people this is a bad idea?
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